DxD: Matsuda!

Under the Sea!

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     So I know who is responsible for my new head-ache.... So I text Rias.......

     Me [Can you explain why Irina is here to annoy me?! I am fine with Ingvild, because she is quiet and pleasant....]

     Rias [Sorry my hands are tied with Irina here, she was sent by Heaven as back up and my big brother said I had to let her stay. My mom wanted Ingvild to stay with us and learn about modern human life and to be with us devils. Mom told me to make this a surprise for you...She said,"Mat dear, take good care of her or else!"]

     Me [OK and will Irina stay at Issei's house because they are childhood friends then?]

     Rias [No my brother said for us to house her while she is here.]

     Me [If she is allowed on my personal floors of 3, 5, or 6 then I will move out back to my moms house!]

     Rias [NO, she will be given a guest room on the first floor! I will tell the maids to move her stuff now! Plus I will make sure the elevator won't let her go to those floors! I am doing it right now.]

     Me [Thanks, she would fall being around my private space, and I wont get the lecture of how I should properly act in our own home...If she is only allowed in the public areas I can tolerate her. Plus I do not want her and I in the same bathing areas too. Also I love you!]

     Rias [It has been taken care of and Grace said leave it to her, I have to get back to class so see you after school...love you too!]

     I am disappointed with this set up, why cant she be with Issei?! I just hate how she goes on and on in public about Michael this and Heaven that with a drugged look in her eyes...it is creepy! Asia and Xenovia pray and have faith but they don't lust after it. Irena though is like Freed and just a Kool-aid drinker! Don't get me wrong, she is a good girl, but I can't even find her attractive due to her antics! Even Drunk Me would avoid her!!!!

     Seems like Venelana really wants me to consider this Ingvild girl for my peerage? Well she is in my strike zone of cute and well developed, nope I won't choose members based on this! (A/N yes he does!)

     So all six girls in the class then merged into one cluster of hotness. Issei and Motohama come up to my desk and I hear Motohama mumbling all the three sizes.

     "Issei.....Please try your hardest to make Irina fall in love with you! If you can do this for me, I will ask Heaven to make it so you can make baby's together! BUT only if you can fall in love with her?!" I say this so only Issei can hear me!

     Issei's eyes bulge,"Like for real? I can have an angel to Momo-boat and do the bumping ugly's and deposit with?! Sign me up Harem King sir!!!" Issei is crying like I fulfilled one of his dreams....

     "Only if you two fall in love! You can't fake it, if you do she will fall and Heaven will be pissed at you......" Issei gets a serious face and nods....Yup he is a good guy in his heart if you strip his boob love away.

     The bell rang and our next class had to start. During the day two Loli's managed to kidnap me at different times for closet assaults.....They must be doing a competition about me in it, so I am currently in an empty classroom with Ruruko finishing her orgasm in my lap and she leans against my chest.

     She then is crying quietly and looks up into my face with a happy smile,"Mat thank you for loving me! I know I am not as pretty as some of the other girls but the fact we can be together really makes me happy." And she just kisses me.

     I then hold her tight and say,"You are silly, you know damn well you have my dark desires captured, plus you have something even Koneko cant have in the future!" I know she is feeling inferior to Koneko right now because her rival is a cat girl and that is double power! "When Koneko gets a bit older, she will be overly developed like my other girls, and you, my dear lover, will be my only guilty pleasure left in my harem! Now do you understand? In the future you will be my only Loli lover!"

     Her eyes opened wide at my words and a super happy but creepy smile covered her cute face and she just out of nowhere started her cowgirl ride for round two,"Mat let me be the best little girl for you forever!" With her declaration of war, both big brother and little brother meet her request! Yes she will always have my criminal heart!

     I missed one class but it was worth it and now the end of the day came and we all headed to the ORC.

     I was surprised to see Sona's peerage had also come so I waved to the boys and we all went to the window, Saji apologized for his actions after the game so I decided to bring him in as one of the guys. He told me he felt desperate and inferior trying to compare to everyone, even Gasper due to him having a girlfriend now, Oh did I forget?! Tomoe forced him, meaning asked him to be her boyfriend! I was speechless how Gasper talked about his [no no square] being taken by force...but the little bastard had a creepy smile, Why, because he could have frozen her if he wanted to stop her! Those two did not cross the final line but I heard he even sucks her blood...It is her fetish apparently!

