DxD: Matsuda!

A shotgun in the hands of Serafall!


     So after two hours of an amazing...I meant horrifying union, I expected to get out at the Sitri home....But when I looked where we were I saw it was the civil affairs department....I only have a lopsided smile on my face as I am pulled inside by an over excited Serafall! Based on the fact I know she was too busy to tell the driver to come here, I realized....I was tricked and she had this all planned out! I guess older women are very cunning......

     After the staff inside realized who Serafall was, they moved super fast in fear! Her reputation is well known. The whole time she had a hold on my arm like I might run if she lets me go....Why am I sympathizing with Sona right now?!

     Before Serafall fully shoved me back in the limo, I could hear devils using magic circles to tell everyone about this incident......shit! Serafall was not done with me! She gave me one last ride in our ride. We both barely finished when the limo pulled up in front of the mansion. Out the window I see father, mother, Sona and the peerage...as well as many servants lining the walkway to the home!

     I barely got my clothing back on when Serafall pulls me out of the limo with her.....Everyone is currently bowing to the Devil King. However, I see many twitching faces among the crowd...why you ask? Due to the fact my regeneration kept healing the hickeys she tried leaving on my neck..So she pulled me out before I could heal the last one she made....She is so immature! So there I am standing beside the smiling Serafall who looks innocent and not out of place with her heir of clothing...While me, with a big hickey on my neck and clothing not straight at all! Is smiling like a happy rape victim!

     Serafall jumps into her mothers arms and says loudly,"Mother I finally got married! Sona look! Now we are sisters and sisters-in-law! Look, it's a Gremory ring! It is just like yours!" And my almost crying wife Sona is now tackled by my new wife Serafall......This is so confusing!

     Father comes up to me trying to keep a straight face and says,"Welcome to the family...again son!" I hope your lower-back hurts father! Because I am not healing you!

      Mother comes up and hugs me, she whispers in my ear,"Son...I am sorry, just do your best...She is a handful!" She just gives me a sympathetic smile.

     Due to protocol the peerage can't come up and interact yet till Serafall or the head of the family brings us in....but the looks on all the face's of Sona's group is interesting. Saji the bastard is smirking at my look! Bro it's on! Wait I kinda owe you one...so this time no retaliation!

     Sona finally frees herself from her sister and comes up to my rough self and she fixes my clothing and is trying to hold in a smile at my blaming eyes,"Sorry, I am weak against my sister! Please forgive me......" I just give her a small kiss and hug and pat her back to show I forgive her.

     I just smile at Serafall showing her ring to literally everyone.....she really has a huge gap from the woman negotiating with other factions.....When around her loved ones, she acts like she is 8 years old....Well I am stuck with her now. I won't tell anyone in my harem, but her body type ended up in my top three! She covers short and plump but not over the top! Plus she cosplays!

     I  rub my nose in embarrassment and say to Lord Sitri,"Sorry, it seems I captured both of your daughters' hearts.....um I feel a bit awkward!" Yup I am blushing in shame.

     He laughs at me and pats my shoulder and comforts me,"You're one of the most amazing devils of the younger generation....Honestly there is no other young man I would want to be with my girls, other than you! Even transforming into a pure-blood....Not even the past first generations of devils could do something like that in your shoes...Plus all the amazing fighting abilities you perform...And now I hear you are a dragon....May I see?"

     Everyone sees me walk of to a wide open area and hear me mutter,[ Balance Breaker: Satan Gold Dragon! ]

     Many of the servants and friends come and touch my dragon body...and those good of heart can feel my aura I emit to my comrades, while anyone with hostility to me shivers in fear.

      Serafall grabs her sister and jumps on top of my head....I just let out a deep chuckle at their cuteness. They touch my very warm scales. I just realized with my weakness to cold, Serafall could one shot me.....Why are all of my women scary?!

     While I lay on the ground I realize the girls from the peerage are on my back.......Um and my dragon senses are letting me know that Reya and Ruruko are going commando! Finally the dragon theme park got closed and we all headed inside, the servants got my bags. I naturally brought gifts from Kyoto.

     The family and servants were brought in for a lavish meal. I answered many of the common questions one would expect and then the more serious topics came up.....

     Father says to me,"Now that you have been placed in charge of the Gremory Group, we should get together this week and make mutually beneficial deals amongst the two families."He smiles like a devil....time to be a dick!

