Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 3 – Yeoman. Deer Breathing Technique.

After washing himself with a bucket of hot water and a towel, Ewan received three sets of clothes. One was for farming, one was for training, and one was more formal wear.

Otis then prepared a contract for Ewan to sign. In it, he agreed to become a loyal Yeoman to the Shanford Noble House. Ewan will receive a parcel of uncultivated land to call his own and will have much more time to train. In times of peace, he would occasionally work the Manor Lord's private field. In times of war, he would pick up arms to fight.

It might not seem much better or different than a Serf, but it was to an extent. While they faced more risks of a possible and likely military draft, they enjoyed more status and freedom. Otis, for example, was also a Yeoman. He just chose the path of a butler, not a Farmer, receiving a salary.

Not only will Ewan's living conditions be better, but he will also have access to education and even receive the Partial Breathing Technique, the Deer Breathing Technique. It was a magical skill exclusive to knights and warriors, using breathing methods to unlock the body's potential, giving attribute points! From the full version with seven moves, he received the first three. If he distinguished himself, he would receive more moves. He could also teach these moves to his future children but not to others.

Lord Terric asked about Ewan's Physique and Intelligence due to the minimal requirements of using the Breathing Technique. Intelligence affects comprehension and improvement speed, and Physique represents the ability to withstand the training. Both were needed.

On a side note, the Lord's children had access to the full version from the moment they could use it. Such was the unfair advantage Nobles had over Commoners.

However, Ewan was happy enough to receive the partial version! Something was better than nothing.

Once they finished, Ewan went to his family and informed them of the news. George, Amaya, Amy, and the other siblings were happy for him.

"Good job, son! I am proud of you. Work hard to serve our Lord." George encouraged. While he would miss Ewan's helping hand, he was happy that his son got such a great opportunity and advanced to a Yeoman. He was exempt from taxes and drafted for ten years, and his other sons were also exempt from conscription. It made up for the loss of his eldest leaving the house.

"Good luck, son. Remember to be respectful at all times." Amaya reminded. Disrespecting a noble can get you caned! That was a standard lesson serfs learned.

"Come visit often, brother!" Amy sweetly smiled.

The other younger siblings also looked at their brother curiously and enviously.

"I will," Ewan promised.

He planned to visit sometimes, help his father in the field, and bring some quality food.

Ewan, wearing his brand-new clothes, visited his fellow villagers and said his goodbyes. Finally, he met with Isaac, who patted Ewan's shoulder. "Good job, boy. I knew you would catch their eye."

"Thank you for recommending me, Sir Isaac!" Ewan smiled.

Without Isaac, Ewan knew that his Lord would never look at him.

"Boy, I only did my job. We always keep an eye out for talented children like you. Even if you don't join the Lord in his outings, you can help defend the territory or become one of the Young Master's men." Isaac explained.

That was indeed the case. While the Serfs had minimal self-defense training, they were not qualified as unprofessional soldiers. In contrast, the Yeomen were the real defenders of the territory who fought to defend the people and serve their Lord. Some even went and became full-time professional soldiers in times of war. Legends abound of wartime heroes becoming Knights.

"Still, thank you for the help. If I can, I will return the favor." Ewan replied. In their small community, people had to help each other.

"Heh. Then I will keep your word on that." Isaac smiled back.

Afterward, Ewan returned to the manor, where he had dinner at the servant's quarters. The meal had bread, cheese, butter, fruit, unwanted cuts of meat, and other leftovers from the Lord's dinner with his family. It might sound demeaning to eat another's leftovers, but Ewan ate better food than he did as a Serf! To the growing boy, this was a great treat.

During the dinner, Ewan also met Cedric, a meaty fellow with robust arms and an honest face. Like himself, he was also a Yeoman and a professional Archer. Cedric was also initially a Serf but was scouted as a child and became a Yeoman. He was now 35 and had five children above 7.

Being of similar origin, Cedric was warm to Ewan, even asking, "Hey, I have a few daughters around your age. Want me to introduce them?"

