Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 916

Chapter 916: Old friends reunion

All the fugitive spacecraft are paralyzed…

Even the basic operating system can’t be accessed, and the computer has a green screen, a dead silence.

Wang Yanke’s guess was confirmed. The 200,000 people on the earth who had already boarded the ship and were ready to flee were crowded in the cabin. They didn’t know what had happened, and the panic was spreading rapidly.

“What to do?” Yu Yezhou was helpless, and could only wait for Wang Yanke to make up his mind.

At this moment, Li Weigong walked in from outside. He had just returned from the ring match at the Crescent Base to help organize the fugitive fleet, and he received this information.

“What’s the situation?” Li Weigong rushed into the lobby of the fugitive fleet, his brand-new leather shoes hit the crystal ground, and his voice echoed in the empty warehouse.

Wang Yanke smiled bitterly and recounted what he had just discovered.

Li Weigong frowned and thought for a while: “I think it’s pretty safe to assume that the Blood Moon World is over, we can only organize an escape unilaterally.”

“But, the battleship is paralyzed…” Yu Yezhou sweated out of his head, pinching his waist and spinning around in place.

“There is no way, can our own warship be used?” Li Wei attacked.

Wang Yanke shook his head helplessly: “There are not many warships left, and none of them are long-range ships, with insufficient energy reserves, imperfect life support systems, and useless. The only long-range fugitive spacecraft that can be used is the Tinder. It’s a pity. Only four people can sit!”

“It’s numb…” Li Weigong cursed secretly, and frowned.

“Perhaps, there is another way!” Wang Yanke’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Li Weigong and Yu Yezhou immediately became energetic, and quickly said, what can be done?

“Modification!” Wang Yanke meditated, “Like a car, temporarily install a manual operating system for the blood moon warship, bypassing the electronic driving system, and directly changing to manual driving.”

“Ah… a good way!” Li Weigong slammed his fist in the palm of his hand, “Well, the spacecraft takes off. The power system does not need to be too complicated. It does not need to be too complicated. Some control units can be removed from an ordinary flying vehicle and converted to a fugitive spacecraft, which can be regarded as a backup manual driving system.”

“Well, there are a lot of flying vehicles in the base. It’s too late to dismantle, and notify all the mechanical engineers to gather here!” Yu Yezhou promptly issued an order, and the communications officer next to him ran out immediately with a promise.

“However, in this way, the fugitive spacecraft loses all its electronic configuration. There is no radar monitoring, no automatic navigation, no intelligent evasion, and no weapons to use. The only thing that can be done is to fly forward stupidly… …” Wang Yanke looked at the huge fugitive warship in front of him worriedly.

Li Weigong waved a big hand: “It doesn’t matter how many he has, it doesn’t have a specific goal. As long as you fly in one direction and close your eyes, you can fly in the sky. Life and death depend on life and wealth. If you really hit something, there is no way. Thing!”

“Okay, then act immediately. Teacher Yu, you are responsible for supervising the warship modification work here!” Wang Yanke arranged.

Yu Yezhou nodded, and then Wang Yanke and Li Weigong walked out of the hangar together.

“Duanmu, what should we do next?” Li Weigang asked.

Wang Yanke smiled slightly: “Call me Wang Yanke…”

Li Weigong was startled: “You…”

“Yes…” Wang Yanke nodded with a smile, “My consciousness has been awakened, Duanmutong’s consciousness has been replaced, it’s been a long time…”

Li Weigong laughed loudly, and excitedly went up and hugged Wang Yanke. He couldn’t help but even the corners of his eyes were wet. For more than 50 years, he hadn’t seen him in half a century!

When you passed away, I made a special trip to attend your funeral. I didn’t know that Duanmu Cong was a clone of you. She was still not that big…Think about it now, everything seems to be a dream.

“It’s been a few decades, you haven’t seen the old at all?” Wang Yanke said flatly.

“Haha, that’s not as good as you. You came up with such a weird way. Now you are much younger than me!” Li Weigang smiled and scratched his head.

“Hehe, thank you very much, I know you will be able to hand over my information integrator to Hao Zhi, otherwise I won’t be able to resurrect. Okay, let’s get back to business, I have one thing I need to give you now Go ahead!” Wang Yanke’s expression became serious.

Li Weigong also felt the seriousness of the matter, so he looked at Wang Yanke seriously. Yes, this expression belongs to this face. Although the same cold, Wang Yanke’s calmness is completely different from Duanmutong’s indifference. You can easily find in Wang Yanke’s eyes the steadfastness and stability that makes you feel confident. Although Duan Mutong is also very clever, but with a lot of confusion, he always wanders in the torment of being unable to locate himself.

“Let’s talk, I know it won’t be a good task!” Li Weigang laughed. In this world, I am afraid that the only person who can give orders to him is Wang Yanke. For the tasks she gives, he is always happy. hard working.

“I want you to find a way to penetrate the lunar core!” Wang Yanke said astonishingly, and Li Weigong was also taken aback.

“What? Break through the moon core? Are you kidding me?” Li Weigong called out aloud.

Wang Yanke nodded decisively: “Yes, we have almost lost all our weapons and equipment. In this case, the fugitive spacecraft will only be knocked out. The enemy’s power is already too strong, and the starry sky is blocked. , The only way for us is to create chaos and then escape.”

“But how is that possible? The diameter of the Crescent Base is nearly 3,000 kilometers. Even if it penetrates half of it, it is 1,500 kilometers. That is a depth of 1,500 kilometers. It is impossible to hit with any drilling equipment. So deep…”

“No, it’s not as complicated as you think. I checked some information about the Crescent Base’s exploration in some countries. After the completion of the Lunar Citation Project, the Ministry of Land and State Science once conducted a geological survey on the Crescent Base and determined the wood. The composition of Medicago, it has a metal core, a stone shell outside the core, and an ocean of liquid water outside the shell The surface of the ocean is an ice layer.

The ice on Europa is much thicker than the ice on the north and south poles of the earth. The thickest part of the earth’s south pole is four kilometers! On the Crescent Base, the ice layer rich in various impurities also contains soil and complex meteorite fragments, but the thickness is nearly 200 kilometers, which is fifty times the limit of the Earth’s Antarctic ice layer!

Under normal circumstances, it is an impossible task to drill through the 200-kilometer-thick ice layer. The country once tried it when building the Crescent Base, and it only reached 23 with various drilling equipment. The depth of a kilometer, a little more than one-tenth, and then reluctantly gave up.

However, the good news at the moment is that in order to obtain water, the Yuren civilization has used the high-tech methods on their mothership to penetrate the ice layer. They have already done this part for us in advance.

And opening the ice sheet is just the beginning…

The next thing you have to face is an alien ocean ten times deeper than the deepest Mariana Trench on Earth… Its depth is estimated to be more than 100 kilometers.

The section between the seabed and the core of the earth is your main drilling task, because removing the 300 kilometers of the ocean and ice depth, the next step is the rock layer. From the rock layer to the lunar core, there are 300 kilometers. You need to do Yes, within five hours, pierce the moon mantle and dig a 300-kilometer deep tunnel leading to the lunar core, reaching the huge iron lunar core with a diameter of more than 600 kilometers! ”

After listening to Li Weigong, he pondered for a long time, but couldn’t figure out what Wang Yanke was going to do, so he asked doubtfully: “Do you want to use the impact of the explosion of the Crescent Base to destroy the enemy’s mothership?”

Wang Yanke nodded. I’m afraid that only an explosion at this level can shake the opponent’s central mothership of such a huge size. If successful, we can at least cause some big troubles for Yuren and create opportunities for the escaped spacecraft. .

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