East Meet West

Chapter 190: Exiting the Dark Forest 2

190- Exiting the Dark Forest 2

And one must know that any clan’s or sect’s foundation is the Low grade energy stone mine. As owning a mine is equivalent to owning a treasury which can be either used to increase cultivation or be exchanged for other valuable goods.

In simple terms, if a sect is established near a Low grade energy stone mine, they can mine Low grade energy stones for cultivation or exchange them for other resources.

Forget about mining Low grade energy stones, just the fact that the concentration of spiritual qi is more near the mine when compared to other places is enough as it can aid people who cultivate in such areas to increase their cultivation at a rapid rate.

One must remember, Spiritual Qi is very important for cultivation, so anything related to it is highly valued.

So, upgrading the nucleus of a mine by fusing it with other nucleus decreases the time taken by a small-sized Low grade energy stone mine to upgrade to a medium-sized Low grade stone mine and also can gather spiritual qi from the environment at a rapid rate.

So, if any clan or sect is able to upgrade it, then they can pay any price for it, hence many disputes start because of this.

And when Orochi remembered the spiritual qi in the Lamia tribe and Leon clan was more concentrated, when compared to other areas, he finally understood the reason behind it.

But what he doesn’t know is that there is another reason for such concentration of spiritual qi in that place, which he will realize after he steps into the Royalty realm.


After a few dozens of lamias arrived, they started mining and tried to quickly find the nucleus of the mine and take it back to the lamia tribe.

The reason for their hurried actions is that the mine is located between the area of Lamia tribe and some other subsidiary tribe, so they are worried that if the news of this gets leaked, then disputes might arise. And the royal family will intervene and occupy the mine.

So, to prevent any negative situation from arising, they took quick action. And the importance of the situation can be seen from the experts of Lamia tribe who have arrived- 4 Royalty realm, 40 Transformation realm, and more than 50 Mortal realm experts.

And to prevent from alerting other monster groups, they have used top class treasures to hide their breath and have even moved in groups of 5-6 people, to make it look inconspicuous.

But the funny thing is, all these experts against whom Orochi is currently unable to contend with his strength, are working as miners.

So, from this one can understand the degree of importance attached to gaining the Low grade energy stone mine and extracting its nucleus.


Finally, after the whole army of miners worked [mined] for 3-4 hours, they were able to find the nucleus of the mine.

The nucleus looked like a normal egg and its size was slightly bigger than the common chicken egg. It was dark grey in color which made its appearance look like a fossilized egg, that was buried deep inside the earth for millions of years.

The surface of the nucleus was extremely smooth. But the Spiritual Qi stored inside it, reached an astonishing degree. And due to its ability to attract spiritual qi in the environment, the spiritual qi inside the cave was in a state of turbulence.

After looking at the size and other characteristics of the nucleus, it was determined that that the mine was a Large-sized energy stone mine. And it should be able to yield more than 100 thousand Low grade energy stones.

As soon as the experts from the Lamia group obtained the nucleus, they stored it in a special container and decided to quickly take it back to the tribe.

Along with the nucleus, they also took the crystal block in which Bindu Katan’s skeleton was preserved.

But before they took it, Orochi requested them to provide him with 1 cubic meter of crystal block, as it was very useful to him.

Those experts knew the inside story of everything that happened, so they were little envious of Orochi, but since he was the husband of Armelia, he can also be considered a part of their tribe, so they did not create any problems for Orochi and cut a block of crystal and gave it to Orochi.

After the important mission to secure the nucleus was completed, 60% of the top experts moved back to the Lamia tribe to quickly escort it back to the tribe safely and the remaining people continued mining Low grade energy stones.

The couple, Orochi and Armelia stayed inside the cave for another day because June had to accompany the group which was escorting the nucleus to the Lamia tribe as it was more important than escorting Orochi and Armelia.

And after the mining was completed, Orochi’s group restarted their journey with June to exit the Dark Forest.

As for the Low grade energy stones which were held by Orochi and Armelia, no one asked about it. Maybe it was the credit for finding this mine or maybe because Orochi was considered a part of their tribe for marrying Armelia. Orochi was able to gain a total of 15 thousand Low grade energy stones. It was a huge amount, but no one cared about it.


It took the group only half a day to arrive at the outskirts of the Dark Forest.

Feeling that he was finally about to exit the forest, a sense of excitement filled Orochi. As it has been almost 2 years, he spent in this damned fore... Dark Forest, he was starting to feel irritated.

While the group was on their way, they finally started encountering human groups.

Some of them after looking at the beautiful women traveling with Orochi, could not control themselves and got converted into Orochi’s exp to aid him in leveling up and increasing his wealth.

While others did not pay much attention or were aware of the consequences of provoking Orochi, so not many provoked Orochi’s group, except for few stupid people, who did not know the heights of heaven.

So, after walking for another few miles, Orochi’s group finally stepped out of the forest and was greeted by vast empty plains.

After Orochi exited the forest, he took a deep breath and a sense of freedom appeared on Orochi’s face.

Looking at the vast plains in front of him and the gloomy Dark forest behind him, a smile appeared on his face, and he couldn’t help but stretch his arms and waist, and muttered,

“Finally, I am back.”


Author's Announcement:

Let me establish few new goals:

For every 5 Balloon or 1 Lollipop = I will release 2 chapters

10 Balloon or 2 Lollipops or 1 Potion= 4 chapters

20 Balloon or 4 Lollipops or 2 Potions or 1 Grimoire = 5 chapters

And if I receive a Ring or Sword or Wand or Crown, then I would release 6 or 7 chapters depending on the stocked chapters.

Weekly Goals:

Mass Release on Monday:

500 Power stones = 3 Chapters

600 Power stones = 4 Chapters

700 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that ‘Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works’ for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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