Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 874

Chapter 874: Buddha’s doctrine

The Buddha saw that Hao Zhi hadn’t spoken for a long time, knowing that he was trying to understand his own words, and he was silent for a while, closing his eyes slightly as if he was asleep.

After a long time, Hao Zhicai said in a daze: “All the coincidences you said, can I understand it as the result of our knowledge system all coming from the same root. After all, the five elders have discovered a part of the truth of the universe. , And then passed on to you their knowledge. Your civilization has been developed from the very beginning based on the theory of the Five Elders. Therefore, in your world, the binary system rules everything, and it is much more advanced than ours. Technological civilization.

When the five elders returned to the earth for the last time, they also conveyed this knowledge to the people on earth through religious means. Our audience used it more as a way of thinking, rather than as a theoretical basis for developing science and technology, so We took a detour, and it was not until the emergence of binary that we turned around to think about the relationship between religion and science.

Regardless of the order, you, the blood moon, and our earth are all products of the same knowledge and cognitive system. The speed-oriented exploration of the universe and the attempts to break the laws of physics that we have been pursuing all come from this. Common knowledge foundation. ”

“Well, what you think is pretty good!” The Buddha approvingly said to Hao Zhi, “The five elders have always hidden the knowledge of cosmology in your religion. Through the five hundred years of our study and analysis of earth culture , There are many things in it, which are ignored or even forgotten by you.

For example, 108 prayer beads in the hands of Buddhists… represent the distance between the sun and the earth, which is equal to 108 times the diameter of the sun; the distance between the earth and the moon is equal to 108 times the diameter of the moon; the diameter of the sun is again 108 times the diameter of the earth!

This is not just confined to the West. The East has also said that there are 36 Tiangang 72 Disha since ancient times. The sum is also 108. The five elders seem to be suggesting something to you in various religious ways. ”

“What is the hint?” Hao Zhi asked strangely.

The Buddha smiled slightly: “We can’t understand what it means. Perhaps the five elders left these 108 rosary beads as the Buddha, just to remind you that this wonderful coincidence between the earth, the moon, and the sun, there are other things. The meaning of it!”

Hao Zhi hesitated for a while and said, “You mean, this is not formed naturally, but is deliberately done by ‘someone’?”

“This is a problem that science cannot explain, and once science encounters a similar problem, it is like the method we often use in the face of an unknown problem. Set a constant value to x and bring it into the equation. It is the best way to find the answer.

And in our thinking equation, the x that is substituted is that we presuppose that outside the universe, there is a’god’ that can see the universe and control everything. Under the premise that we acquiesce in this, all problems are It can be solved easily. This is the power of faith. ”

“Hmph, I don’t think you, as a Buddha, actually believe that there is a higher **** above you!” Hao Zhi laughed sarcastically.

“Of course, according to the gods and Buddhas, the Buddha is the appearance, and the **** is the inner. In other words, I just follow the five elders’ knowledge system as a spokesperson, not the gods themselves, above the five elders, and what they are looking for. The mysterious and complex truths of the universe are something they can’t insight and explore. They just tell us part of what they know.

Therefore, the five elders left a method that may be an insight into the truth of the universe, that is, the heavenly enlightened person, that is, you standing in front of me. You are the key to all problems and the key to opening the dark curtain of the universe! ”

“So, the religions on your planet and our earth are actually leftovers after the five elders’ scientific and technological knowledge is refined. There has never been any religion in itself. Whether we believe in science or in religion, in fact, what we believe in is ultimately what we believe in. The knowledge system left by the fifth elders is nothing more! Am I right to say that?”

“You can think of it this way. What is science? According to our current definition of science, science is a complete set of causality. We conduct scientific experiments and establish models to deduce the nature of the development of things. reason.

Science is a set of causal methods that can be falsified. Where does a phenomenon come from, what is the reason for it, and from what cause, it produces the corresponding result, that’s all.

But do you know who is the earliest proponent of causality? Socrates, according to what you said, he is the incarnation of one of the five elders after returning to the earth.

But the wonderful thing is that causality is precisely the foundation of Buddhism. Do you know why Buddha stepped on lotus flowers instead of roses? ”

“Because the rose has thorns, and the Buddha doesn’t wear shoes!” Hao Zhi laughed.

“Wrong…” The Buddha, who was sitting on the machine-built Qianye Lotus Terrace, smiled. “That’s because in Buddhist theory, all other plants in the world either have flowers and no fruits, or have fruits and no flowers. , Either flower first results, or first fruit then flower, but the lotus flower is a maverick existence. When it blooms, it has formed lotus and seeds inside, which just represents the presence of flower and fruit, that is Causality symbiosis.

So Science is the study of cause and effect, and Buddhism itself is about the complete system of cause and effect. What difference is necessary between them? ”

“It makes sense…” Hao Zhi thought for a while, and then asked suddenly, “But… what if the Fifth Elder’s guess about the truth of the universe is also wrong?

What if the universe itself has no cause and effect, nor any laws to follow? What if even the ironclad laws of physics that we think are just an accidental coincidence? What if everything in the world should be messy?

What if we went all the way to the dark curtain of the universe and opened it to spy on the ‘outside’, only to find that there was nothing at all, or more problems and more clutter?

What shall we do at that time? ”

“Well… this is an unanswered question. I am afraid that only when we pass through that philosophical shady can we know what will happen in the future…

But for now, if the five elders are wrong, then we are even less likely to find the real path. For the real mystery of the universe, we are just a group of crawling worms, a trivial bacteria, and one in the universe. The sparks that have flashed, even if you realize it, you can’t change it.

Therefore, there are only two roads left for us. First, follow the trajectory of scientific knowledge left by the five elders to continuously improve the aerospace capabilities of civilization, break the limit above the limit, approach or even exceed the speed of light, and then reach the foot of the shady.

Second, that is to use the abilities of the Heavenly Enlightened Being to break through the dark curtain of the universe and reach the state of top civilization in the shortest possible time. ”

“Then what are you going to do?” Hao Zhi is still more concerned about his whereabouts.

The Buddha pondered for a moment, and then suddenly announced: “Hold a three-star ring!”

Samsung ring? WTF?

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