Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 16 – Arrival.

In the Knightledge Barony-

The people continued working despite their lord leaving. In his stead, a new lord soon came, a distant relative of the Knightledge Barony.

What they didn't notice was an unassuming raven flying in the sky.

"Caw* Caw*"

Flap* Flap* Flap* Flap*

The raven suddenly landed before a farmer working his field, staring at him intently.

"Hah? Damn stupid crows. Getting more audacious every day, I swear!" The farmer felt annoyed and tried shooing the crow, not wanting it to steal seeds from his field.

But the next moment, the raven's eyes shone red, and the farmer's expression turned dull.

"Where is Ewan, Grand Elder of Knightledge, and his family?" The raven asked with an androgynous voice.

"They left on a flying ship three days ago." The farmer numbly replied.

"Where did he live?" The raven continued.

"Over yonder. On that burnt farm. The house and field mysteriously burned in blue fire right after the ship left. Not even the animals survived." The farmer said, a hint of fear in his blurry eyes as if remembering the horrible scene.

"Fladrinne... You deny me of even curse mediums?" The raven muttered with hate, flapped its wings, and flew to the burnt field.

Shortly after, the peasant woke up with a start. "Hah? I must have daydreamed. Stupid crows." Shaking his head, he continued toiling the land.

Meanwhile, the raven paced around the burnt house and field of Ewan. All that remained was scorched earth.

"You bitch. You go this far to protect Ewan and his family? But why did you also burn his field? Were you that afraid I would find hair samples? No, he has a Grand Knight's physique, and you can give him anti-curse charms. You must be afraid of something else." The raven's eyes flickered.

It then went to the field and paced a bit before pecking the ground, taking out a half-burnt wheat seed before swallowing it.

"Although burnt, it undoubtedly started mutating to a level 1 Magical Crop, but how? The entire surrounding land is Grade 0- Unless-"

Suddenly, a thought flashed in the raven's eyes. The previous hatred toward Ewan was gone, replaced by greed.

"Earth-Blessed Farmer... You fucking lucky bitch. I should have taken action to kidnap him on the battlefield."

How many Wizards were willing to sacrifice a precious class slot, decades of their lives, and many Skill Points to become farmers? Only those who were born to farmers would even consider it. But almost all the talents picked are privileged landowners and nobles rather than farmers. After all, farmers are uneducated and with poor economic backgrounds and talent. Otherwise, why would they be farmers and not lords? It inevitably created an infinite cycle where only one Earth-Blessed Farmer popped up every few decades, and even then, the chances of them becoming Wizards were slim.

But Ewan was different. As a 30-year-old man, he was a Grand Knight and a 3rd-level Wizard Apprentice. And this is under the conditions of being a farmer in the middle of nowhere! He was bound to have Grade 5 talent if not Grade 6 talent! Along with a Rare Occupation and the much-coveted Earth-Blessed Farmer, he would receive treatment similar to a Saint Child, holding no expense to raise him as a Core Member of a clan.

If she could kidnap him, she could then slowly convince him to join the force behind her. After all, there are no eternal enemies, only interests. She also wouldn't mind taking him as her lover if it meant getting a steady supply of resources.

The raven then shook its head, greed replaced with resignation. "The early bird catches the worm. That bitch already has her claws on him and has the same intentions as I. I missed this gold mine. There is no point staying here."


The raven exploded into black feathers.




A week later-

A flying ship flew over a vast sea.

Vugast, the ship captain, looked forward while holding the steering wheel on the deck, his mechanical eye piercing through the cloudy veil. Suddenly, he spotted something and shouted.

"Land Ahoy! Gaxarths Wizard Academy is just ahead!" He said and rang a bell.

Dang* Dang* Dang* Dang*

Several minutes later, everyone was already out with their bags.

One part was Ewan's family, and the other was ten children between the ages of 7 to 15. These children were the so-called Tithes, the fresh blood for the Academy.

Some of these children came from merchant families, and others from royalty, but they were all from the privileged class. To them, a little Baron from the countryside was mediocre, let alone his family. However, they didn't dare look down on them. For one, this was no longer their home where they could do whatever they wanted with little repercussion, but a new place where they were of the lowest of backgrounds. Even without being told anything, for this mortal family to be on board was already impressive. They noticed how the ship's crew treated them respectfully, something they didn't do with them. It didn't take a genius to know they had a strong backing or background. With a bit of probing and small bribes, they learned the reason.

Ewan, Grand Elder of Knightledge.

That was a familiar name to some in the know - A Peak Knight, rumored to be a Grand Knight. It alone was enough to intimidate them, as Grand Knights were overlords in their kingdom. And he was also allegedly favored by Fladrinne, the supervising Wizard.

With this sort of background, they immediately chose to keep their distance. They didn't want to accidentally offend such a behemoth before even arriving.

Soon, they arrived at a seaside academy stationed right over the hills. It was a castle with many spires and towers, surrounded by magical gardens. They also saw other ships and flying mounts, such as griffins, giant hawks, and dragonoids. In addition, there was a big mortal city stationed near the Academy, seemingly to cater to the needs of the Wizards.

Soon, they landed at a designated landing platform, and a staircase descended from the deck to the ground. At this time, Vugast stepped forward and spoke.

"Everyone, welcome to Gaxarths Wizard Academy. New Students, please don't forget your luggage and follow me in an orderly manner." Vugast said with an apathetic voice and led the students down the stairs.

At this time, Fladrinne spoke to Ewan. "I will arrange carriages to transport your family to my Clan's territory, and Valli and Theli will escort them. Meanwhile, I need to arrange your registration to the Academy."

"Thank you for the arrangement." Ewan nodded.

He then went to his waiting family members and spoke, "Everyone, from here on, do as I say and don't wander off. If you touch something dangerous or offend someone you shouldn't, that is at your own risk."

