Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 873

Chapter 873: Binary world

“You are a top civilization, why do you appear with a religious face?” Hao Zhi asked loudly.

The pace of the Buddha’s speech was very slow. It seemed that he was continuously thinking about it. After a long while, he slowly said: “Civilization needs faith, and faith is the foundation of civilization. Before the final curtain of truth is unveiled, faith is to support civilization.” Walking to the last crutches.”

“I don’t understand!” Hao Zhi asked decisively.

“Those who are lost need guidance, and a beacon of spirit is necessary to persist in achieving the goal. Faith is the beacon of civilization. Even if the beacon stands in a distance that civilization will never reach, no matter how hard civilization works, it will not reach the foot of faith. , It’s all necessary!” The Buddha said firmly.

“In the knowledge system I have learned, religion is usually something that appeared before civilization. When the pace of civilization moves step by step, knowledge is enriched a little bit, and the level of science and technology continues to improve, religion will look for it. Without its own foothold, in modern civilized society, religion was once forced to desperately. In the face of planetary development and the collapse of the universe, what did religion do? What can be done?” Hao Zhi asked puzzledly.

The Buddha pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: “That just proves the ignorance of your civilization, thinking that technology can solve all problems, but in fact, the more scientific and technological development moves forward, the more problems you will encounter. The more, one day when you find that the problems you face are far more than the knowledge you have, technology will still seek answers from religious beliefs. Religions will only hide, but never disappear.

According to what you said before, the religious system of our Yuren civilization seems to come from the science and technology left by the five elders of the earth. I don’t want to deny this. The bizarre coincidence in the form of our religion has undoubtedly confirmed this. .

However, the Yuren civilization has never forgotten the teachings of the elders, and has always been adhering to their plans for civilization to develop. This is why our civilization is much more advanced than yours.

In the religious books on your earth, there is actually a lot of knowledge about the laws of all things in the universe. However, with the development of civilization, you abandon religion and begin to explore alone in the dark world, causing you to go around one Big bend, many detours have been taken.

To give a simple example, the mathematics of the earth civilization, the counting method is based on the decimal system, the decimal system. This is because you are lazy and count by simply counting your fingers. Have you ever thought that if humans have only four toes like birds, would the most common digits used by humans? Is it octal?

If you had paid more attention to the science of religion earlier, you would have discovered that Taoism had told you from a long time that the universe is divided into two parts: Yin and Yang. Then, it gave out the two poles, the four phenomena, the gossip…even eight, eight, sixty. After the four trigrams, until infinity!

And this counting method was not re-used until after the popularization of computer technology, such as the multiplication of computer memory, its origin is a binary algorithm. ”

Haha Haha laughed: “You are a bit too much to talk like that. Is it possible that you are planning to tell me that high-tech products such as computers also evolved from Taoist thought?”

The Buddha paused for a while and waited for him to finish, before he said regretfully:

Unfortunately, this is what I want to tell you. If you can recognize the binary system earlier, then the development of science and technology will be at least 500 years ahead of schedule. Today, perhaps it has reached a level of development similar to that of the Yuren civilization. .

On your planet, in the famous Guota Palace Library in Turingen, Germany, there is a precious manuscript that records the invention of the binary system. The title is: 1 and 0, the magical origin of all numbers . This is the secret and wonderful model of creation, because everything comes from God.

The author of this manuscript is the German genius Leibniz, the inventor of the binary civilization on your planet, and the founder of your modern technology.

And as we all know, binary is the root of the entire modern computer technology. What you don’t know is that Leibniz has a good friend who is the priest Bouvet of the French Jesuit Order. Bouvet’s most important work in his life is At that time, he was a master of sinology in China. Leibniz translated many Bouvier’s articles into German and published them. His introduction to China was one of the most important reasons for the popularity of China in the European academic circles in the 17th and 18th centuries. one.

It was Bouvet who introduced Leibniz to the system of Zhouyi and the gossip, and explained the authoritative status of Zhouyi in Chinese culture, which aroused Leibniz’s strong interest.

Leibniz discovered that gossip is a divination system composed of eight symbol groups, and these symbols are divided into continuous and discontinuous horizontal lines. If the gossip is taken apart, the most basic unit of its composition is Yin He Yang also represents 0 and 1 in the binary system. Using the two simple concepts of yin and yang to express the world and constructing the world with 0 and 1 is basically the same methodology.

In Leibniz’s eyes, these two symbols, later called “yin” and “yang”, are the Chinese version of his binary system. He felt that the relationship between this symbol system from ancient Chinese culture and his binary system was too obvious, so he asserted: Binary is the most universal and perfect logical language in the world. Binary, Yin and Yang are essentially related to each other. The language of God’s communication.

Therefore, he gave the connotation of binary religion. In 1688, in his letter to Bouvet, he said:

‘The beginning of the first day is 1, which is God… On the seventh day, God created the world, so this last day is also the most perfect, because at this time everything in the world has been created. Therefore it is written as ‘7’, which is ‘111’ (111 in binary is equal to 7 in decimal) and does not contain 0.

Only when we only use 0 and 1 to express this number can we understand why the seventh day is the most perfect and why 7 is the sacred number. It is particularly noteworthy that its (Day 7) feature (written as 111 in binary) is related to the Trinity. ’

The Trinity in his mouth, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, is the collective term for all truths in the universe. It is a synonym for God, and God can also be understood as the truth of the universe from the perspective of you and me.

Christianity uses seven to plan the world, so your week has seven days, with the famous seven deadly sins and seven patron saints. They believe that everything in the world is not just a coincidence. For example, there are seven colors, seven scales, and even the life cycle of human beings. All calculations are based on seven. A woman’s period is a multiple of seven, and the gestation time of a new life is also a multiple of seven. After a cold, a person’s body can only fully recover within seven days. If not, wait until the second Seven days…

Coincidentally, in Buddhism, seven also represents a kind of omnipresence in space, up, down, left, and right, and in the middle. After Shakyamuni was born, he also took seven steps, and the seventh step is enlightenment. The so-called consummation…

Therefore, God and Satan in Christianity, Yin and Yang in Taoism, and form and emptiness in Buddhism are actually different forms of dualism.

Although all the beliefs and religions in this world show different forms on the surface, when you lift the layers of fog, you will be surprised to find that what they have been telling us is the same thing, that is the origin of the world, just ” “None” and “Yes”.

Hidden beneath all these superficial phenomena is the universal language of the universe based on binary! ”

Hao Zhi digested what the Buddha said for a while, and finally squeezed out a sentence: “The ultimate of science is mathematics, the ultimate of mathematics is philosophy, and the ultimate of philosophy…is theology…”

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