Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 915

Chapter 915: Sudden changes in the war

The entire earth world knows nothing about the situation where the blood moon people have been eliminated.

The cruelty of the war between advanced civilizations was demonstrated by the Yuren. Who said that the war between two civilizations can only be solved by guns and weapons? In high-tech warfare, killing only requires moving your fingers.

The mechanical war insects that Wang Yanke thought could help him guard the ground defense, have now all become the puppets of Yuren.

In the battle of the three major civilizations, only the duel between the two major civilizations is left. The battlefield strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Unconsciously, the people of the earth are forced into a dead end.

In fact, it was not unconscious. Many of the blood moon battleships emitted a large amount of air into space, and the earth battleships located among them also felt that something was wrong, but they were not taken seriously.

The Earth-Moon Allied forces have become the cages of the Earth battleships, and they have become hostages who will be torn up at any time when they are trapped in such allied forces.

However, a fluke is that the operating system and the communication system were completely isolated from the warships of the Earthlings in the early stages of the design. This is the basic idea that Professor Naduo has determined in his design sketches of the interstellar warships.

As a cyborg, his body parts often feel inconvenient due to minor malfunctions.

Then, Professor Naduo thought of the battleship and the core control system on the earth. This is a rather contradictory problem. It is said that the more advanced the machine, the less part that needs human participation. The machine is gradually integrating The human factor excludes the system, but from this, Professor Naduo feels that if all the manipulation authority is placed in the hands of artificial intelligence, it is equivalent to concentrating all self-destructive methods into one button.

Once the enemy controls your artificial intelligence, you are instantly disarmed.

He felt deeply anxious about this, and after careful consideration, he came up with a corresponding plan-people, can never withdraw from the system, and the main control must be in the hands of humans.

The intelligent components of the Earth battleship are physically separated to prevent computer viruses from infecting each other. The main control system of each battleship is divided into three parts, that is, the battleship power assembly and the weapon assembly. Communication network assembly.

In other words, any computer virus that enters the earth battleship must control these three parts separately to fully control the battleship. Otherwise, you will only control a part of it. It will be futile if you can fight or fly, or can fly or fight. .

And the coordination between these three systems is not done through smart electronic devices, but through the simplest radio wave communication, through the ordering and execution of commands between people, you can’t have your computer virus control people. Brain.

Therefore, the order of a commander of the Earth battleship is completed from the next to the commander. The commander needs to issue the order, and then the communication officer in the battleship bridge will transmit it to the entire ship. Various departments respond quickly… For example, to attack, you need a battleship power commander. Driving the battleship to adjust the direction, after visual calibration, radar monitoring, and finally the fire control hand completes the weapon launch task, and subdivided into the various subordinate units under control, it requires more departments to fully cooperate.

In the early days of the establishment of the Star Fleet, the National Military Academy had questioned this apparently inefficient system of human intervention. They believed that artificial intelligence could replace human-operated mission instructions, and it was more precise and accurate. , And 100% will not produce errors.

Although the execution of a system requires the intervention of three or five people to complete, after all, on the ever-changing battlefield, a one-second error is also very fatal.

In this regard, the answer of the head of state Lu Fang is very simple: “Even if artificial intelligence can perfectly control 99% of the part, we can’t give the last 1% to its hands.”

Facts have proved that this decision is correct.

With the level of science and technology of the blood moon people, it is not that they have not had such worries, but even if they think about it, they can’t do it.

Because they have no one!

With the huge scale of 15 million warships, if such a complicated artificial intervention system is arranged according to the human plan, at least two fighters are needed on a fly fighter, one to control power and one to control fire.

And if you follow the scale of a large war scorpion, it may require tens of thousands of blood moon people to coordinate work.

They can’t do it!

During the voyage, there is no need for such a large population base, and after entering the combat phase, when people are needed, it is too late…

Fifty minutes after the last two Blood Moon men, Barbarodi and Ninisibu died on his bridge, Wang Yanke received the first intelligence message, saying that he had lost contact with the Blood Moon Allies. It’s been an entire hour.

Wang Yanke feels strange. It is not uncommon for the Blood Moon people to have to carry their decisions behind their backs, but as an ally, you still have to deal with the superficial homework, right? How could it be possible that an hour’s call didn’t even have a reply?

She ignored Hao Zhi’s and Northern Buddha’s just-beginning arena, and hurried out of her room and came to the central control room.

“How is the situation?” Wang Yanke asked calmly.

The information officer in charge of communication took off the wireless headset and reported: “There is still no answer, the blood moon world seems to be silent suddenly…”

“Suddenly silent?”

“Yes, even the basic radio communication between their fleet itself has ceased, replaced by some mysterious signals that we cannot decipher may be an encrypted password language, we are working hard to solve it. Translated.”

“Oh…” Wang Yanke stared blankly at the blood moon battleship group in the stagnant water on the screen. Suddenly she felt bad in her heart. She lowered her head and slowly walked towards the gate, and suddenly stopped again. At this time, Yu Yezhou was also busy. Seeing Wang Yanke in the middle, he walked over quickly.

“The situation is critical…” Yu Yezhou said cautiously, “Blood Moon World is suddenly silent and weird. Could it be that they have reached an agreement with Yuren Civilization in private? They have betrayed us?”

Wang Yanke shook his head: “No, there is a deep hatred between Xueyue and Yuren. Given the strength of Yuren, there is no need to unite with it.”

“Then why did they suddenly cut off all contact with us?” Yu Yezhou was puzzled.

Wang Yanke raised a hand and interrupted Yu Yezhou’s voice. He seemed to be concentrating on thinking about something. After a while, he suddenly said to Yu Yezhou: “Before the arena, I was receiving the scene of Yu Yezhou’s arena. During the broadcast, Huang Mianyang once identified a deeply hidden signal in the radio waves of the picture signal. Although it is weak, once it enters our system, it is a Trojan horse program that can replicate itself and become powerful quickly.

Fortunately, our communication system is isolated from the base control system, so we blocked the virus through the power cut and reconfiguration screening of the communication system…”

“You mean, Yu Ren is engaged in electronic warfare in secret?” Yu Yezhou was shocked, “Could it be that the blood moon world has fallen?”

Wang Yanke nodded thoughtfully: “It’s very likely… we have to plan for the worst. We can’t wait any longer. Go, check out the fugitive spacecraft! Those warships are provided by Blood Moon and are their operating system. If I didn’t guess wrong, I’m afraid it’s already controlled by the enemy…”

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