East Meet West

Chapter 189: Exiting the Dark Forest 1

189- Exiting the Dark Forest 1

After his cultivation, Orochi rested for an hour and chatted with Armelia.

Then he decided to be Armelia’s sparring partner and help her gain combat experience.

Orochi lowered his strength by using the ‘Stat locking function’ and kept it at a little lower than Armelia. As he too wanted to experience a good fight and let Armelia gain some confidence.

But Orochi felt that as much as it is important for Armelia to gain combat experience, it is also equally important that she builds confidence and doesn’t panic when facing someone and make a fatal mistake.

Take an example, a teacher and student are sparring. Clearly, the teacher will be stronger than the student and to train his student he will use the strength that is a level above his student. And in the fight, this will force the student to give his 100% and push himself to the limits and break past them. In this way, he will train his student and make him understand, that he will not always face an enemy with the same level of strength, and if he ever faces someone stronger, instead of panicking he will be able to hold his ground.

And this is an excellent way of training someone and Orochi should be doing the same.

But he wants Armelia to taste the flavor of victory and experience a sense of achievement.

His method is similar to how teachers in his previous life would motivate their students to work harder.

For example, if a kid who is below average in his studies, is able to score good marks in his test. Then the teacher will praise that student in front of the whole class and gift him chocolate. Receiving all the praises and gifts, the student will be fully motivated and inside him, a spark that will light the will to keep on achieving similar or better results, will flare up and that student will start working hard.

Here the teacher has unknowingly raised the student’s confidence.

So, the sparring session between Orochi and Armelia began.

In the beginning, Armelia’s moves were clumsy and she revealed many flaws. And whenever that happened, Orochi would point out her mistake.

“Armelia, don’t close your eyes. You will get hurt if you do the same when in a fight.”


“Armelia, never underestimate your enemies, even if they are weaker than you.”

“Always remember, when your opponent has the upper hand in a fight, you have to start using underhanded tactics.”

“See? In the last attack, my attack lost to yours and I pulled back to stay away from you and dispel the numbing sensation & simultaneously recover some stamina. You cannot give your opponent any chance to recover. You have to take advantage and strike a deadly blow when your opponent reveals any flaw.”


“See? Although, you followed what I told you previously, but you forgot that if ‘strength is low then you have to use underhanded tactics to gain advantage against those stronger opponents.’ And I just revealed a fake flaw to lure you into my trap.”



“That’s it.”


Slowly but surely, Armelia was improving and at a good pace.

For a rookie like Armelia with practically no combat experience, being able to adapt at such a pace is already good enough.

And Orochi who showed her many tricks and pointed her mistakes could feel that Armelia’s combat experience was slowly increasing.

Even if it is slow, he doesn’t care as it is better than being a defenseless lamb. And he is more than willing to use most of his time to help her, as she is his wife.


Like this, the couple sparred for few hours without any rest, until Armelia could no longer continue.

“Armelia, you did a very good job.”

Orochi complimented Armelia with a soft smile and continued.

“But remember, there are few people, who also prolong the fight and try to make their opponents tired and when their opponent show any signs of exhaustion, they strike with all their strength.”

“So, if you ever encounter any situation like this, then either end your fight quickly or try not to tire yourself before your enemy.”


Orochi looked at Armelia with a questioning look.

But Armelia quickly understood the look on Orochi’s face and quickly answered,

“Or I can also act as if I am tired and when the opponent makes his move, I will deliver the killing blow.”

Hearing her answer, Orochi nodded with satisfaction.

“That’s my wife.”


Hearing Orochi’s praise, Armelia giggled happily.


Finally, after waiting for almost two days, June returned with a few of her tribe’s people and they secured the Low grade energy stone and started preparing to mine back all the Low grade energy stones.

From what Orochi heard, they were also preparing to transfer the mine back to their Lamia tribe.

And he was a little shocked by this, so when he properly investigated the details from June, he understood that by transferring the Low grade energy stone mine, they meant that they will try to find the Nucleus of Low grade Energy stone mine and extract it.

A Nucleus of the Low grade energy stone mine, is also called the heart of the mine.

If the nucleus is extracted from the mine, then the mine will start to wither and within a few months or years, the mine will be destroyed. So, it is a bad idea to destroy a Low grade energy stone mine, or so Orochi felt but when he understood their original purpose, he was once again surprised.

Similar to the Low grade energy core, which can store a large amount of Spiritual Qi, the nucleus of the Low grade energy stone mine, can also store an enormous amount of Spiritual Qi. But a nucleus also has another extraordinary characteristic- The ability to attract spiritual Qi present in the world.

The formation of Low grade energy stone mine, is a very complicated process and also a miracle of nature.

But when the formation of Low grade energy stone mine is at the very starting stage, a mysterious phenomenon takes place and a nucleus is formed. And after the nucleus is formed, the growth of mine multiplies drastically.

And this nucleus is the valuable thing that has the ability to strengthen the foundation for any clan or sect.

As mentioned earlier, a nucleus has the ability to attract the Spiritual Qi present in the surrounding environment and which in turn leads to the formation of Low grade energy stones.

So, if any power like clans or sects gets the hold of a low grade energy stone mine’s nucleus, and fuse it with the nucleus of the Low grade energy stone mine they hold, then the mine they hold will be upgraded as the nucleus has been upgraded.

And one must know, that any clan’s or sect’s basic foundation is the Low grade energy stone mine.


Author's Announcement:

Let me establish few new goals:

For every 5 Balloon or 1 Lollipop = I will release 2 chapters

10 Balloon or 2 Lollipops or 1 Potion= 4 chapters

20 Balloon or 4 Lollipops or 2 Potions or 1 Grimoire = 5 chapters

And if I receive a Ring or Sword or Wand or Crown, then I would release 6 or 7 chapters depending on the stocked chapters.

Weekly Goals:

Mass Release on Monday:

500 Power stones = 3 Chapters

600 Power stones = 4 Chapters

700 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that ‘Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works’ for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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