Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 17 – Life-Binding Contract. The Infamous Farmer Paradox. Dominant Bloodline.

Ewan found himself inside an office/library/workshop.

There were shelves with grimoires and workbenches with strange glowing orbs on them with delicate tools around. There were also incomplete earth and rock statues here and there, standing like mannequins.

"Is he a golem maker?" Ewan thought, intrigued as he turned his gaze to a brown-haired man in his early thirties with glowing brown eyes radiating power.

However, Ewan didn't dare speak. The power the man radiated was almost suffocating. And it wasn't even intentional.

"Fladrinne greets Urick the Golem Lord," Fladrinne deeply bowed with genuine respect.

Ewan also deeply bowed but didn't dare to speak.

"Rise." The man spoke, his mere voice holding coercion on the soul level.

The duo raised their heads.

"Ewan, I presume?" Urick asked with his attention now on Ewan.

"Yes, your grace." Ewan respectfully said.

"I hear you are a 30-year-old Earth-Blessed Farmer, Peak Grade 5 Talent, and High Earth Affinity?" Urick cut to the chase.

"Yes, your grace," Ewan replied.

"Hm." Urick hummed and motioned with his finger, making a crystal ball float from the shelves and before Ewan. "This is a Status Appraisal Crystal Ball. Touch it." He ordered.

Ewan hesitantly extended his hand and touched the crystal. Instantly, a paper-like screen floated above the crystal, projecting Ewan's status.


Name: Ewan Knightledge
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Classes: Earth Warrior(Rare, lvl 4), Earth-Blessed Farmer(Rare, lvl 1), 3rd-level Wizard Apprentice(Uncommon, lvl 4), Earth Knight(Rare, lvl 3)


Strength: 82
Physique: 85
Agility: 76
Intelligence: 126
Spirit: 75
Charisma: 61
Willpower(Special): 3

Earth Warrior: Weapon Proficiency(lvl 5), Military Drills(lvl 5), Robust(lvl 10 (Max)), Earth Defense(lvl 7), Omitted(+)

Earth-Blessed Farmer: Farming Tool Proficiency(lvl 5), Farmer's Wisdom(lvl 5), Loved by the Earth(lvl 10(Max)), Blessing of the Land(lvl 1), Omitted(+)

3rd-level Wizard Apprentice: Meditation Affinity(lvl 10(max)), Magic Attunement(lvl 10(Max)), Spellcasting Proficiency(lvl 1), Omitted(+)

Earth Knight: Horse Affinity(lvl 5), Armor Specialization(lvl 5), Strong(lvl 10(Max)), Earth Aura(lvl 2), Omitted(+)

Attribute Points: 10

Skill Points: 6


"Oh? Not bad. Although you lost 5 Skill Points to hasty breakthroughs and formed a 7th-level Greater Rune, it is still a remarkable achievement. The secondary classes are also Earth-based. And I see you invested everything in Intelligence. Although you spent 7 points on Earth Defense and Earth Aura too early, you saved 6 Skill Points. You even unlocked the Willpower Stat. Good. Very good." Urick nodded in appreciation.

Ewan remained silent. The exposure of his status was like being seen naked and evaluated by a doctor, just that the doctor was a powerful Wizard of unknown power. It was uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to reveal it.

Due to Ewan slaying two War Chiefs and over a hundred using his sword and magic, his combat classes leveled up twice each. Only Earth-Blessed Farmer, a production class, remained stagnant. Of course, to level up more than that, he would be required to kill several times more enemies.

At the side, Fladrinne widened her eyes when she saw this status.

"He is better than I thought. He would become a Wizard within ten years." Fladrinne estimated.

"Apologies. I needed to see it with my own eyes before deciding your future treatment- And to check for fraud." Urick said, giving a slight nod of apology.

Ewan remained silent.

"Ah, yes. You may speak freely now, the both of you." Urick said and walked to a tea table, motioning to his desk, where a leather sheet flew over with an ink jar and quill. "Come and sit with me. We have a deal to discuss."

Ewan and Fladrinne walked over and sat opposite him on two comfy chairs as the quill started writing the contract in a blur. The contract was prepared within a minute, leaving only several blank areas for signatures.

"Read it first. This a personalized contract for your joining the academy. It might seem draconian and binding, but you would find it is the best deal you can get out there." Urick said.

"Thank you, your grace," Ewan replied as he scanned the contract.

