Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Support is coming

? Click…

Hao Zhi was desperate, so he closed his eyes and waited for the second violent pain attack, but his left arm was fine, but his whole body tilted with a violent impact. When he opened his eyes again, he realized that Along with the blood moon robot, he was knocked down by a powerful force!

The blood moon robot was unstable and leaned towards the crater…

At that moment, a huge metal arm suddenly appeared, grabbing the blood moon robot that was about to fall, he stepped on the cliff wall, was grabbed by the powerful manipulator, and temporarily maintained his balance.

At almost the same time, a black light flashed from the side, and cut off the giant hand holding Hao Zhi with a click. The Blood Moon Robot lost its last support point, tilted silently, and fell into a volcano tens of meters deep. The mouth, like a huge boulder falling into the well, made a huge hum, splashing bright red and bright volcanic magma flying around…

Among the thousands of degrees of molten volcanic rock flow, the blood moon robot sank like a pot of thick porridge. Every line was short-circuited at high temperature, and a babble of electric sparks erupted. He wanted to say something, but the system has been Disordered, I can only make some irregular noises, like a rock in a swamp, sinking with sobbing, leaving only half of the chopped arm stretched out on the surface of the magma, making a cry for help. Unbelievable appearance.

Hao Zhi was shocked for a while before he realized that there were two mecha war cats standing on the left and right sides!

One of them, at the moment his arm was about to be broken, kicked the blood moon robot down the crater, and then grabbed Hao Zhi’s hand in his hand. The other robot drew out the Yinggang sword and broke it. Took his arm.

“Fortunately we arrived, or else your kid would be completely abolished! Why did you suffer such a serious injury?” Song Xiaojia’s voice came from the mecha holding Hao Zhi.

“Hurry up and bandage him. I still have healing potions. I’m afraid I can only stop the bleeding. I am afraid it will be difficult to regenerate limbs!” Wang Yanke’s voice anxiously came from the war cat.

The two changed the mecha into a war cat posture, got out of the cabin, and hurriedly stopped Hao Zhi from bleeding. Song Xiaojia found a roll of bandage from the medicine box carried in the cabin and rolled it into a slender rope. The root of his arm was pinched and tightened to prevent a lot of blood loss, and then he put a needle of recovery medicine on the side of the wound of his broken arm.

Soon, the blood from the wound stopped flowing, and the fine tissue structure began to weave itself, but the speed was very slow. It seems that, like the blood moon robot said, it requires a strong ability to regenerate limbs. This alone depends on this. The medicine doesn’t work.

The pain finally eased a little, Hao Zhi half leaned on Zhan Mao’s leg and asked them, “Why are you here?”

“You run so fast by yourself, and don’t wait for us. The rest of the war cats encountered some problems in repairing. We only pieced together two that are still usable. No, I will chase after the repair. You really don’t want it. Fate! Fortunately we came in time, and if we are late, even Xiaoji will be dragged off!” Song Xiaojia looked at the bone wound in the broken part of Hao Zhi’s arm, tears fell from his distress, and he complained loudly. NS.

Hao Zhi wrinkled a bitter melon face and barely squeezed out an ugly smile: “Isn’t this not dead, don’t worry, I am dead!”

The two were talking, but Wang Yanke who saw him stared at the crater in a daze: “Keke, what’s wrong? What are you thinking about?”

Wang Yanke stared at the blood moon robot sinking in the magma. In the high temperature, it gradually looked like a cardboard box falling into the fire. It burned out one hole after another, gradually melted away, and suddenly his eyes lit up. , Can not help taking two steps back, Huarong pales.

Since Wang Yanke’s consciousness was awakened in Xiaobing’s body, half of her emotions have always been affected by “mechanization”, including being more calm and sensible, but also lacking much of her original sentimental person. Trait, one of the biggest features, is that she rarely uses facial expressions to express happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, but only relies on the tone of the language to express emotions.

But this time, Hao Zhi saw a rare situation—Wang Yanke suddenly opened his eyes in the face of extreme fear and was stupid in place.

“What’s wrong with you?” Hao Zhi hurriedly asked.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Yanke was relieved. She said word by word: “I think, I might have guessed the plan of the blood moon!”

“What plan?” Hao Zhi knew that Wang Yanke must have thought of something, so he anxiously pulled her over and sat on the ground with one hand, “Don’t worry, speak slowly!”

Wang Yanke put a hand on the shell of the war cat, instantly matched his computer with the computer of the war cat with Bluetooth, and then ordered the war cat to project a three-dimensional image with his eyes…

That image is a schematic diagram of the global war from Xu Zhe’s headquarters not long ago!

Wang Yanke clicked on a coordinate on the map with her hand, and the area was quickly enlarged. She told Hao Zhi: “This is where we are now!”

“Oh?” Hao Zhi distinguished it carefully. On the map, a place name was marked in Chinese: Huangshi!

“Huangshi?” Song Xiaojia and Hao Zhi said at the same time.

“Yes… This is the U.S. National Park, also called Yellowstone National Park! Think about it, what is the biggest feature of this place?”

“Beautiful scenery? Known as God’s paintbrush?” Hao Zhi remembered the science and education programs he had watched before.

“When can you be more serious?” Song Xiaojiao tapped on his head, “You mean Huangshi Volcano?”

