DxD: Matsuda!

♫The Song of Breast Dragon!


     [The Song of Breast Dragon] 

     Song Performed by: Ingvild Leviathan
     Lyrics: Azazel  
     Composer: Sirzechs Lucifer
     Choreography: Serafall Leviathan



     Currently I am sitting in a luxurious VIP booth with Rias on my left and Venelana on my right. Standing at the windowed balcony is my brother Millicas. Behind me waiting at attention is Grayfia and Grace....sigh they refuse to leave maid mode and sit with us....whatever!

     Right now we are at the Gremory stadium for a live show of [The Breast Dragon]! Issei, Kiba, Ravel, Kris, and Ingvild are starring in the live action play that normally is done by actors! Ingvild is not starring, but is currently performing the main theme song and she has the most incredible voice! I was truly impressed with her singing ability...When she was killing it in Karaoke, I knew she had to do music for me!

     None of the participants know we are currently watching the show so they would not be nervous. As grace gives me a whisky on the rocks, she is giving me blaming-eyes! Why would my incredible ninja maid be sulking right now you ask? Due to the fact we both recognize all the women in this room have my baby in them but her....It is not like I haven't been trying damn it! But I don't have one of those fan-fiction systems that turns on and off my sperm!

     Both of the Gremory women have big smiles watching our servants put on the funny show, and little Millicas is having a blast as he is glued to the action. I realize that these are the moments I live for, just let me have some peace and love time please!

     While I hold both of their hands I kinda zone out thinking about things that have been going on lately...........

     The Kyoto incident has been all over the Underworld news lately about how Satan Gold and The Brest Dragon saved the day, giving the Gremory group and family much attention. As a result going out in the Underworld is like a madhouse..everywhere I go reporters all want to ask questions. Many viewers are depressed that I won't be in the next Gremory vs Bail match.

     The unexpected thing that came out of the event is how the fans believe that Satan Gold and the Breast Dragon are brother's because Satan Gold is secretly a dragon, ha-ha! Well Grace rolled with it and spread it through her fan club and now we have incorporated it in our shows.....Make lemon-aid and such!

     Well I underestimated Yasaka! She has called me once a day during her bath time to chat! I seem to have made an accidental mistake with my gift.....She seems to think that by putting my Gremory seal on her gifts, I was implying my intent to court her....When I found this out, I of course did not say it was just an afterthought! So it seems we are in the getting to know one another phase.....I think? Well the Kyoto youkai have started doing business with the Gremory, so that is a great start. Serafall's new hotel opened as a side note, well it's the Sitri family, but my finger is in that pie too......

     After the show I am to head over for my one week stay at Sona's, and she is upset that her sister found out about it....Not like Lord and Lady Sitri were going to hide it anyway.

     I also have given up on any good reputation at school due to Roshi taking my place so much.......But my buddy Motohama is having the time of his life. Rias and the ORC club members had talked about what event we were going to do for the festival, and I said hell no to the stupid event of doing random shit! I told them we would do a Halloween cafe and I, Asia, Ravel, and Akeno would cook while the rest cosplayed as whatever they wanted as servers! When the girls found out I was cooking they were all in!

     As far as training the Rias peerage....I have been simulating some of the Bael team....I fight them in pure Touki like Sairaorg. I also fight them in my dragon form...And I taught Issei how to breathe fire! This training was good for me too, due to letting me fight Issei in his three forms! It is very challenging....Also fighting Rose is harder than I thought! She is a moving canon, but I now consider her a wizard-technique type! They learned fast not to die in the dream realm due to falling out of it and can't rejoin until our hour time is up. So they try not to die there...It means they lose training time upon death! Issei killed me once with his Dragon Blaster in his Bishop mode and we all came out it was funny!

     I am currently brought out of my thoughts as the show is ending...Now is the time the cast signs things for the kids. Koneko the Hellcat is not here because she is part of the Satan Gold show. Issei has Kiba and I have Koneko as my villain!!

     All of us in the booth got up to go greet the cast, and let them know we were here. Venelana lets my arm go in public so only Rias is holding my arm...She likes to present a proper family in public...It is Venelana's maid mode...sigh!