     Anyway I told Saji he is a dragon and dragons should be proud and when he accepts this the girls will come flying for him! He just smiles at my attempt to comfort him. I think this was the moment he realized he had family to live for and now that he is willing to get strong and push forward he is much nicer to hang with. I found out Saji actually wants to be a teacher! So his wanting to be a teacher in the show was not about Sona after-all but he likes to help students...Dang I misjudged him. He also thanked me for having Sona find him. Apparently Saji's family was in financial difficulty and Sona bailed him out...Man everyone has a backstory here!

     Azazel and Kalawarna came in for the meetup too?! Kala came over to me and pulled me away from the guy group and made me sit next to her on the couch, but I resisted! Nope I obediently sat at her side and held her waist! And the second place winner out of everyone was....Tsubaki managed to sit on my right and I grabbed her waist too. Both Sona and Rias are probably grinding their teeth. Sona will probably punish Tsubaki later, but my brave girl just ignores her Kings glare! Then Koneko gets on the lap and gives a challenging look at my other Loli and finds that she did not get a bad reaction from her...Ruruko just smiles at her future defeated foe!

     Well the meeting went almost exactly like the anime and she shows everyone her new angel form with two white wings. Issei just gave me a thumbs up.

     Kalawarna says,"Michael told me to look after her, and that is why she will stay at the Tanaka house." So this is my wife's fault she is with us!

     I say to Irina,"We made you a room down on the first guest floor so you wont have a chance of falling, bad things happen on my floors!" The other guys just look like they will cry thinking of my three floors of Heaven and how the girls must always walk around naked or something...ya right!

      Irina just folds her hands together and thanks us,"Lord Michael has placed me in the hands of good devils amen!" Ya I am going to get back at Michael for this pain in my ass!

      Sona declares,"Alright everyone we will have a welcome party for our new arrivals! Let's have some fun tonight!" So everyone came over to my place for a pool party!

     When the party happened I was a bit caught off guard at the beauty of Ingvild in an aqua bikini, Aika was behind her with a thumbs up and letting me know she was responsible for the outfit....Won't lie she is doing it for me! I had to stay at the bottom of the pool for a while to clear my head, but Ingvild due to her bloodline felt it important to come down and check on me! She just reminds me of a mermaid, with her warm smile! I just waved at her and gave her a thumbs up. She just smiled and seemed amazed at the fact I can live underwater. She started to blush and she covered her eyes????

     Well apparently her cuteness made my little Mat say hello in my trunks! Damn this is awkward! She just smiles then heads back up...Yup I will stay here a bit more and summon Roshi! So I brought him to the bottom of the pool in his human form.

     When Roshi came out he was crying,"Please master, do not send me back to the familiar forest, that crazy bitch is looking for you and she keeps chasing me around!"

     I am confused by what nonsense Roshi is up to,"What crazy bitch are you talking about?" What kind of trauma has he been facing at his home?

     "It is super bad, master! The dragon-king Tiamat is looking for you! She keeps capturing me to ask why you have not shown up at every full moon! I think she will eat you master. She is a brute and she will burn you with her fire breath! She is an aquatic Western Dragon!" How the fuck can you cry underwater? And who is this Tiamat? I have heard her name once from Tanin and my buddy briefly mentioned her in some anime clip where you see her humanoid self in a lounge chair and finally she is a rating game arbitrator or something?

     "Why would she be looking for me? I don't even know her....." Roshi is still crying....that is not good right?

     Roshi is ignoring all the boobs swimming above us so this is serious for him,"Master, every-time I would ask she would just hit me...I cant talk with her she is a meanie-head!" he just pouts!

     Oh fuck and Rias is taking us to the forest soon for Asia! The next full moon is here! Should I not go? But if I don't will my group may be harassed?! Should I tell Rias about the danger and just cancel it? Yup that's the plan, Rias will see my logic here and avoid the danger, I got this!



Dragon King Tiamat


tia ex

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