“The real name is Huangshi Super Volcano!” Wang Yanke showed a look of horror, and once again affirmed that name, Super Volcano!

I just saw the volcanic magma when I suddenly thought that the Blood Moon commanded so many war worms to come to this area without a purpose. Their final plan may be aimed at the volcanoes here!

“I don’t understand…” Hao Zhi was confused again.

“As far as I know, in 1883, a volcano called Krakatau erupted in Indonesia. Its powerful explosive force was equivalent to 12,000 times that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This eruption also caused a strong explosion. The earthquake and tsunami caused by the tsunami were as high as 20-40 meters and more than 10 stories high, causing sea water to invade into the interior of Java and Sumatra, destroying 295 villages and towns, and claiming the lives of about 50,000 people. According to statistics from later generations, this volcano expelled 21 cubic kilometers of ash in one go.”

What does this have to do with Huangshi Volcano? Hao Zhi asked.

“You have to understand that based on this calculation-Huangshi Park volcanoes are indeed rich in huge geothermal energy, almost 500 times that of Indonesian volcanoes!

In other words, when converted into the equivalent of a man-made nuclear bomb, the eruption of a volcano in Indonesia is only equivalent to a 2.1 billion-ton equivalent nuclear bomb explosion.

And if Huangshi Volcano erupts, it would be equivalent to 10,000 super nuclear bombs of 100 million tons exploding at the same time…”

“Then… what are the consequences?”

“One trillion atomic bombs exploding at the same time, what do you think will be the consequences?” Wang Yanke asked.

“The earth was blown to pieces?”

“That’s not enough, this explosion is nothing to the earth itself, but for humans, it is a disaster!”

“But didn’t General Xu Zhe say that if we want to survive on the earth, neither humans nor aliens will use nuclear weapons to attack the earth?”

“This is the crux of the problem-although volcanic eruptions and nuclear bomb explosions are equally destructive, they do not carry nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution!

At that time, the volcanic ash and thick smoke will float above the earth for decades, blocking all direct sunlight, and all the plants and crops on the earth will die, and the surface environment will rapidly cool down, ushering in another glacier. At that time, human beings could only die of freezing and starvation under such difficult conditions, but there was nothing to do!

As for the blood moon, you only need to wait quietly in space, and after the volcanic ash has dissipated, you can easily clean the battlefield…”

“You don’t even have to fight any more battles. Human beings will die from environmental disasters one by one!” Hao Zhi gasped!

“Not only that…Volcanic ash is rich in organic matter and is a very good fertilizer. After all the volcanic ash floating around the world enters the soil, the land that has been intensively cultivated by humans will become very fertile, and the vegetation and trees with vigorous vitality will be very fertile. In a short period of time, it will all flourish again, coupled with the advanced technology of aliens, within a hundred years, the earth will be a thriving scene, and this place will become their paradise!”

“One stone with two birds?” Hao Zhi was shocked and opened his mouth instantly.

“No, three birds with one stone!” Wang Yanke continued his crazy guess, “If the new ice age comes, the low temperature environment will wipe out more than half of the bacteria and viruses on the earth, and it will also help the aliens to purify the environment! You can adapt to the earth’s environment faster and live there!”

Hao Zhi was shocked again and couldn’t even close his mouth. It took a long time to lift his chin up with his hands, and added: “My name! Perfect plan?”

Wang Yanke thought for a while and shook his head: “I guess it might be like this, but there is a problem I haven’t figured out yet…”

“There are still questions you can’t figure out?” Song Xiaojia also said that he didn’t understand.

Wang Yanke frowned in pain: “Although the plan is perfect, it is very difficult to implement it.

No, it should not be said to be very difficult, it should be as usual, it is impossible. The bodies of those war insects seem to be quite big to us, but facing such a huge volcano, they are really It’s just little ants. How about a volcano even if there are thousands of them?

To take a step back, even if they can explode the crater, volcanic eruptions are not a word. Only when a certain amount of energy accumulates inside can form a big eruption. UU看书www.uukā will not be alienated. The Yellowstone volcano has been silent for 640,000 years. It shows that the geological movement inside the volcano does not accumulate much heat. If it has enough energy reserves, it will erupt with or without aliens. On the contrary, even if The aliens exploded the crater, as if they had opened the lid, and found that there was only half a pot of warm soup left in it. What can be done? ”

“Wait a minute…” Song Xiaojia interrupted Wang Yanke’s words suddenly, “If you compare a volcano to a pot of low-temperature soup, is it possible for aliens to heat it and let it erupt?”

“You mean…” Wang Yanke and Hao Zhi suddenly turned their heads, and the three eyes collided, yes… yes! The three people recalled a situation at the same time…

Under the olecranon, the microwave net formed by hundreds of war worms once heated the air in an instant!

“Hahahaha, you are really smart, you are worthy of being regarded as the goddess of wisdom by the people of the earth, and you have seen through such a secret plan…” There was a burst of laughter from the crater of the volcano, and the three of them looked over in surprise. However, on the edge of the dark volcanic rock, a huge metal hand that was burning red suddenly came up, and sporadic flames appeared from time to time in the steaming steam…

It’s the blood moon robot, he’s not dead yet!

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