DxD: Matsuda!

The Forest of Familiars, second time!

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     So Remember how I thought Rias would listen to my warning about this insane dragon? She had the opposite reaction and said we will go look for this legendary dragon! FUCK ME! So that’s how it is.

     Asia, Ingvild, and Xenovia were all so excited to get their familiars and I looked like I was on my way to a funeral! Did Rias forget what happened the last time I came here....Yup the huge portion of creatures came to beg me to take them home...Sigh.

     Rias just pinched my cheek and said,"Stop looking so gloomy! Besides, we need to get the others familiars anyway! I don't think Tiamat has killed anyone over there?"

     We all stepped in the transfer circle and off we went.....I hate that rhyming bastard!

     The Forest of Familiars. There are giant trees growing around here, so not much sunlight shines through to the ground. Though a devil's eyes still work perfectly in the darkness so it doesn’t matter.

     The Universe heard my call and the ass I was planning on punching was not there, instead it was a young devil.......

     “My name is Tobi! I’m a devil in training, aiming to become a Familiar Master! I am here because my father is with another peerage right now!”

     I say,"Thank God!" And everyone grabbed their heads except two girls and myself...Oops!

     I replied to my mistake,"Sorry I was just glad we have a new guy! Oh my friend said there was a dragon looking for me named Tiamat, I think? Do you know her?"

     Tobi smiled at my question and pulled out a catalogue. The one he points at is a creature with great ferocity that is drawn out on the whole page.

     “This is what I would recommend! One of the Dragon-Kings! Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat! It’s a legendary dragon! She's also the only female among the Dragon-Kings! Even until now, there hasn’t been a devil who has caught her yet! That would be obvious! Since it’s said to be as strong as a Super Devil!”

     “This doesn’t look like the level of a familiar! It’s like the super boss! The final Boss! And no one has caught it yet! I feel as if I was thrown into the last dungeon!”

     What is another familiar good for fighting a bit less awesome?

     "The Hydra would be your next best bet! This one is amazing! It has deadly poison! There are no devils in this World which can endure its poison! On top of that it is immortal! The worst creature in the World which even kills its master! See? Pretty useful right?” The young trainer recommended it!

     Rias excitedly tells me,“The Hydra is rare so it would be wonderful. If I remember, there is one deep in this forest…..”

     I think and say,"I will look for it on my own, I can already feel some of the creatures talking about me....So I will move away and search. Get familiar's with the girls and we will meet up later!" She just nods remembering the hundreds of creatures that came looking for me last time. I then wave and take off southward.

     I ask many of the animals of the forest to guide me in the direction of the beast I am looking for and I found the lair of the Hydra. However just when I was going to enter its territory I sensed something behind me and I turned......

     Accompanied by a teal colored glow, a magic circle appeared. An enormous creature emerged from the magic circle. A massive , pale blue Western Dragon with celestial blue scales the size of Tannin emerged.

     The dragon looked at me then to where the hydra lived and it sneered,"What? You plan on taming that filthy beast? If a mindless brute is what you seek, you are not a very clever devil!" The pressure coming off the dragon that matches the picture, and is obviously Tiamat, is making it hard to breathe. I just now realized how weak Tannin is at this very moment! Even in my Underworld Dreadnought form with a promotion, I would not be able to make this dragon do more than bleed a bit!

     "Hm you are only high-class strength so I guess my dragon aura is a bit much for you......" Her massive head comes close and she squints her eyes and looks a bit surprised when she looks into my eyes! "You have no dragon aura or body, but you seem to have a remnant Dragons Soul in you?! you are clearly a reincarnated devil and you do not possess a dragon in your sacred gear like the other three! But I feel you had the soul of a Dragon King at least?!"

     She circles me and looks more,"I have been around for millennia and know of all the powerful dragons yet I have never sensed this soul before. Who are you?" Fuck lady I am struggling to breath here and you want an answer?

     At this time the Hydra came out looking to see what trespassed on its turf and one glare from Tiamat made it whimper and hide. I try using my telepathy for animals to see if she can hear me,[It is hard to move my body with your aura so if you can pull it back a bit I can talk better!]

     She was a bit surprised to hear my voice in her head and she reduced her dragon aura back a lot.

     I fell to my knees getting my body back to normal. Then I say,"Ah sorry but I am not fully sure, but I have lived many lives, so maybe one of them was a dragon? I have not looked in my dream space to find out yet......Otherwise I have no idea, but I am surely only a normal human turn devil. Roshi told me you were looking for me....?"

     "Even in the past I have never met a dragon with your soul?" She tilted her massive head and looked questionably at me.....

     I stand and smile, then I reply to her,"You are right, but I never said it was from this world right? There are other galaxies and worlds out there, plus there are other dimensions just like the human world has an underworld or a heaven, other than this one. I have lived many lives but have lost the memory's of them....So being a dragon in one of them is possible?!" I analyze this in my head.....I wonder if Coriana can help me look?

     The dragon then laughs at my outrageous words,"So is this why your sacred gear is so interesting? Are you the man identified as a certified reincarnate?! ha-ha! I have seen you use God level magic! And you seem to know things others do not.......So is God truly dead?" Her face gets close to watch my expression and look for lies.

     "God of this planet, yes! The real God no......But what does this matter, he is not interfering with the world directly?!" cant figure out this old dragon.....

     She looks angry and threatens,"So if I kill you now what will God do then...Smite me?" Yup she looks like she will breathe fire and cook me!

     "Fuck lady, I would just die! How do I know what he will do, but knowing him...he won't do anything to you.....My guess is he will throw me into another shit life with no memory's, so I guess I would pile up more hidden regrets and continue to suffer.....like my brothers....." I am too calm........But I want to resist her!

     Unknown to me I started to have my eyes glow golden....like a final prelude to my death......the sensation Tiamat was feeling was......If when she were to strike me down, I may take this world with me in total annihilation. She has seen too many Juggernaut drives to not notice the signs.

     "I am not going to kill you you idiot, so calm down! Tsk!" She then fully pulled her aura back.

     Feeling the killing intent vanish I seem to have relaxed my heart.....That truly did not feel good.....I felt wrath and vengeance bubble up in my heart for a split second.

     "I have decided little devil.......I will accompany you as a familiar, So make the contract! Although I cannot help you in rating games......" She looks all proud but....

     "I think I am too weak to be your devil master? Your status of the Dragon-Kings! Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat, is a bit high right?" My gear is warning me that this is a high level quest!!!!

     "What?! Did you just say something stupid?.......I am sure you are not turning me down right?!" She is giving super Yandere vibes...like the type that will kill your family if you say no!!

     "No no! I just wanted you to be sure.....Um I am just taken aback by such an honor?!" OK I do not have to summon her, I will just make a contract and leave her in this forest...That's the ticket!!! "Give me a bit...this will be a large contract pattern so I shall get started!"

     Then a teal light wrapped the dragon's body and it rapidly shrank in front of me, then Tiamat says,"There is a smaller body and a smaller circle so just hurry up and stop stalling!" She then holds her arms impatiently under her breast! HOLY FUCK, she looks like that Esdeath character from that assassin anime!!!!!

     I just look at her stupidly and she says,"Hurry up kid, you act like you have never seen a woman before?.....You can't be a virgin right, no I have seen you with your devil girls plenty, so hurry up before I BBQ you!" She has a glint of happiness in her menacing eyes!

     I hurry with my ritual to get rid of this reptile!,“…..In the name of Matsuda Tanaka, I order you! You shall become my familiar and respond to my contract!”

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