DxD: Matsuda!

Upcoming match Sona vs Seekvaira!


     My morning waking up with my two wife-sisters was so amazing.....Until all three of us were bombarded with magic circles from every damn devil out there! Serafall and I have underestimated the waves we made!

     I think the funniest call was from Sirzechs calling her then immediately calling me! Sirzechs asks me,[Matsuda, I honestly wont be surprised, about anything you do anymore! Well did you agree to it, or were you forced?]

     I sigh and tell him the truth,"Honestly, I had no intention at first, but she is very sincere and I also had a premonition that if I turned her down, a bad fate awaited her.....Honestly she is a handful, but I am happy with her, brother!"

     [Huh, your gear warned you of her fate being bad without you? Well now I can see why you would take her as a wife. Matsuda, that is the kind of devil you are. I believe your Gremory blood is the thickest of any of us...Even the first generation Gremory! Well I only wanted to confirm this was not a power play on your part...But Serafall clearly said she seduced you, good luck with her ha-ha!] After his amused comments he cut the call......

     Venelana calls as well,[Well my dear, I can't say I am surprised after the way she took you away! But you work fast. Is everything OK with you dear?]

     I just smile and reply,"Sorry, it seems my luck with women is both good and bad! I was not expecting this to happen. I hope you are not mad with me? It would really bother me if I have caused you problems with my rash actions."

     I hear her laughing at me like I am an idiot,[Dear you're so amazing and you don't even realize it do you? It was already great for the Gremory family when you married the Sitri next head and raised our status...Now you have made one of the four Devil Kings your wife, while the other Devil King is your brother...What do you think other families are feeling right now? That's right. The man of the Gremory house married to the head has influence! That's why I said you are amazing!]

     I feel a little proud of her compliments and playfully ask,"So that means you are going to reward me when we next meet right ha-ha!"

     Venelana answers,[As the man of the house who is doing a good job, of course I have to reward you! Now go and do your devil work there and I will inform Rias before she hears it elsewhere, my daughter needs time to relax and unpack new news fufufu! Love you bye!]

     Azazel calls,[Kid, I admit defeat, your pick up skills are just downright scary! Is your sacred gear the Don Won lost gear?]

     I moan and say,"Azazel, help! I don't know how to turn off my luck skill! I promise, I am not even trying....It's like if I go outside I get proposed too...I am afraid to leave my house now!" I facepalm!

     [Kid what you think is a problem is every-mans dream so cry to someone who cares, oh that's right Mittelt says she is waiting for you to visit hah good luck kid! Bye!]

     After a few more annoying calls all three of us were finally done and made our way to breakfast! Serafall is dressed in her hot business-outfit and looks like she does not want to leave! After a lively meal we saw off our excitable magical girl!

     Sona asked what we were going to do today and I told her,"Mornings, I am going to train with your peerage for the upcoming match! unless my vision is wrong you guys should have a capture the flag match on floating islands. Also I need to help Saji control his dragon! I can also challenge your up front fighters due to being able to fight with young lord Bael." Many of the peerage members are looking excited to get training time with me.

     Sona kissed me and said,"Thank you for being there for me!" Ah she is so cute...then she will turn around and glare at her peerage ha-ha!

     Fathers says to me,"Son after dinner let's have some drinks together alright, I was not able to do that with you in the past so I want to make up for it! And Saji you can come as well!" Saji had never been invited so this was an honor for him! We both agree.

     During the training part of the day..........

     I am currently sparring with Tsubaki, Tomoe, Yura, and Ruruko! The four are surrounding me and I am running full Touki, and the girls are not using sharp weapons so it's a gentile spar. This training is great for me due to fighting those with different tactics and combos. Whenever my two girls show me sass I slap their bottoms as my attack...softly of course.....I wont mess with Gasper's woman at all! Yura seems to be having fun in a fist fight brawl and she is trying real hard to catch me.

      Tsubaki is having a hard time with her pole arm because I keep grabbing one of her ally's and using them as a shield. I told them all tactics are fair in the rating game and life and death battles so don't rely on enemy's to be honorable...It is a fool's dream to trust an enemy!

     With Saji and the casters, I used my dragon form so they could use the magic on me with no pain, while Saji just spent time in his dragon form trying to focus, and I would break him out of it when he slips. I helped Reya and Momo learn a few fun combo illusion spells that should help in a capture the flag type of game and they were happy...Reya rewarded me with kisses! I felt Momo wanted to do the same but held back...sigh! I have this feeling like every woman in Sona's peerage will be in my harem except for Tomoe. Good luck future me!

     The girls all went off to their hot springs and Saji and I hung out for guy time! Wow this is actually a rare moment for us both!

     Saji and I were just soaking and he told me,"Sorry for all of my actions in the past! I think I was just super jealous of everything you had....I was immature for sure. Sorry!" Not a bad guy.

     I smile and say,"Nope, don't say sorry! I pissed you off on purpose for my own fun. I am just glad you were able to survive all my pranks!" Hello my punch-able face where ya been?

     Saji just laughs at my dumb jokes. "So can we win our match?" I just nod yes! After a while we finished and went our own ways till later.

     While I was on my way back to my room, I was ambushed by my little Loli and dragged into her room for an hour....She really is a fun girl. She is very brave to take an initiative like that! I guess if a girl has a self esteem issue they go the extra mile....In fact both Ruruko and Aika are very close in attitude! Well she got extra love from me for healing my Loli fetish!

