Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: Undead enemy

? The blood moon robot made a weird sound. It was in the mixed magma package, and it was still bursting with bubbles.

Hot, blazing, the enemy who crawled out of the crater five meters away, mixed with a thousand-degree high-temperature liquid magma, it has not been melted!

“By the way, Xu Zhe said that the melting point of ying metal is extremely high, which may be close to 10,000 degrees. This molten rock has only a high temperature of about 1,000 degrees, which has no effect on it! I ignored it! !” Wang Yanke waved his hands again and again regretfully.

The Blood Moon robot crawled out of the crater and ‘stands” in front of the three people in a weird form. Due to the high temperature heating, the metal of his body has turned orange-red, like a huge soldering iron, his figure is slightly smaller than before. A little bit, it seems to have been partially evaporated.

Hao Zhi stepped back two steps and whispered to Wang Yanke and Song Xiaojia, hurry up and get on the cat, time is running out!

“Why Shangzhan Mao? I am a mechanical state!” Wang Yanke raised his eyebrows.

Song Xiaojia also sneered: “I think that thing is getting in the way. It’s okay to fly back and forth as a means of transportation. If you want to fight, you have to rely on yourself!”

Hao Zhi was choked into speechlessness. Yes, Xu Zhe said that these two fierce girls and war cats are a burden to them.

But with only one arm left, can he still drive a war cat?

“One-to-five, don’t say we bully you!” Wang Yanke hooked his finger at the Blood Moon Robot.

One to five? Hao Zhi didn’t understand. He counted left and right. It seemed that there were only three of them.

“Ha, I had expected that there was not enough manpower for a long time, so when reassembling the war cat, I made some modifications and innovations…” Wang Yanke saw that Hao Zhi was still struggling with the number problem, so he let out a loud whistle. The two war cats actually stood up and turned into a robot form!

“Remote control! Interesting…haha…” The Blood Moon robot clapped happily.

“Laughter you are paralyzed!” Song Xiaojia didn’t change her pungent personality. She would never talk nonsense if she could do it. She lifted her feet to the ground and her body flew out. Hao Zhi only felt a red light flashing in front of her, Song Xiao Jia has pulled out the war knife on his back and slashed at the knee of the blood moon robot sideways!

“God!” Hao Zhi exclaimed secretly. Song Xiaojia’s speed and strength seemed to have taken another step. There was a talent for fighting hidden in this girl, and it seemed that there was no upper limit. After every battle of life and death, she would be great. Make progress.

In comparison, Wang Yanke, the robot whose speed and strength were comparable to her before, appeared to be a little slower, but he also jumped up very cleverly, drew out his sword and slashed head-on, flanking him up and down, hitting Xueyue by surprise. .

Hao Zhi took advantage of this opportunity and jumped with two steps. One of the mechas sensed his movement and bounced the boot cockpit. One rolled over and caught Hao Zhi, just falling into the cockpit.

Neural interaction was immediately activated, and Hao Zhi returned to the familiar feeling again. With the action of consciousness, his ‘severed hand” seemed to grow back again, and the left hand of the mecha could follow his consciousness to move freely!

“Okay, that brother will play another round with you!”

The blood moon robot, holding his arms in both hands, looked at Song Xiaojia and Wang Yanke who were attacking in front of him motionlessly. He didn’t move a little bit at all, and he didn’t intend to evade and hide, so he just watched. With two war knives at once, slash at yourself!

Why is it motionless? In astonishment and incomprehension, Wang Yanke’s war knife slashed from the center of the blood moon robot’s head, like a piece of water tofu, and smashed to the ground in the blink of an eye, stirring up a burst of rubble…

Song Xiaojia’s battle knife also slashed across the opponent’s leg, but it felt light and fluttering in his hand, and he had accumulated enough strength but there was no sense of collision.

There are no hard-to-fight sparks splashing around in the imagination, only a few drops of liquid lava are brought out with the knife’s momentum, splashing onto the red rocky ground, and burning the starting point to ignite the seedlings with a bang.

The Blood Moon robot was unscathed, but stood mockingly, braving the hot and pressing steam, like a shadow of nothingness.

“Haha, there is a saying in your ancient Chinese prose, Draw a knife and cut off the water. For a liquid robot, are you sure that using Yinggang swords can still work?” Xueyue asked with a sneer.

“Liquid robot?” Song Xiaojia looked at the sword in his hand, then looked at the enemy, and said to himself strangely.

“I still have to thank you. You helped this robot evolve another level!” The Blood Moon robot laughed loudly. “We used the adaptive evolution program when we made this batch of mechanical warworms. That is to say, it It will evolve the corresponding form according to the needs of the battle environment. Once the production is completed, what it evolves into can be controlled by itself. If you didn’t kick it into the magma, you would not start its liquid simulation program. Now , How do you deal with a liquid robot?”

With that said, the Blood Moon robot slammed a punch at Song Xiaojia. The flaming fist had a blazing temperature. Song Xiaojia did not dare to use his body to block it, so he had to dodge to the side, and Blood Moon hit the ground with a punch. , Like a pen thrown out, there was another burning spot around it. Those spots fell out of its body, and turned out to be like burning mercury, rolling and flowing back to the blood moon robot. The feet melted into its body and became a part of its body again!

“It turned out to be an intelligent liquid collection of molecular units!” Wang Yanke yanked Song Xiaojia abruptly, and the two jumped out ten meters away:

“Liquid also has shape and quality, but the cohesive force between its molecules is insufficient, which makes you feel unable to stand up. In fact, there is no clear boundary between liquid and solid, just like… a handful of sand, although it is A solid, but with fluidity similar to a liquid, can also change its shape arbitrarily.

A scientist previously proposed a similar idea. If this sand particle is idealized to the size of a molecule , a robot with solid hardness but liquid form can be created!

This kind of technology is not only in movies. On March 26, 2015, scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in my country published a research paper on deformable liquid metal machines in a scientific journal, which shows that my country has taken the lead. Overcome this scientific research problem. ”

“How to fight then?” Hao Zhi doesn’t care about the scientist’s research results, unless the scientist tells him how to defeat an enemy that cannot be attacked.

“…I don’t know, the opponent looks liquid, and all attacks are ineffective to it. Even if you blow it into drops of water, it is estimated that it will automatically gather together and return to its original appearance!” Song Xiao Jia also means that his head is big.

“Theoretically, the only way is to destroy its molecular structure and break it up fundamentally!” Wang Yanke said thoughtfully.

Hao Zhi scratched his head: “No matter how sharp our knife is, it is impossible to cut off individual elements?”

“So the answer is, it’s impossible for us to kill each other…” Wang Yanke smiled bitterly.

I said, what a ghost?

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