DxD: Matsuda!

Twenty Past Lives!


     Coriana returned that night and I told everyone that she and I were going to be alone for one night, while she and I delved into my subconscious dream world. I decided to do this to learn a bit more about why my soul interested Tiamat. I do not want my lost memory's or anything, but I need some answers to what may be affecting my subconscious. At least a clue to why I would erase my memories of past lives.

     Rias said she would let us do it but she insisted we be safe. I assure everyone that it will be fine. Coriana also told them that the dream world won't harm us. Well it can, if it can heal through time and space, surely there is some danger right?

     Before we start I just lay on the bed with Coriana and kiss her, then I ask,"Was everything alright in the Underworld, no regrets to leave the team?"

      She just smiles and wraps her arms and legs around me and says,"They are my very good friends, but my only thought was to get back to your side, and I am glad I did...I want to help you with any problem you have...Plus I too want to see your past life individuals. How can I pass up seeing my husband's past! No one else can say they will know you as well as me right?" I just nodded, then the two of us made love for a while till we were sleepy. Then while holding one another, Coriana activated her dream powers and we were off.......

      As the two of us show up in my dream space naked we both materialize our normal black outfits we like wearing. We still hold hands and look around.

     Coriana says,"Just think of finding the core of the eyes of creation, and we should be brought to the space where your souls reside."

     So I think of the place they may be, then from the right of us I see a Roman amphitheater-like structure, it is not super large, maybe the size of a two-story building. We then walk up to the double doors made of white marble and I push them inward..........

     A white hallway extends inside, so while holding Coriana soft hand we advance to where it is lit up......

     It is just like Issei's room but the sky is lit up in my space. The two of us are currently looking around from the place the stage would be, and there is a wrap around seating two levels high. And there are twenty individuals sitting around.....but........

     A Western Gold Dragon is curled up behind where we came in from, this massive dragon is the size of Tannin and Tiamat! This creature just radiates holy energy and might. If I was not so close, I would think the creature was carved from gold. I see a plaque at the dragon's feet so we both go near to read it.......[Died while redeeming a succubus demon lord, from evil.]!

      Coriana just mutters,"Amazing! you were once this amazing creature?" She then touches the dragon and pets it, I don't know how I should feel about her actions ha-ha.

     We then walked to the next man who we identified right away, I saw this image in the church in Kuoh! His plaque says.......[Died on the cross.].

      Then we look to the next one, it is a Samurai Warrior in white armor and his plaque says.........[Died fighting for his lord.].

     My hot wife just smiles and says,"So you were in Japan before....A real knight." She kisses my cheek. Maybe I knew Grace?

     The next individual is a well dressed looking noble boy from England and he can be older than eight or so.........[Died by kidnappers]! Coriana just squeezed my hand, noticing my complex feeling looking at this poor boy....so young......

      Next I see a slightly middle aged man with fire red hair in a man-bun in Wuxia cultivator robes, and he looks cruel, his plaque says......[Died when the Blue Pole Star was destroyed.] I just say aloud,"FUCK I died to that ice bitch in the ATG world! FUCK that god damn whore!!!!! She must be the reason I look at the moon! Shit!"

     My companion just worriedly asks,"Do you remember this life dear?!"

      I just shake my head and say,"No but I know who killed me! And that moon god can just suck it! Sorry dear, I think my soul just had pent up anger for how I died there." Damn I kinda lost it there, poor guy just did not know how or what killed him..........

     The next person is a King and not just any King!!!................................[Killed by La Fey]! I just look stupefied because this is God Damn King Fucking Arthur!

     I just look to the stunned Coriana and we move to the next person, a tall man and armor and weapon I know all too well....Thor from the movies!.......[Died in the Ragnarok]

     I just say,"This 'Thor' is from another world, or dimension.....I am speechless!" Coriana was confused till I explained this was not our Thor.....

     In a daze I move to the next life, and see.....OK Big G, you have a great sense of fucking humor!!!!! What or who I am currently is the very same Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars Universe!...........[Was killed by Darth Vader.]...Coriana looks at me and I just say,"No memories but this guy was a real piece of shit, I can't believe I was him.....Well maybe I was not totally bad?"

     Now I know why I had erased memories...because there were some shit lives here!

