DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Chapter 83 – It’s not that hard

"Leo, I want you to try now." Rias said.

I had watched Asia's training carefully, trying to absorb every detail of Rias' explanation, but now that it was my turn, I had to admit that I was a little nervous. I'd been teleported before, like when we went to the Familiar Forest and the Underworld, but it was different than teleporting on my own.

"Remember, you don't need anything, just your magical energy to complete the teleportation. It takes a bit of concentration and mental visualization of the magic circle on the other side, so take your time."Concentrate on the circle. Wish you were there."

Simple in theory, but a monumental task in practice. I knew I had to channel my magical energy without letting it get out of control, as had happened in Asia. I imagined the circle, the energy within it, as if it were an extension of myself. When I opened my eyes again, I felt a little more confident. It wasn't just a desire to succeed, but a certainty, an inner knowledge that I could do it. I brought my right hand up to my chest and closed my fingers around the void, as if I wanted to hold back the energy circulating around me.

Sirigre... I muttered mentally, the word Rias had implanted in my mind like a password, the trigger needed to activate the magic circle.

The moment the word echoed in my mind, I felt the energy around me change, as if in response to my command. The red light emanating from the circle shone brightly, and I felt a wave of heat rise through my body, starting at my feet and going up to my head. It was a strange sensation, like being pulled into a whirlpool, but, at the same time, it was comforting. I knew I was in control. In the blink of an eye, the feeling changed.

I opened my eyes and what I saw made me smile. I was standing in the middle of the magic circle, exactly where Rias had ordered me to teleport.

"Haha!" I laughed, more out of relief than anything else. "I did it!"

Asia ran towards me first, her eyes shining with pride and excitement. "Leo, you did it the first time! That's incredible!" She was visibly excited, as if my success was hers, too. And maybe it was. After all, we were all in this together, learning and growing just a few days apart.

Rias, on the other hand, just watched with a slight smile on her lips. I knew she was pleased with my success, but I also realized that she was ready to challenge me even more.

"Well done, Leo... You've managed to teleport a short distance, which is an excellent start. But now I want you to try something more difficult."

These words made my heart race a little. I was already satisfied to have succeeded on the first try, but Rias wasn't willing to let me rest. She wanted to see what I was really capable of.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

Rias gestured for me to come closer. "I want you to teleport to the room of the Occult Research Club. It's a longer distance, much longer, and you'll have to concentrate much more. Remember, it's not just a matter of wanting to be there, but of channeling the energy correctly so that the teleportation is smooth and safe."

I nodded and took a deep breath. Teleporting to the clubroom was a much more difficult task than simply changing positions within a single room. The distance between the beach and the club room meant that any mistake could cause me to appear somewhere else entirely. Or worse, it could cause a disaster similar to the one Asia almost caused and a very large explosion.

However, there was a part of me that longed for this challenge. I wanted to show Rias, Asia and myself that I was capable of mastering this skill.

I closed my eyes again and visualized the magic circle on the floor of the clubroom. The table in the center, the surrounding chairs, the old-fashioned sofa where we used to meet. I focused on these details, trying to make the connection between where I was and where I wanted to be.

"I just want to be there..." I muttered to myself, like a mantra to keep my focus.

This time, it felt different. The pull on my body was stronger, almost as if I was being pulled away from where I was. But at the same time, there was a sense of transition, as if I was moving through an invisible portal. As the light around me faded, I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in the clubroom. Everything was as I had imagined it: the table, the chairs, the sofa... Everything was there, just as I had imagined. But more importantly, I was there, in the right place.

"I did it..."

Suddenly, I heard a small noise behind me. I turned to see Rias appearing behind me in a scarlet glow.

"Impressive, Leo. You did both without any effort. If I'd known you had a natural talent for these things, I would have taught you before." Rias said as she approached. "Therefore, I believe I must give you something as a reward~"

And then, without another word, she leaned over and kissed me. When her tongue touched mine, I felt a shiver run through my body, as if an electric current had ignited inside of me. She explored my mouth with a confidence that made my heart race and the taste of her was addictive and I knew I could stay there forever just feeling the touch of Rias' lips on mine.

After what seemed like seconds, Rias pulled away and broke the kiss with an enigmatic smile.

"I hope you enjoyed it, Leo. But now we must return to the beach. The others are waiting." She took a step back, as if ready to teleport back, but something flared up inside me, a desire I couldn't suppress.

"Wait." I said, loud enough to make her stop and look at me curiously.

Then I stepped forward, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her closer. Surprise flashed in Ria's eyes, but she didn't back down.

"I can't go back like this."

Rias frowned, clearly confused. But then, as she felt the stiffness of my cock against her, she realized what she had done to me.




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