It was in the standard language of his kingdom, so he knew what it said.

Essentially, Ewan noted several key points.


Ewan would be signing his life away in the service of Gaxarths Wizard Academy, terminated only upon his death and reincarnation. He would live and die with the academy unless released from his contract. Even if he becomes a 2nd-order Wizard somehow, it would still bind his loyalty to the academy.

Ewan will receive 300 acres of topsoil fertile land from the Leminaing Clan to cultivate as a farmer, and he is not to work on any other territory's farm unless unprovided. The Gaxarths Wizard Academy and Leminaing Clan would be jointly responsible for protecting this farm and Ewan's family while providing a safe and comfortable environment. It will expand to 1,000 acres upon becoming a Wizard and would be allowed expansion on demand.

Until Ewan becomes a Wizard, he must exclusively sell 50% of all his produce to the Gaxarths Wizard Academy and 40% to the Leminaing Clan at 75% of the Market Price, keeping 10% to do as he wishes. He had to grow whatever they demanded of him in their respective cuts. In exchange, Ewan can receive Merit Points for exchanging resources, elixirs, weapons, knowledge, techniques, etc. When he becomes a Wizard, it will become 90%, and he can keep 25%. If he becomes a 2nd-order Wizard, it will become 100% and 50%, respectively.

Ewan would become a Core Member of the Gaxarths Wizard Academy, able to enjoy the full privileges, protection, and support, exempt from compulsory missions in favor of farming. Nobody, save for the acting principal, can order him to do anything.

Ewan would also immediately become an Inner Member of the Leminaing Clan and be allowed to become a Core Member if he weds two Inner Members and sires children. Same as with the Gaxarths Wizard Academy, he would enjoy the full privileges, protection, and support, exempt from compulsory missions in favor of farming. Nobody, save for the acting clan head, can order him to do anything.


Except for the first point, everything was fine in Ewan's eyes, even highly favorable. He understood he had to give up some of his autonomy for safety, and Ewan was a Vassal for four lifetimes. Being bound to a higher power was almost ingrained in him.

However, what worried him was the Life-Binding part.

"What does the first clause mean? If I die, would I still be bound by this in my next life?" Ewan worriedly asked.

"No. Few powers can affect a soul after reincarnation. I am afraid I don't have such power, and even if I did, there is no reason to do this. A soul can reincarnate anywhere and in any creature and without memories. Perhaps only the Divine can accomplish something like this, but even that is up to question. Instead, this contract targets those who attempt death and possession." Urick smiled.

"Possession?" Ewan curiously asked.

"Yes. Those with strong enough souls can possess another's body. However, such action does not necessarily extend one's life since a soul also has a lifespan, slowly corroding until no more. Furthermore, there is the matter of bodily rejection. Nasty business that usually ends up badly for both sides." Fladrinne explained.

"As Fladrinne says. Possession is not the same as reincarnation. However, there are rare times when someone reincarnates with vague memories intact. Those lucky individuals retain some life experiences, quickly advancing in some skills and classes while voiding all contracts from their last life. Usually, only immensely potent individuals, such as Divine Beings, gain such a privilege." Urick added.

"I see..." Ewan muttered, a burden lifting from his chest.

Ewan already had a foreboding that he reincarnated with intact memories. And their words only reinforced this belief. Otherwise, why would he only slowly regain his memories whenever he turned seven instead of being born with them? Every time, he felt like a different person.

Not knowing what went in his mind, Urick spoke, "I know it might sound harsh, child, but believe me, it is for your good. You don't realize to what depths others would lower themselves to obtain you and make you their resource-making slave."

"Well, I am unsure of your situation, but I understand that an Earth-Blessed Farmer must be worth a lot for you to go to such lengths to convince me. But pray tell, why don't you invest to create new Earth-Blessed Farmers? It can't be THAT difficult, right?" Ewan inquired.

"I am afraid it is challenging, Ewan, almost too challenging. The conditions are too stringent, to the point it is called the Infamous Farmer Paradox. Generally, there are three routes to becoming an Earth-Blessed Farmer- The physical route, the Wizard Route, and the dual route.

In the Physical Route, one must be physically strong enough to farm hundreds of acres. That means they must be top-notch Knight Talents, able to become Grand Knights before turning thirty. Second, they must be willing to farm the land for decades, working from dawn to dusk, sacrificing precious time they could use for anything else in a thankless job they are not guaranteed to succeed in. Even if they succeed, they usually only become Earth-Blessed Farmers close to the end of their lives. Naturally, these are the least desirable but most common Earth-Blessed Farmers.