     I smile and say,"Also father and mother, collect all the wives again for more healing! It is good for pregnancy and the women that are not pregnant will have a higher chance, and before I leave I will do it one more time!" Yup he is probably cursing me due to having to be hardworking!

     Lady Sitri smiles and thanks me,"Son thank you! Now we won't have to worry about birth-defects!" The Sitri have many hospitals so this is a concern for her.

     After the meal father and mother say,"We can see your friends are excited to see you so we old people will let all of you do young activities. We will see you in the morning!" As soon as the parents left, surprising me, the first one to get to me was Saji!

     Saji pulls me to the side while the girls are all going through the gift bags I got them all. Saji whispers,"Bro did you seriously get hitched with Sona's big sis the Devil King!!!!!" He sees my dead eyes while I hand him his gift bag....In it he finds lots of Gremory whisky! He laughs at me and asks,"Matsuda, do you want a drink ha-ha?!" I just nod!

     I tell the sisters that Saji and I are going to the lounge to have some drinks. We both go to the lounge with big comfy chairs and maids get us everything we need and some servants play music in the background. This is nice actually!

     Saji smirks and says,"Hey man thanks for the back up in Kyoto....That was a good experience for me to learn of my dragon state...Normally only Issei was able to talk with me, but you can do it in your dragon form. So while you are here can you help me train?" While he said this two girls came in and sat next to me on each side while two other girls sat on another chair.

     I noticed the one on my right was Tsubaki while the one on my left was Momo who was holding my bottle of whisky ready to pour for me...Aw that's nice. The two girls sharing a chair are Reya and Yura listening to me and Saji talk.

     I tell Saji,"If Sona is OK with it I would be happy to train with you guys! You guys have a match with the Archdukes house, so of course I have to support you guys for the win!" Shit my gear is telling me there are too many happy girls around me! I can figure out why Momo might be smitten but why did Yura seem intrigued....Maybe it was the whole training thing...She is a street fighter after all. Before becoming a devil she used to beat up supernatural creatures on the streets. Hell I saw her kick three cars out of the way in our mall match!

     Tsubaki took my drink and had some and I looked surprised,"Dear! You drink?" She just smiles with a red hue on her face and shakes her head no! Oh boy!

     Well I guess I just have too much trauma with drinking and it made me paranoid, after a while there was no sign of any issues with Tsubaki. In-fact she was smart enough to stop when she felt good! Thank goodness I would be worried. Just when I had nothing to be worried about, Momo did the same thing and took my glass and tried some. What is with the girls wanting to drink out of my glass all of a sudden?

     At this time Serafall, Sona, Tomoe, and Ruruko joined in the talk. Oddly enough the sisters did not kick out the two girls at my side...did not guess that one, but Ruruko came to sit in my lap.

     Sona looks so embarrassed being held captive by Serafall and I find her look so amusing. Then Serafall says to me,"Husband, it seems most of the sisters peerage seems to like you!" Damn, now you're done playing nice!

     I just dumbly smiled,"It seems to be my good fortune!" Nailed it! That was a good safe answer!

     Serafall says,"Husband, let's have a sleepover in Sona's room tonight!" Um, I was sleeping there anyway! I think you just want to make it a threesome! I almost feel like she married me so she can snuggle with Sona.......And look at your poor sister's face she totally looks nervous! She then tells me,"Sadly husband, I have to go back to work tomorrow, so will you miss me?" Wow she goes all in...She went from sister to devoted lover after hours of marriage!

     I smile and tell her,"I think you will be missed by everyone! Especially me and Sona. She is shy about it but she loves you very much!" Sona's sacrifice is complete! As I thought she had her in another bear-hug!

     Well nothing over the top happened in the meeting area, but as Serafall threatened the three of us are now in poor Sona's room and she is looking nervous!

     The three of us washed each other and we soaked in the bath together and surprisingly Serafall was not as aggressive with Sona as I thought.

     We did have the imagined threesome, but Serafall was not Yuri like I thought she would be! In fact the girls just took turns receiving my love and ultimately when we were done, Serafall and I just held onto Sona like our hug pillow?! It seems I was wrong and Serafall really wanted me and not her sister. Well I will do my best to support her then. I hope the rest of this week will go smoothly! My gear just laughed at me...well that's the feeling I got!!


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