     When our peerages see us they look surprised and we greet them...Ingvild comes up to me like a puppy wagging her tail and asks me,"Mat did you see and hear me sing?" I give her a pat on the head...because we are where people can see, so I act proper...sigh devil rules! Otherwise I would be hugging this cute girl right now!

     I smile and say,"It was the very best part of the show! The reason I came was because you were singing! In fact, later I will give you a big hug for a great job!" Meh, who am I kidding? I just want to hug this lovable marshmallow!

     Ravel, noticing no shorts around to block her, asks me,"Lord Gremory, I hope you enjoyed the performance." Not going to happen hot-wings!

     I smile and say,"It was well done and the children liked it!" She just blushed? Why I don't want to even think about another noble house...I remember her mother talking about her path of domination or something and that is not my path, so keep it!

     Venelana seeing my discomfort with Ravel saves me,"Son, I think it is time for us to go?" She politely interjects.

     I smile at my savior and say,"Mother, thank you for reminding me! Well I shall take my peerage and we will see you guys later!" I give Rias my goodbyes and take Ingvild, Grace, Grayfia, Venelana, and Millicas and we all go back to the mansion.

     One of my reasons to come back to the Gremory home other than the show, was to meet all of Zeoticus' concubines again after his death...I also healed all of his pregnant wives, and made sure everyone of them was going to be well taken care of. Zeoticus personally asked me to take care of his family, and I am here to make sure his children will grow up well. Many of the consorts were still depressed about his passing. I did my best to console them and affirm the Gremory backing. The lady's most sad were the ones unable to have his child before he was gone. No, I am not going to bring them into my harem!!!! I have enough problems with what is on my plate already.

     After I was done finding ways to meet the women's needs, by giving them work positions in my territory, I was left alone with Venelana. I am waiting for Serafall to pick me up, so we killed a bit of time sitting in the waiting room chatting.

     Venelana playfully held my arm and said,"For such a young man, you are exceptionally understanding. I am glad I chose you to support me." She just playfully squints her lovely eyes.

     I smile back and say,"I know I am getting close to turning 18 but sometimes, I feel like my past lives hit me and I feel like an old man all of a sudden....Then in the next moment, I feel like a kid again. My mentality just goes all over the place. Fortunately this does not affect me in a bad way! At this very moment I feel like I am leaving old man mode and am feeling my younger mentality kick in! Want to know how I know?" She looks interested and nods.....So I shove my face in her breast and motor-boat her.

     She smacks my head then tells me ,"Don't do things like this in public places, save it for special places!" She is hiding her happiness under her strict noble lady ways...But my gear says I made her feel good! Just as we were entering our pink space, a terrible disaster struck!

     A servant announced,"Presenting the Devil King lady leviathan!" We both stand to greet our guest and give the formal bow to the Devil King....traditions must be maintained...This is the world of the Devils not humans.

     Serafall in her super bubbly state runs and leaps into my arms and hugs me shaking me back and forth like a rag-doll! She then says."Greetings Duchess Gremory! I hope everything is well! And Mat brother, did you miss your little sister♪!" Venelana looks really amused at how I am being manhandled by the Devil King!

     After a bit of formal greeting and conversation, Serafall says,"Well we are going to steal Matsuda for a bit! Father, mother, and So-tan♪ are waiting!"

     While being Sitri-napped, Grayfia told me to call when I was ready to be picked up. I told her she was in charge in my absence and to call with updates.....She just smiled and said,"Serafall, please play nice with my husband and don't tease him too much....He can get sad easily." I just look embarrassed at the way these two chat about me in front of me!

     Serafall says,"Sadly I only get to spend a little time with my brother....But we will have lots of fun and play together! I want to see his Dragon form too!! Grayfia, can't you see it now? The vicious dragon captures the magical girl and her sister has to rescue the magical girl♪!" She is looking super delusional right now...the sis-con is strong with this one!

