DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Chapter 84 – Jealousy

Rias was still wearing her beach clothes, including her black bikini. Only a semi-transparent thong covered her lower body.

As I pressed my cock against her, I was already very aroused. Our eyes met and I realized that she understood exactly what I was feeling.

Rias didn't say a word, but the smile she always wore softened into something more intimate, more... complicit. With a slow movement, she wrapped her arms around my neck and said in a low voice, almost a whisper:

"It's okay, Leo. This seems like the perfect time to finally do it. I've been wanting to... for a long time."

These words echoed in my mind, filling me with a wave of happiness that made me momentarily lose my breath. The idea of finally being able to have sex with Rias was something I had dreamed of, but I thought it might take even longer.

Rias took a step back, keeping her eyes on mine as her hands slid down to the straps of her bikini. She loosened the ties with elegant ease, letting the garment fall away to reveal her huge breasts with their pink nipples. She was simply stunning. Her breasts were firm and perfectly proportioned, the gentle curve of her waist, her slender, strong thighs... everything about her was an invitation to desire. I stood still, almost breathless, unable to believe this was really happening.

Rias took a step toward me, closing the distance between us until her breasts lightly touched my chest. She leaned in close and brushed her lips as she murmured.

"Leo... you want this too, don't you?"

As I teased her, I thought about getting another blowjob, but I didn't want to tell her that. So I shook my head in the affirmative. "Yeah, I'm... I'm just... impressed. You're fantastic."

She smiled, a smile that was both affectionate and mischievous. "So, shall we continue?"

Rias moved closer again and pressed her lips to mine. Kissing her was incredibly pleasurable in itself, the way our tongues moved, exploring, tasting, consuming each other. My hand went up to caress the nape of her neck, but Rias caught it midway and placed it on her right breast.

Yes, we were about to start and this time we both wanted to go all the way.

Then something unexpected happened. As my hand squeezed her right breast, playing with the nipple with my fingertips, a crimson light began to glow behind us, similar to that which signals teleportation. But I was so lost in Ria, so absorbed in her body, that it took me a few seconds to realize what it meant.

When the light finally faded, I heard a small gasp behind me. I broke the kiss and turned quickly. There, standing in the center of the magic circle, was Asia. Her large green eyes were wide with shock.

"Leo... Asia..." Her voice faltered as she looked at us. It was clear that she was struggling to comprehend what was happening, and the fear in her voice was unmistakable.

For a moment, no one spoke. We were all very surprised. First of all, Asia hadn't even managed to teleport to the teleportation circle in front of her, so how had she managed to get into the Occult Research Club room?

I knew I had to say something, do something to calm Asia down, but the words just wouldn't come out. How could I explain to her? How could I make her understand without hurting her more?

As always, Rias was the first to move and act. She turned away from me, crossing her arms to hide the hard nipples of her breasts.

"Asia, we were..." She was about to make some lame excuse.

"How could you..." Asia said with her head down. "I thought... We were just training... I was asking Akeno for advice when Rias went after you, Leo... I just didn't imagine that..." Tears flowed from her eyes.

"Wait, Asia, you know that..." Rias said.

Asia interrupted her with a deep sob. "I know what I saw. I'm not blind. I knew Leo had this kind of relationship with others... but I thought maybe... after all, Leo, it was you who awakened all this in me and... ever since then I can't stop thinking about you..."

My chest tightened with a crushing weight of guilt and responsibility. How could I explain it to her? How could I make her understand that she meant so much to me in spite of everything?

Rias stepped forward and stretched. "Asia... we didn't... we never..." She stammered, something that rarely came from her. "We never went all the way, me and Leo. And... actually... Leo and you are a little further along."

"Further... on?" She repeated, as if trying to process what Rias had said.

"Yes. Asia, you were... the first. The first to have everything from me. I know it seems like things are happening so fast now, and I know you're surprised, but... you were the first one I opened up to like this."

She looked at me, her big green eyes still full of uncertainty, but there was a spark of understanding. "So... you two...?"

"We didn't go all the way," Rias added, her voice firm but gentle. "That moment you interrupted... would have been the first time." She gave a half-smile, trying to ease the tension.

The idea that Asia had been the first seemed to soothe her troubled soul a little.

"Asia, I understand how you feel, and I don't want you to feel left out or less important. In fact, I wish... I'd like you to help me right now." Asia blinked, confused.

Asia blinked, confused. "Help?"

"Yes. I know Leo has a lot of... desire, and dealing with him alone can be overwhelming for a virgin like me. So I thought maybe you could help me deal with it, since you have experience. It'll just be a little different than when we shared a bed."

"Are you... are you inviting me to...?" Asia could barely finish the sentence, the intense blush coloring her cheeks.

"Yes. You're as important to me as you are to Leo, Asia. After all, you're my servant too."




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