In the Wizard Route, one rushes to become a Wizard before sacrificing one of their precious Class Slots, decades, and many skill points to become better farmers. Furthermore, they would likely need to sacrifice another class slot for a warrior class to practice Breathing Techniques and improve their physique if they have the talent or spend many resources to enhance their body to work the land. It might seem the easiest route, but which Wizard would willingly spend dozens of years being a Farmer only to stay a Farmer? It defies the nature of Wizards, seekers of magic and lore. Furthermore, Wizards are far rarer than Grand Knights and require many resources to raise.

And then there is the dual route, which is even more absurd. In this route, one must have supreme talent as a Knight and Wizard. In whatever order, they select to be Wizards, Warriors, and Farmers, using them to rapidly advance in tandem for the first few decades of their lives, becoming monotone working machines and wasting their youth as farmers. Theoretically, it is the fastest way to become an Earth-Blessed Farmer, but it requires extreme talent and many resources.

But here is the paradox: Who, in their right mind, would gamble away potential top-tier individuals, wasting their talents and investing significant amounts of resources to become farmers? The answer should be obvious." Fladrinne explained.

"And that is why we, and many others, value you so much. You fulfilled the dual route, something rarely seen in centuries. At least, it only ever happens in the Holy Lands." Urick added.

"What's the Holy Land?" Ewan asked.

"You would know about it once you are a Wizard. For now, that information is too distant for you." Fladrinne shook her head.

"Is there any other question?" Urick asked.

"Just one. Isn't the Leminaing Clan head coming? He also needs to sign this from what I can see." Ewan said, noticing three empty spaces for signatures.

"He will arrive shortly. In the meantime, I must speak to you about another matter." Urick said with an odd look. "All your children were found to be with remarkable talent as Wizards. Your two eldest children had Peak Grade 4 talent, your third and fourth children had Regular Grade 5 talent, and your youngest son had Peak Grade 5 talent and High affinity to the Earth element. We checked your wife and found she barely had Grade 2 Magical Roots and low Wind affinity. On the other hand, we found that your mother and sister also have Peak and Regular Grade 5 Magical talent, and your brothers and nephews had Grade 4 to Grade 3 talent, all had Intermediate to high talent as Warriors and Intermediate to High Earth Affinity."

Fladrinne also made a strange face, occasionally glancing at Ewan's family jewels with respect.

"Eh... Is that so?" Ewan felt uncomfortable with their gazes.

"I am unsure who your ancestor was, but your bloodline seems to have a strong tendency to pass on positive traits. It is a rare bloodline trait that is hard to find even in ancient clans. Some Wizard Couples can barely sire Grade 3 talents, yet the weakest talent you sired was Peak Grade 4 and with a woman with weak talent." Urick said with a hint of respect and awe.

"Well, that explains why this body was so talented." Ewan thought.

"Is there a reason you brought this up, your grace?" Ewan warily asked.

"Quite so. Are you interested in getting engaged with one of my descendants? She is 30, only recently becoming an Earth Wizard. I am sure you will find much in common..." Urick started advertising.

"... Am I treated as a Stud Horse?" Ewan's lips twitched.

Fladrinne suddenly turned nervous and hastily spoke, "Ewan, don't forget you already agreed to marry Valli and Theli!"

Shiri spoke to Ewan on the ship and convinced him, so he decided to marry them. Otherwise, he wouldn't do that.


"Urick, you thief! Don't go trying to steal the son-in-law of my Clan!" A man with burning red eyes and a beard kicked the door open, as fiery as his temper.

"Ah, Endezahr. I wasn't stealing anyone. I was merely suggesting." Urick said with a smile as steady as a mountain.

"Hmph. Don't try those tricks until he becomes a proper Wizard and extends his lifespan. Three women are enough distraction as-is." Endezahr harumphed.

"So you are fine with it AFTER I am a Wizard?!" Ewan mentally retorted.

"Tsk... Can't be helped." Urick clicked his tongue and reluctantly gave up(Temporarily).

"So, you are Ewan, hah? You indeed look simple enough." Endezahr said, blunt as a hammer.

"This is going to be a running gag, isn't it?"

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