DxD: Matsuda!

The Dragon Eater, Samael!

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     Now that we are trapped in George's domain, I need to give out orders.

     I say,"Koneko with Ravel. Knights plus Irina are independent. Queens with Rias and Kris. Xuelan with Asia. Issei, Azazel, and I are vanguard. Vali teams with Ophis. Everyone clear?! Balance Breaker, Satan Gold!" I transform and take the front with Azazel and Issei.


     We slowly advanced from the hotel restaurant to enter the large main lobby of the hotel. Sitting casually on a couch on the other end, we see two ass holes just chilling like they are fucking tourists!

     I say to Cao Cao,"You can't see it on my face but I am really-really happy to see you again! Wish you would have sent a letter to let us know you stopped by the Underworld so we could have given you a nice warm fire pit to rest in, ha-ha!" I give hand signs for the group to spread out.

     Cao Cao seems to not take offense to my words and says,"Gremory's, Governor, Red Dragon, and Vali team! It is nice that you brought us Ophis, this is what I predicted Vali would try a bait and switch with a fake Ophis, ha-ha!" The two men stand and he taps his spear on his shoulder.

     George next to him just casts a massive fireball at Xenovia as an opener like she did to their group, but I quickly cast a shield over her with my Norse magic and block it.

     I smile and say,"Cute trick, you're still not butt-hurt right George? So I guess you brought your Dragon Eater to eat Ophis huh? I knew you guys would steal her power!" I prepare to cast more defensive magic because it's the only thing to counter technique types.

     Ophis moves up past the vanguard due to fearing nothing and says or asks Cao Cao,"You want my power why?" She just cocks her head in confusion. No one but me seems to notice that many snakes from ophis are escaping her body into the ground! What is she doing?

     Cao Cao just tells her,"We don't need a Dragon God we can't control so we will take your power and make our own Ophis, one that is loyal to us and we can control it that simple! George, she is the real one! I will fend them all off, it won't be a problem..." He then extends the light blade from his spear and thrusts it into Ophis stomach and activates a power from his spear and the whole hall begins to light up in a bright brilliance that is painful for others to see....

     Kuroka yells,"Don't breathe in this poison gas, I will use it to block the light, -nya!" While she lets out a black poison mist to protect our group from the harmful light, I cast a poison resistance barrier on each of our group to protect from the poison!

     When the mist disperses we see Cao Cao pull out his spear from Ophis who does not attack back and no blood comes from her wound, it then closes up with no problem.

     Cao Cao just smiles and says,"See Red Dragon? This is what it is to fight a God Class! Even with an attack that would kill an Ultimate-class devil nothing happens!"

     At this moment there was a magic circle that was finished being cast by Kuroka and Le Fay, and the magic was under Fenrir! Then the wolf vanished and in its place was Vali Lucifer who looked around to see the situation and then smiled at Cao Cao. It looks like they used magic to pull a Castling move from within this dimension!

     Cao Cao says to Vali,"Impressive! you anticipated my move huh and prepared a trump card! This is perfect, George activate it.... We have the Infinity, the red, and the white all in one place. Summon the Dragon Eater! Balance Breaker, Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin" A light halo behind him appears with seven identical orbs, the Seven Treasures that have different abilities and making it difficult to tell the difference between them.

     Azazel says"Be careful everyone, each orb is like its own Sacred Gear and has a unique ability!" Cao Cao smiles at the shock on the group's faces.

     From a large magic circle next to George can be seen a creature emerging from it. A large cross with a being pinned to it with many nails and curse talismans all over its body. The creature looks like a fallen angel on its upper-body with a mouth full of shark teeth, and a lower body of an eastern dragon combined with a snake. From its body oozes a black poisonous miasma. The creature looks to be in everlasting pain and suffering, making it scream in anger and hatred for all life!

     Samael, code-named the Dragon Eater lets loose his angered scream,"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" This legendary creature who turned into a snake, then made Adam and Eve eat the Forbidden Fruit, resulting in him being cursed, then turned into a Dragon, as well as the Ultimate Dragon Slayer, known as the Dragon Eater. He was then sealed in the depths of Cocytus.

     Azazel with an angry voice says,"I cant believe Hades would unseal that abomination, so he is a part of your plot! Watch out everyone, it is the Ultimate dragon-slayer you should all know about!"

     Cao Cao says to his partner,"DO IT! And yes we have this one chance so we will make it work!" The Dragon Eater opens its disgusting mouth and its tongue shoots out and fully covers Ophis who does not dodge it?!

     Everyone sees that Ophis is fully engulfed and can't escape, so Kiba uses his Holy-Demon sword to cut the tongue to free Ophis, but his sword gets destroyed just by touching the tongue! Then both Queens and Rias shoot their blast to destroy the connection with no luck! Issei shoots his dragon shot into it with no effect as well.

     Vali says,"We need to attack the creature directly and then we can free her!" he then begins charging a massive demonic blast attack to hurl at the Dragon Eater.

     Cao Cao just smiles and says,"Won't happen!" At this moment Xenovia tried attacking him with a massive pillar of light like back in Kyoto, but he easily deflects her strike with his spear then says,"Cakkaratana!" Then like a lie one of the white orbs touched her Ex-Durandal and it shattered, shocking her. While she was caught off guard he thrust the orb which turned into a spear-like object into her gut and she collapsed to the ground!

     Asia freaks out and screams for her best friend and begins to heal her. But I noticed that Cao Cao is just toying with us and not trying to kill? My gear tells me he is just stalling for George. If this is the case I will try to keep my cool........ Then it happened, my danger warning was telling me my girls were going to die!

     Vali lets loose his large shot of demonic power to Samael, but Cao Cao uses another orb to absorb it into a black hole portal and redirect it to both Ravel and Koneko!

