Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 2 – Showing Talent.


[Conditions Met. You used a spear during military drills. Unlocking the Entry Class, Trainee.]

[Available Class Slots: (1/2)]

[Would you like to change to Trainee? Yes/No?]

[You have changed your class to Trainee(Entry, lvl 1, 0/100).]

[Available Class Slots: (0/2)]

[You gained +1 Strength.]

[You learned the Core Skill, Weapon Proficiency(lvl 1)]


Weapons Proficiency(lvl 1): Gives a positive correction when using weapons and shields.


Ewan and the other children were training, thrusting their spears through the air. The months of training in his previous life bore fruit, with the first thrust triggering the class change.

"But this still isn't enough. I must excel above my peers and prove my worth. Only if I catch Isaac's eyes will the Manor Lord pay attention to me." Ewan thought as he continued thrusting.


[Spearmanship exp +1]

[You practiced Spearmanship and learned the general skill: Spearmanship(lvl 1, 1/100)]

[Spearmanship exp +1]

[Spearmanship exp +1]

[Spearmanship exp +1]

[Spearmanship exp +1]

[Trainee exp +1]

[Spearmanship exp +1]




Meanwhile, Isaac looked at the boys' training and started instructing and correcting them.

"Filip! Use more strength in your thrusts!"

"Roger! Don't just flail your hands! Move your hips, dammit!"

"Kacper! You're aiming too low! Are you aiming at a target or the ground?"

Isaac soon reached Ewan and was about to give him directions when he noticed his spearmanship. Although far from perfect, it didn't have obvious flaws. At least he wouldn't hurt himself and his allies with this kind of spearmanship. Not only that, but his thrusts were noticeably and gradually getting better.

"Oh? Not bad! It seems like young Ewan is talented in spearmanship. Perhaps I should instruct him on more advanced stuff." Isaac, who had Spearmanship lvl 5, thought, deciding to help Ewan in the next spear training session.

Little did he know that Ewan's original talent was as unremarkable as the others. Spearmanship barely reached lvl 2 in his past life. He was merely incorporating his past life into this life. However, it was undeniable that Ewan's learning qualifications were higher in this life.

He gained +1 Strength and Agility at levels 3 and 5 when leveling Farm Hand and +1 Attribute Point at levels 2 and 4.

When he became a Farmer, he gained +1 in Strength, Physique, and Intelligence, and +1 in Physique and Intelligence on level 3. He also got +1 Attribute Point at level 2.

Compared to him, most 10-year-old children barely had lvl 3 Farm Hand. When promoted to Farmer, they missed 2 Attribute Points. Also, he had a two-level advantage, giving him three additional points. And with the three free Attribute Points, he placed them all on Intelligence, which was the key to learning faster. And since he got two extra Skill Points, he wouldn't put them on Farming Tool Proficiency anymore, instead having the luxury of placing them all on Weapon Proficiency.

That is how Ewan became the child with the highest qualifications. Of course, he could have saved some of his Skill Points to add them to Weapon Proficiency, but he figured he was a Farmer first and foremost. He couldn't gamble his livelihood!

The spear training continued for an hour before ending. Having thrust the spear over two hundred times, Ewan received his reward.


Trainee(Entry, lvl 1, 35/100)

Spearmanship(lvl 2, 75/300)


"I regained my skill!" Ewan rejoiced.

He didn't know that Isaac's eyes shone when he looked at him. "This kid is a gem in the rough. I should inform the Manor Lord later."

Of course, he didn't linger on this for too long. Instead, he looked at the children and spoke, "Okay, boys. You will now learn to wield shields and form a shield wall."

"Okay!" The boys replied.

They then took dummy shields, getting used to their weight, how to swing to bash an opponent, and form a tight shield wall against a charging enemy or to guard against arrows.

Another hour later-

The boys, tired after two hours of intensive training, looked somewhat listless. But Ewan's lively eyes were spirited!


Trainee(Entry, lvl 1, 45/100)

Shielding(lvl 2, 2/300)


"Nice." Ewan gleefully thought.

"Good job, boys. Go and rest for an hour in the shade, and then we will practice archery." Isaac said.

The children's mood soured when they heard they would continue this training. It was indeed tough on their young bodies.

"Yes..." They replied, tiredly walking to a shaded area with a bucket of fresh water.

Ewan, who was also a bit tired, followed them to rest. He didn't notice that Isaac already marked him.

"This kid has potential! He reached the lvl 2 standard. Did he learn from watching the older kids and militia practice on Sundays?" He wondered.

It was an open secret that those who practiced before they unlocked a class could quickly gain skill experience. Having watched Ewan, Isaac vaguely sensed that Ewan ceased improving at specific points.

"I wonder how he will do in Archery." He thought to himself.

In the shade, the boys talked to each other, tired.

"Uwa... That was so tiring! My arms hurt." Filip, a slim boy with a crooked nose, complained while shaking his arm.

"It was worse than weeding." Roger, a wide-shouldered boy with rabbit teeth, sighed.