The adults who heard it gulped while the older children became somewhat fearful. Only the younger children remained fearless, like young calves. And Ewan noted that.

"And watch closely over the kids. The Wizard World is not like our village." Ewan added.

"We will watch over them, Ewan," Shiri reassured, holding her youngest.

"Ewan, don't worry. We will stay near them." Valli said.

"No one will mess with them with us around," Theli added.

"Thank you." Ewan smiled.

The group then slowly descended from the ship, with Fladrinne being last. But just as she left the vessel-

"Fladrinne, you returned!" A delighted voice sounded.

Ewan turned to the side and found a young silver-haired Wizard with blue eyes walking over, showing a delighted expression.

On the other hand, Fladrinne turned vigilant and cold.

"Prabahn, I told you to stop bothering me." She narrowed her eyes with a hint of anger.

"Come now... our elders already half-agreed to our engagement. Why treat me so distantly?" Prabahn showed an affectionate look as if ignoring the clear rejection.

"Stop it now, Prabahn. I am under the official business of the Leminaing Clan and the Gaxarths Wizard Academy. Do not obstruct me." Fladrinne's eyes turned colder, her voice laced with a hint of a threat.

Prabahn finally paused, the smile on his face fading as he glanced at the bunch of peasants he ignored until now. "Are these your so-called Official Business? These peasant mortals? I don't recall it being legal to bring the family members of fresh bloods?"

As he said that, he scanned the crowd, only pausing on Ewan, a level-3 Apprentice and Grand Knight. "Is he your goal? While a 3rd-level Wizard Apprentice and a Grand Knight, this still doesn't warrant Official Business of your Clan AND the Academy, does it?"

"I am not to reveal it, Prabahn. It is an Official Business. Second Warning." Fladrinne hissed as the temperature around her rose, her silky hair and robes fluttering without wind, eyes glowing crimson as an inferno.

Ewan, Valli, and Theli stepped forward, shielding Ewan's relatively weak family while getting them to gradually back away.

Prabahn's laid-back demeanor finally broke. Looking at her blazing eyes and willingness to fight him, she was likely telling the truth and was on Official Business. He wasn't afraid of fighting her, but he would be in trouble for stopping Official Business if they caused a scene. He might have a dangerous or unwanted mission to repent. Furthermore, it would worsen the relations with the Leminaing Clan.

"Okay, I won't hinder you. But I will make a report." Prabahn threw a word of warning, gave Ewan a deep look as if memorizing him, and left.

"Did I offend him by doing and saying nothing?" Ewan bitterly thought.

"Let's be off, lest we encounter more scum." Fladrinne turned to Ewan and spat.

"Okay. And the carriages?" Ewan probed.

"They would arrive shortly. I already explained the overall situation to the higher-ups, and my Clan's carriages would come to pick them up." Fladrinne said and walked at a quick pace.

"Everyone, I will be back soon." Ewan waved to his family and followed Fladrinne.

He didn't ask about Prabahn, knowing it was likely a sensitive topic. However, Fladrinne spoke about him without needing him to say anything. However, instead of speaking out loud, he heard it in his ears.

[That was Prabahn from the Toronad Clan, one of the five ruling Clans of the Gaxarths Wizard Academy. My family wants to engage me with him since our Clan recently lost a key Magical Ingredient Supplier, and my Clan wishes to use the Toronad Clan's channels. The Leminaing Clan specializes in alchemists, and Magical Ingredients is our lifeblood.] Fladrinne explained.

"I see," Ewan muttered.

[However, things are about to change soon. We would no longer need to beg to get what we want. And you are the key to that.] Fladrinne turned and gave Ewan a covetous smile that sent chills down his spine. It made him feel like she was looking at a mountain of gold instead of a human.

"I seem to have underestimated my worth?" Ewan thought.

Of course, even if he knew his worth, it wouldn't change the outcome. He understood that well. In the end, if he didn't attach himself to a prominent force, even if they wouldn't do anything harmful to him and his family, his future as a Wizard would be over.

The two continued walking through the Academy, occasionally encountering Wizard Apprentices or guards who gave a respectful bow to Fladrinne while wondering who the man accompanying her was, having not seen him before.

However, Ewan and Fladrinne ignored them as they entered the main building, a massive and beautiful castle dwarfing the king's palace in the capital of Ewan's Kingdom several times over.

Entering an elaborate grand hall filled with animated paintings, they continued walking up several floors.

"Who are we meeting?" Ewan asked.

"The Principle," Fladrinne replied.

"Is it necessary to meet someone so- Prestigious? Wouldn't a dean suffice?" Ewan warily asked.

"Usually, yes. But your situation is a bit unique." Fladrinne replied.

"Are Earth-Blessed Farmers that rare?! It's just farming! How pampered can you guys get?!" Ewan felt speechless as they soon arrived before an intricate door made from unknown but expensive-looking wood decorated with artistic inscriptions guarded by two lion statues.

Suddenly, the two statues moved as if gaining life and looked toward Ewan and Fladrinne.

"Fladrinne, is this the talent?" The left lion asked.

"He does look simple-looking enough." The right lion nodded.

"Somehow, I feel like it just insulted me." Ewan squinted his eyes.

"Yes, this is Ewan. I believe the Principle is here?" Fladrinne asked.

"Yes. Come in." The right lion said.

"Kid. Remember to be respectful." The left lion gave a piece of friendly advice.

Then, the two statues returned to their positions and froze.


The door opened.

"Ewan, from here, don't speak unless spoken to. Don't even sit unless allowed to. And don't say or do anything disrespectful." Fladrinne warned and pushed the door open before entering.

Ewan took the warning to heart and followed her inside.

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