     I think fast and use my ability of [Castling] to swap with Koneko and I throw a barrier on Ravel as I block the blast with my back. If I used the shield on myself my gear told me I would have been teleported away somehow and then Ravel would have died. When the blast hit me most of my back was void of skin and my bones in my back were visible! Ravel then caught me while I dropped to my knees. Blood covers her and she cries for me quietly seeing my wounds.

     As my angry Rias and two Queens were going to blast Cao Cao in retaliation, Cao Cao used another orb on the three women that were bunched up and the magic stopped working all together, confusing the women.

     Azazel in his Balance Breaker, Irina, and Kiba were trying to fight Cao Cao in close combat but he skillfully Avoided their attacks and stabbed Azazel in the torso taking him out of the fight.

     Le Fay and Kuroka launched a combined attack at the Dragon Eater but Cao Cao used yet another ability to teleport the girls to behind Issei and their magic blast took Issei down in one hit! When Asia was going to heal me I shook my head and told her to heal Issei and Azazel first, she reluctantly did so.

     As Vali was going to start his Juggernaut Drive chant, Cao Cao yelled to George,"Use it on Vali now or he will destroy the field!" Then one of the hands of Samael was controlled to fire out a black substance onto Vali that instantly shattered his white armor and made blood explode from his body, he then fell to the ground in horrific pain. Seeing his condition I realize it is a blood-curse and this is what I saw Issei die too in my dream last night!!! So will Vali die instead?

     Cao Cao then used the same orb that he used on Rias to shut down both Kuroka and Le Fay basically neutralizing our entire group. My gear tells me that I won't be given the chance to heal my team by Cao Cao.

     Most of my bad wounds have regenerated and I am now able to stand, though I am still heavily injured. George and Cao Cao, seeing me get up, looked surprised. Not many have seen my new regeneration rate, since damaging me to this point had been rare.

     Cao Cao asks his partner,"How much longer?" He is not as sure of my trump cards and he knows I still have my hammer and is aware that I am not using it yet. He is smart enough to know that I care less about Ophis than my women and thus has not killed anyone. The two of us basically have a nuclear armistice going on and neither of us wants to have a heavy mutual annihilation. I know it's selfish to not care about Ophis but my women come first. However if he kills one of my girls I will use Second Stage and shatter this realm releasing Ophis but putting everyone in jeopardy.

     George yells,"It's done we have most of it now! I am sending him back now!" With that the tongue retracts releasing Ophis and the creature sinks down into the magic circle and vanishes, then Cao Cao stands by George and asks,"Can you copy that swapping spell to change me with Siegfried?" And George nods yes to him! The two ignore Kiba and Irina and begin to leave the destroyed hotel lobby and tell us,"Well we are done here, and thanks for the fun. I will be swapping with Sig and he and a group of Hades, Grim Reapers will come to collect what's left of Ophis. So try not to die and let's play Gremory, Red, and White! Good Bye!" And just like that they left like winners. Of course my group is devastated, but in my heart I see this as a win.

     I immediately cast [Restoration] on the entire group, but what was shocking was that when it looked like Vali would be OK, his body erupted in blood again.... Damn it is a curse so restoration cant remove it! This horrified everyone.

     I give an order,"Kuroka and Koneko start using your senjutsu to watch for the reapers, and let's take a defensive position, this is a bad place to fight them!" Everyone nods at my order and Issei and Azazel pick up Vali carefully. He will be out for this next fight. Well with The Dragon Eater gone, I don't have to worry about Issei dying now, this is a relief for me!

     As our group moved, Ravel said to me with teary eyes,"I am so sorry for being useless there and endangering you... Please forgive me!"  I kiss her forehead and smile.

     I would do that for any of my women, and none of you knew he could do that! I am just glad you are fine. So take your regret out on those reapers and don't act the way your brother did when he lost his rating game. If you want to be at my side, try to believe in yourself! You're going to become a Gremory and Gremory protects each other!" She just nods in understanding.

     Rias holds my arm and tells me,"I know you could not make any big moves due to protecting us, that's why I love you! Just keep doing your best my husband!"

     I also noticed my poor Xenovia and helped her collect her fragments and comfort her! I tell her ,"My Knight, your sword can break, but if your will or body breaks then you would fail me! So as long as you're safe then I am happy. you're my first Knight, and I love you Xenovia!" She just hugged and cried into my chest, as I comforted her.

     Come grim reapers, let me erase your vile existences! I have some built up anger to release.........

Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin: Cao Cao's Sub-Species Balance Breaker, which creates a light halo behind him and seven identical orbs, the Seven Treasures that have different abilities; making it difficult to tell the difference between them. The orbs can move based on his will and turn into spears to attack, and penetrate barriers. Instead of summoning his Seven Treasures, Cao Cao can concentrate Polar Night Longinus Chakravatin's power into solely strengthening his True Longinus's offensive power.
Hatthiratana: It grants the wielder to levitate an object the sphere touches. It also is shown that Cao Cao has the ability to fly and was able to lift others into the air.
Itthiratana: It has the ability to completely stop the special abilities of women for a short time.
Maniratana: It has the ability to redirect an attack sent towards the user to another target.
Assaratana: It has the ability to teleport a person the wielder chooses. It can also be used on Cao Cao himself, allowing him to teleport to the place of his choice.
Cakkaratana: It has the ability to destroy all weapons.
Kahabateiratana: It creates warrior-like existences and acts in the same way as Blade Blacksmith's Balance Breaker: Blade Knight Mass.
Parinayakaratana: It has a strong attack with high destructive powers. The strongest ability of the seven. It seems to have some sort of restriction on how often it can be used. Iit needs some sort of requirement for activation.


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