"But Ewan, you were the only one Isaac didn't scold. Did you practice in secret?" Kacper, a ginger boy with too many freckles, asked.

"Yeah, Ewan! You always worked in the fields or played with us. How did you get strong?" The other boys wondered.

"I don't know. I just liked watching the others practice sometimes and copied." Ewan shrugged, not bothering to explain.

If he told anyone about his past, at best, they would think him an overimaginative kid. At worst, they would label him a wizard or madman.

The kids rested for an hour before continuing their training with Isaac in the archery range.

"Okay, kids. We will train archery for the next two hours." Isaac said, now holding a bow and arrow.

"Aw... Do we have to?" Filip grumbled.

"I am afraid so, Filip. Besides protecting yourselves and your family, you will become a footarcher in times of war. After all, no sane lord would make you fight on the front lines." Isaac said with a stern look.

That was the case. Usually, the ones who joined their lord on the battlefield were the noble household members, including knights, esquires, butlers, and even menial servants like cooks and gardeners. In times of war, they served as mounted man-at-arms, mounted archers, or foot archers.

On the other hand, Serfs rarely did those things. What would you expect a farmer who barely trained on weekends to do? More often than not, they got recruited to dig moats, help build things, and operate siege equipment. After all, if they die, who would work the land and provide food? The economy would collapse.

Even Ewan, an uneducated serf, knew such a simple fact, let alone the highborns!

Nevertheless, when the lord couldn't defend them against monsters and raiders, they had to rely on themselves. That was why every boy who turned ten, from serf to highborn, dedicated several hours a week for the rest of his life. Without this, they would be defenseless.

"I understand..." Filip sighed, dejected.

"Okay. Now pick your bows and arrows and start your practice." Isaac instructed.

The kids then took their bows and arrows and began their long practice session. Of course, Isaac, who also had lvl 5 Archery, instructed them.

"Spread your legs more!"

"You are holding the arrow wrong! Do it like this!"

"You are aiming the bow too high!"

"Bloody hell, boy! You are holding the arrow in reverse!"

However, he saw that Ewan shot his arrows perfectly, and Isaac had nothing to teach. Except for the first few arrows, Ewan hit the target every time. Although far from being a marksman, he showed the competence of a villager who practiced to his early forties!

"Holy cow. This kid has real potential! I reckon he might soon reach lvl 3 or even lvl 4 Archery! The Manor Lord would surely be pleased." Isaac thought.

Two hours later and 200 arrows shot-


Trainee(Entry, lvl 1, 65/100)

Archery(lvl 2, 100/300)


"Nice!" Ewan gleefully thought. The pain he felt in his hands didn't diminish this feeling.

"Okay, kids! That's it for today." Isaac said, making the kids sigh in relief.


"I want to rest!"

"I'm hungry..."

Only Ewan smiled and said nothing. "It is good to be young. Brings back memories."

When he was their age, he also whined about such things.

Ewan didn't force himself to shoot more arrows and returned home. His hands needed time to heal and develop calluses, and his father still needed help on the farm. Those pesky weeds won't remove themselves!

Watching the kids return to their homes, Isaac put the training equipment back in their racks and headed to the Manor Lord's manor to make his report.




Six weeks later-

Next Sunday-

Early morning-

Ewan arrived at the training field with the other children, prepared to continue his training. He then checked his gains during these six weeks.


[Archery Level Up!]

[Archery Level Up!]

[Trainee Level Up!]

[You gained Attribute Point +1. Skill Point +1]

[Intelligence: 10 -> 11]

[Weapon Proficiency(lvl 1 -> 2)]

[Archery Level Up!]


Trainee(Entry, lvl 2, 103/300)

Archery(lvl 4, 63/1,000)


Name: Ewan
Sex: Male
Age: 10
Classes: Farmer(Common, lvl 3, 300/500), Trainee(Entry, lvl 2, 103/300).


Strength: 6(7)
Physique: 8(9)
Agility: 5(6)
Intelligence: 11
Spirit: 4(5)
Charisma: 4(5)


Farmer: Farming Tool Proficiency(lvl 5), Farmer's Wisdom(lvl 3), Ommited(+).

Trainee: Weapon Proficiency(lvl 2), Archery(lvl 3, 200/500), Spearmanship(lvl 2, 75/300), Shielding(lvl 2, 2/300)

Attribute Points: 0
Skill Points: 0


He can learn skills faster with his raised Intelligence and Weapon Proficiency. It was also worth mentioning that he was gradually gaining experience as a Farmer, and he guessed that by the age of 13 or 14, he would be a lvl 6 Farmer, the minimum requirement to advance to an Uncommon class! Perhaps there was also the accumulative effect of the additional two skill points, stat points, and high skills, but gaining class experience was faster than his last life by a long shot.

While he and the other kids waited, Isaac arrived with a dignified middle-aged man in clean clothes and a sheathed sword on his leather belt. There was an unhidden furrow on the man's brows as if smelling something foul. It was little wonder since the village did stink from animal excrement and rotten meat.