"Haha! That would be happy to." Ewan replied.

As a Yeoman, he now needed to aim for a wife of similar status. The daughters of Yeomen were ideal, and he, as a young and prospecting Yeoman, was also a suitable spouse for women of the same status. When he turned 20, he needed to start building a family, so he wasn't against arranging himself a marriage. In his previous life, it was arranged for him by his parents, so it felt good to have some control. At least he could see if Cedric had a daughter prettier and wiser than his late wife.

After chatting with everyone and knowing the household servants, Otis took Ewan to a private room and started teaching him the Deer Breathing Technique. For this, they practiced it bare-chested. Without Otis's shirt, Ewan could see the powerful and wiry muscles Otis had.

"I will be teaching you the three first postures of the Deer Breathing Technique. Be warned that if you perform it wrong or have a Physique less than 7, you might injure yourself and your lungs. It might also form hidden injuries that would lower your lifespan. Of course, having a higher Physique lowers this chance." Otis sternly warned.

By now, Otis stopped looking down on Ewan, knowing they were of the same class. There was no reason to form bad blood among colleagues, so Otis treated Ewan equally. Warning Ewan of the dangers of Breathing Techniques was also a necessity.

"Yes, I understand." Ewan turned serious. He wouldn't play around with his health and life.

"Good. Now watch the first movement." Otis said.

Otis then stood on all fours, forming a half-circle with his body.

"The first movement, Standing Deer, focuses on Agility. The pose requires some endurance, but the key point is your Breathing Rhythm. Watch, listen, and remember." Otis sternly said.

"Yes!" Ewan nodded.

Otis then started to demonstrate it.

Sss* Shh* Sss* Shh*

Otis took deep breaths before releasing them with a powerful force. Ewan focused on the rhythm and how Otis's stomach moved with each breath. Slowly, a hint of understanding emerged in his mind.

After three minutes, Otis stopped with a bit of sweat forming on his body.

"Did you get what I did?" Otis asked.

"Yes, Sir Otis." Ewan nodded.

"Good. Now try it, and I will guide you from the side." Otis instructed.

Ewan then copied Otis's initial posture. "Like this?"

"No, raise your body a bit more. You need to make an arch." Otis said.

Ewan adjusted his position several times before Otis nodded, "Good enough. Now start the breathing."

Ewan then started breathing in and out, copying Otis.

"Adjust your breathing a bit more."

"Yes, good."

"No, you released too early."

"Breath with your stomach, not your chest."

"Good. Keep going."

While being instructed, Ewan slowly felt his body heating, especially certain muscle groups on the stomach, back, and limbs. Several minutes later, Ewan began shaking. At the same time, he received messages, but he ignored them.

"Enough," Otis said.


"Hah. Hah. Hah. That was- hard." Ewan breathed out.

"That means you did it correctly. When your body starts to shake, it means you reached your limits. Do not continue when that happens, or you will injure yourself." Otis warned.

"Yes, I understand." Ewan slowly struggled on his feet.

"Good. I will continue to supervise your training for the next week. Also, remember to eat well before every practice since it quickly burns energy to build up your body." Otis said.

"Thank you, Sir Otis!" Ewan respectfully said.

"Mr. Otis. We are now in the same class. The Servants and Serfs need to call you Sir now." Otis reminded and put on his shirt. "Now go get a quick wash and go to sleep. You have a long day tomorrow."

After Otis left, Ewan checked his unread messages.


[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[You practiced the Deer Breathing Technique under a mentor's guidance and learned the Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance)(1/100)]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[Trainee exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]

[Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance) exp +1]


Deer Breathing Technique(First Stance)(8/100)


"Not bad." Ewan thought.

He saw that it got listed under the Trainee class. He also noticed it was a standalone skill. However, it didn't improve his stats. At least, not yet.

"No matter. I have plenty of time." Ewan thought.

He then washed himself and went to sleep in the servant's quarters. He slept on a straw-filled mattress and a linen blanket, which was better than before. However, there was little privacy there, and it was a bit cramped, but still better than at home.

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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