     I don't even want to know who I was anymore but my girl pulls me along. I see a young man that is holding a schoolbag, but he is obviously too old for high-school so maybe college?.........[Killed by bullying.]. Yup after being in the darkness in Star Wars this kid had no previous memory to protect himself....kinda sad. Coriana is looking at me with sad eyes seeing the plaques details of death.

     I just smile and move on, I truly facepalm hard enough to hurt and my woman at my side asks,"Mat what is wrong with this old guy, was he special? He looks like he was a ninja from Japan?" The person in front of us totally explains who Drunk Matsuda is or at least is fueled by!!!!................[Killed by Tobi]! Yes this fucker in front of me with a sad grin is.....Jiraiya from Naruto.

     "This was the world's most perverted ninja in history! And is probably the reason I have a harem and a drinking problem.....I love you Coriana!" Now to go jump off a cliff to end my life again!

     Now we are looking at a soldier from world war two, his name tag is blurred-out but his cause of death is...........[Died from friendly fire.]...Of course he did?!! Coriana is going to need therapy after all this......

     The twelfth guy was interesting......A caveman?!..................[Killed by a poisonous snake]. Not much to say here!

     This next one really threw me a bit, even Coriana recognized him! "Dear Mat isn't that ......Elvis Presley"........[Killed by a crazy fan.].

     I just walk away speechless while she is giggling behind me, now we see what looks to be a police officer from..Gotham!........[Killed by the Joker.] Damn, did I die laughing?

     I just move on to the next wacky life.......I want to cry, this is the biggest shame of all my lives I think, it is Ron Weasley....[Died to a killing curse.] I need a shower then lots of sex, then another shower!

     I don't comment on the last crap dude and look to the next one, I have seen his picture before! It is Billy the Kid.........[Died in a drunk gunfight.] Coriana just giggled at my face when I looked at how he died.......Drunk Me better watch is back!

     The next one pissed me off because of what Coriana said,"Wow you were cute in this life!" You have just dropped in the harem favorite list! Who my wife is complementing is sparkle cakes....Edward Collins, from Twilight............[Killed by a pack of werewolves.]

     Coriana, noticing my displeasure, just gave me a deep kiss and said,"Even if you hate your past self, that was still you and it brought us together! So stop pouting and when we finish here, I will take good care of you OK?!" She is getting amusement watching my face go between wanting to be mad and being super happy..So she pulled me to the next one.

     My sexual desire that was at a high just dropped at the next person...a small sick looking hospitalized child in an old-time looking bed...........[Died of lead-poisoning.]

     Damn what a fucked up life that was.......From immortal vampire to this.......I feel sad just thinking about him.....

     Coriana just pulls me to the next one saying nothing, a massive demon-king looking monster about ten feet tall with bat wings and an evil looking facade, I see after my child's death I purged my memories again and became a horrible monster. The aura of malevolence from slaughtering innocent beings is thoroughly on him..........[Killed by the Goddesses, heroes.]..."How many innocent beings died under my hands? All my built up hatred was spread to the world I lived in.....I left Sorrow and Regret everywhere?!" I noticed I was crying at this life of mine, Coriana was hugging me too, she can feel the evil rolling off this creature as well.

     She said,"Every monster has a beginning, perhaps this version of you lost everything he loved and blamed the world, we can't know right. Ask yourself, would you repeat his mistakes?" I shake my head no, then she pulls me to the final person.

     He looked like your average middle aged dad, with a smile on his face, like he was happy...............[Died to a heart-attack.]...So simple, he-me did not even remember it...and I was not in horrible shape, so just normal passing, no Truck-kun or COVID....Did not even push a cat or girl from a car.

     Coriana and I look around again and I feel sleepy........"I know why I want to live this as my last life.....Seeing all of this just makes me emotionally tired, Lets just go sleep my dear...."

     Coriana holds me and says in my ear,"You worked really hard to make it to us....I don't think anyone else could have sacrificed so much to be with all of us...Thank you!" She then kissed me and we began to fade from this space........Oddly enough as we left here, her words lightened my heart.....I will have to love all my girls even more now!

     A good night's sleep fell upon Matsuda that night...........................


Slightly more detailed background of the lives.......



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