       Before supper I healed all the consorts and I left out a sly peerage member or two trying to get in on the easy getting pregnant bit....Some of the girls need to wait for kids till after high-school! Geez girls are desperate. Sorry Gasper, I may have accidentally healed Tomoe ha-ha! Father had a bitter smile when he saw his wives that were not yet pregnant give him happy hungry eyes! Oops I forgot to heal him too!

     Mom was extra rejuvenated and talking with everyone.....I have this weird feeling like others are not used to her being so kind? She has always been wonderful to me?! And no she and I don't have a Venelana relationship ha-ha! I won't date a married woman ever!

     So later when Saji and I met up in fathers den, I saw Momo waiting outside the door so I told Saji I would be right there. He just went right in.

     Momo just blushes and asks,"Please let me pour your drinks again....I seem to be very comfortable listening to you talk. I am a shy person normally. So being able to keep you company is fun for me." A part of me wants to say no go away, but she seems to really mean it....

     I smile and say,"I think your company would help liven the mood with drinks with the guys, so I would love it thanks Momo!" I just hand her my left elbow and walk-on in.

     Father looks to the poor maid that was obviously going to pour me drinks and she just stepped aside seeing Momo? Oh looks like the maid was wanting that job and I think Momo did not want the maid to do it so she waited for me...That's kind of her! Also it seems like we will be drinking the specialty liquor from the Sitri territory..I think this is a devil beverage not sold in the human world.

     After about ten minutes of telling father about the training for Sona's match Sona stopped by to tell me she and Tsubaki would be hanging out studying in our room. So she said good night to all of us.

     Saji has two maids by him helping him with his food and drink while father is accompanied by two of his wives. We are currently playing a game of poker, sadly for those guys I can count cards....but hey no biggie right? But just to make it fair so I can lose a bit, I let Momo pick cards for me and this seems to make her happy.

     I tell father,"Because we are family I will give you some business heads up father! This next year will be extra chaotic thanks to the terrorism and other evil forces, so I recommend making disaster relief supplies that can be shipped at a moment's notice! especially in both the Underworld and the human world...."

     He drinks his beverage and says,"I believe that is good to know. What other ideas do you have for the Sitri?" Everyone at the table is now really paying attention because my topic is a heavy one.

     Momo, looking worried, is holding my left hand under the table and she seems interested in my words,"Well if I were in your shoes, I would develop mobile hospitals that can get to remote parts of battlefields! I personally have begun to mass produce crops with long shelf life and have stored them in underground bunkers so if the Underworld has disruptions in food I can step in!"

     Father smiles at me and says,"Son, your preparedness for war is amazing! Where did you come up with some of your ideas?" He is just flattering me for easy thoughts.

     Uh, oh my hand is on her thigh? Did she or I do that? I say to my father,"Humans make it a habit to make wars all the time more than the supernatural world, so just observing their history will let you predict things." Well I just tried to slowly pull my hand away and she held it there, so it was Momo then? Fuck it I will just enjoy my drinks and company.

      Saji who seems to be sitting real close to the maid asks,"Will there be anything for us to worry about before our match?" Um I am not even going to say what she just did..cough.

     I shake my head and say,"No, as far as my powers have told me, we should not expect anything till after Halloween, so some piece will be on our horizon!" Um I am not blushing right? Nope, it's the drink!

     Momo smiles and asks me,"What will the ORC club do for the festival?" Wow she has gotten good at pretending nothing is going on here! For a girl not even wearing underwear right now you're good!

     She pours another drink for me and I reply,"A Halloween cosplay cafe and I will be cooking with three of the girls from ORC with cooking experience" And no I am not pleasuring her! I did that last time...by accident! I am only rubbing her thigh honestly!!!

     Father says,"That human school really seems fun, oh and how have you been running Kuoh city, any problems?...If you need Sona and her peerage to help out just ask them! Honestly I always feel bad like I am not offering enough support to my son....." He looks helpless about it.

     I shake my head,"Nope, I have everything I need, the important thing is the people! Just having Sona and her peerage there running the school really takes a load off of me..Saji and Momo work really hard there too...I just laze around and cause problems ha-ha!" Saji and Momo liked that I singled them out.

     Father was getting nudged by his wives to scratch there itch and he said,"Well it's late so I will go to bed, Lilly take Saji back to his room and Momo take my son to his would you girls!"

      We then all departed, Saji was on a lower floor while we were on a higher floor. We did not talk much on our slow walk but Momo just held my hand and looked down....I don't even know what to say to Momo? Or do we need to talk at all?

     As we got close to Sona's room the door opened and Sona and Tsubaki stepped out and said,"Hurry, we have been waiting for you to take our bath!"

      I smiled at Momo and let her hand go and said,"Thanks for walking me back, I had fun! Let's do it again sometime...." Then I kissed Sona and Tsubaki on the cheek and walked into the room into the bath-area.

     Outside Momo just bows and says,"Good night President!" As she was heading back to her room she heard....

     Sona smiles and says,"It's late, come join us for a bath if you would like? Unless you don't want to?!" Sona is not pushing anything but just allowing everyone to relax.

     Momo smiles and nods her head happily then enters the room! Tsubaki says,"She really is fun to tease!"

     Sona looks like she will torment her servant a bit. Yup Sona is a devil!


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