"Sir Otis!" The children hurriedly lowered their heads.

He was Sir Otis, the Manor Lord's butler. Although not a noble, he had a distant noble bloodline, served as part of the Manor Lord's household, and was even a foot soldier.

Seeing the children bow, Otis gave a curt nod and turned to Isaac. "Where is the boy?"

"Ewan, come forward!" Isaac called out.

"Here, Sir." Ewan stepped forward and said.

Otis looked Ewan up and down before uttering with a voice full of authority, "Boy, follow me. Our lord would like to see you."

It was little wonder why he acted like this. Serfs were at the bottom of the social hierarchy, after all.

Immediately, the other children gave Ewan envious looks as they vaguely understood that Ewan caught the eye of the Manor Lord.

"Yes, Sir." Ewan's smile brightened and followed Otis.

Before leaving, Isaac patted Ewan's shoulder, "Kid, this is all I can do for you. Don't screw it up."

"Thank you, Uncle Isaac," Ewan thanked before following Otis.




In the Manor Lord's shooting range-

A man with greying blond hair and a ramrod back stood 1.9m tall and abound with muscle, eyeing Ewan like a bird of prey with his sharp gaze.

He was the Manor Lord, Sir Terric Shanford, a Knight.

When Ewan saw him, he unknowingly felt that the man was not regular. It was more than just his high stature and muscles. It was as if a mouse looked at a cat or a child looked at a brown bear.

"We are not the same creature." That was Ewan's impression.

But soon, that pressure passed as the man relaxed his gaze.

"Not bad." Those were the first words Lord Terric said.

"Hah..." Ewan sighed in relief. It was as if he escaped a death sentence.

"Ewan, right? George's eldest son?" Lord Terric asked.

"Yes, m'lord. I am flattered you know me." Ewan replied.

"Hm." Lord Terric nodded and pointed at the practice targets. "Shoot those. I want to see how well you do. If you perform well, I will handsomely reward you."

"Yes, m'lord!" Ewan's eyes shone.

He knew that this was the opportunity he was looking for. If a serf wanted to escape his fate, there were a few ways. The best way was to distinguish yourself, to show your talents!

He received a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do this!

To say Ewan wasn't nervous would be a lie, but he was far more steady than other children since he had a lifetime of experience.

"Here, Boy. Don't disappoint our lord." Otis expressionlessly walked over, giving Ewan a practice bow and arrow quiver. They were noticeably better quality than the ones they practiced with.

"Yes!" Ewan picked the bow and arrows.

And then, he skillfully pulled an arrow, aimed, and shot the target.

Woosh* Thud* Woosh* Thud* Woosh* Thud* Woosh* Thud* Woosh* Thud*


Before long, Ewan emptied the quiver with 20 arrows, hitting the circular practice target. Although they were not all on the bullseye, at least three hit it.

After emptying the quiver, Ewan turned to Lord Terric and bowed, "I shot the arrows, m'lord."

"Good shooting, boy!" Lord Terric's eyes brightened.

When he looked at Ewan, he saw a blooming talent. In this world filled with danger, every military talent was a treasure worth nurturing, especially one born in his fief.

"I am flattered, m'lord." Ewan happily smiled. These were the fruits of sacrificing two hours a week for 30 years!

"Hm. Boy, let me ask you, how high is your Intelligence and Physique?" Lord Terric asked.

It was a rude question to ask others about their stats, but a necessary one. Terric also had the right to do so as the Manor Lord, and not answering it was a crime. Of course, one can always falsely answer that.

"11 points in Intelligence and 9 in Physique, m'lord," Ewan chose to reveal.

Some people were born disabled, and some were born gifted, having higher stats and even innate skills. Although the stats he said were high for a child, they were far from exaggerated.

"Good! Boy, are you interested in joining my household?" Lord Terric asked.

"I would be honored, m'lord!" Ewan gave an immediate yes.

"Good, good, good! I like your spirit, boy!" Lord Terric approvingly nodded. "I remember you are a Farmer, yes?"

"Yes, m'lord." Ewan nodded.

"Hm. I do need an extra hand to tend to my field. From now on, you will join Cedric. Also, I expect you to train archery more often. And finally, you will also receive a partial Breathing Technique." Lord Terric said.

"Breathing Technique???" Ewan didn't know the term.

"Otis, you handle the paperwork. And remember to exempt George from taxes and services for the next ten years, and all of George's sons are exempt from levy." Lord Terric said.

"Yes, my lord." Otis bowed and turned to Ewan. "Boy, show your thanks."

"Thank you, m'lord!" Ewan deeply bowed, knowing the significance of this gift was not small.

Lord Terric turned to leave but remembered something and added with a scrunched face, "Oh, and bathe the boy. He stinks."

"Yes, my lord," Otis said and turned to Ewan. "Follow me, boy."

And so, Ewan's life as Lord Terric's vassal began.

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