     As we leave it seems she brought a limo to pick me up and not just teleporting? This is already feeling fishy! She then shoves me in the car, and waves goodbye to the concerned looking Gremory servants......

     Serafall says,"I did not get to tell you before, but great work in the fight at Kyoto! You made us very proud. Also I have been feeling a bit under the weather so will you please cast [Restoration], after all you did say in the past during the peace talks that you would do it for me anytime!" I smile at her cuteness, but inside my gear is telling me something very-bad is going to happen if I heal her!!! It is not letting me know what will happen but it is not something I want!

     I say nervously,"Sure! But let's wait till we get to the house so it will be more convenient alright?" Her smile froze and now she is looking at me with teary eyes.....

     Serafall says,"Brother....are you going to not help your sister out when she is begging for help?" Um now my gear is giving me danger vibes...not life threatening but disappointed, betrayed vibes, like I am abandoning her.

     Shit...what to do? I say with a forced smile,"How could I not make you happy?! I will cast it right now so be happy, OK!" I ignore my gear's protest and cast healing on her and hope for the best!

     Serafall then puts on the biggest smile and rubs her belly again like when the peace talks happened, while getting closer,"Matsuda, you find me attractive right?" NO no no, this is definitely what my gear is warning me about! She is looking for baby's!!!!!!

     I smiled and said,"You're definitely the cutest big sister a guy could have! Yup and your style is fun! Um and your love for your sister is heartwarming... And of course being Sona's sister your cute level is high!" If I keep reminding her of her sister I will avert danger right?

     Serafall puts her hand on my leg and puts on a very adult looking smile and leans into say,"I love my So-tan VERY much!...And that means, I love everything my sister loooooves!" She crawls up on my lap and continues,"That means, my sister's husband is my husband too.....I can't have a harem, but I can have a husband! I waited a long time to get you alone! And now that I have you, this will be a limo ride you won't forget my little brother! M-Kay?" She whispers the last part in my ear!

     I am strangely excited but I threw out one last lifeline to myself,"I don't want Sona to hate me for this, so I think this might be super bad! Um I don't want to hurt Sona....." Little brother however is telling Serafall another story!

     Serafall smiles in victory! She then started unbuttoning my shirt,"So-tan told me that if you say yes, she will support it! Are you telling me I am not good enough to be your wife? Matsuda please don't break this maidens heart....I will cry!" My gear is telling me she is acting but is wanting me very strongly at the same time.......

     I just smile in defeat....My conviction of not wanting a harem was just a pipe dream! Honestly, I am abnormally lucky in this life to have the most beautiful and strong women want me! I don't know if this is my gear, my Gremory blood, or maybe my Personality? Whatever it is...I know if I say no to Serafall...I would regret this for a long time! Unlike before my gear says, If I accept her now...She will be saved from a threat that will fall on her? So by turning her into my lover right now, I can save her?! What destiny does she have if I say no?

     I put my arms around her waist and smiled,"Serafall, if you're willing to love this weak lustful man, I promise to do anything for you...But you have to make me a promise!" Her eyes light up in joy, so I continue,"I want you to stay by my side forever! you can't leave me or die......I have a feeling that I need and want to love you...and if we love each other...we can both be saved!"

     Serafall knowing my gear's powers the best says,"I can do that, because it is the only way You, me, and Sona will be happy right?! I would not have done all this if my resolve was empty! Plus you are also my best friend's husband too♪!" Now she has a bit of envy in her eyes! I think it is jealousy of not having a child....Grayfia and Serafall are very competitive!

     I smile in defeat and say the words I have said one too many times,"Serafall leviathan, please take care of me!" The poor limo driver had a difficult time keeping the car straight on the road the whole ride to the Sitri home! Thankfully it was only a two hour ride or the chances of going off the road from the violent motion would have made an interesting story!

     Unknown to Serafall and Matsuda....this decision of theirs kept Serafall from being sealed away forever! Thanks to Matsuda's weak resolve of his harem issues, Serafall was able to stay by Matsuda's side for a long time............ Unfortunately for Matsuda, the news of his shotgun wedding with a Devil King rocked the Underworld!


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