East Meet West

Chapter 191: Border City of the Windy Country

191- Border City of the Windy Country

After exiting the Dark Forest, Orochi enquired few things from the people he came across, then Orochi’s group walked for another dozen minutes, where they saw few carriages.

From the inquiry, Orochi understood that since many humans come to the Dark Forest to make fortune by hunting monsters and gathering precious herbs, ores, materials, etc., in large quantities, but due to this, they also face the problem of carrying huge luggage. And that makes it difficult for them to carry them around and there are also situations where they might encounter thieves and face robbery.

And storing them into the Storage rings is also not a cost effective idea, as storage rings with such a large internal space are very expensive and many would not be able to afford them.

So, few merchants have come up with the idea of profiting from carrying and transporting the things obtained by human hunters from the Dark forest at a small price.

So, from then on, humans who were able to kill huge monsters or gather a large number of materials, would hire transport carriages and take the loot back to the city and sell them into the market.

This way, many humans started coming to the dark forest in larger numbers and earning large profits. The transport carriage business was a huge success.

Orochi hired a small carriage for few silver coins and ordered the driver to take them to the nearest city.

From the driver, Orochi understood that the nearest city was the border city of the Windy country.

Orochi had already obtained information about the Windy Country from Sheela.

The Windy country is a subordinate country, that comes under the jurisdiction of the Saurastra kingdom, where the top powerhouses have not even stepped into the Royalty realm, so in short- the top powerhouses of the Windy country do not pose much threat to Orochi and Armelia, especially since June is accompanying them. So, it is a very weak county, which aligns with Orochi’s original intention of spending few months with Armelia in some safe places with low danger, until Armelia returns back to the Dark forest.

This means Orochi will be relaxing for another few months before he could find his acquaintances and settle scores with them.

But of course, it will not be the same relaxing life as how he spent his time in the Lamia tribe. There are many side tasks that he has to complete. So, Orochi has already prepared a proper schedule for himself.

Finally, after traveling for half a day, huge city walls came into view.

The carriage was stopped at the gates of the city by the guarding soldiers.

After they checked the carriage and found it empty, they simply asked the group to pay entry fees which were 30 silver coins for one person.

Their cultivation was nothing to be alarmed at, as their cultivation was only in the Beginning stage.

After finding this, a smile appeared on Orochi’s face.

So, after paying the entry fees, the carriage moved into the city.

The border city is not as big as the capital of Saurastra kingdom, but since it is the place closest to the Dark forest, it is still pretty developed and has a radius of 30 kilometers.

And every day, there is a large flow of people who come and exit the city, like many humans who have hunted and gathered loot in the Dark forest bring them to this city and make a fortune. And similarly, a large number of merchants trade with the hunters and take the goods to other places to make profits.

So, business in the border city is extremely good and no one dares to make trouble in the city as the country’s army is stationed outside the city, which is a huge deterrence for troublemakers.

Orochi asked the driver to take them to a good inn, as it was already evening time and the group wanted to have a good sleep as during their journey, every night they have been sleeping on the hard ground for more than a week.

After Orochi’s group was escorted to one of the best inns in the city, they got themselves two rooms, one for the Orochi couple, and another for June.

The inn was quite large and had a grand look to it. From the carriage driver’s words, Orochi understood that the owner of this inn is the son of the city lord.

The charge or cost for staying in the inn for a whole single day is 1 gold coin per room. So, Orochi paid upfront money for 1 whole week, as the group wanted to explore the border city so they decided to rent the rooms for a whole week.

After the group rested properly, they set out and started exploring the city.


First, Orochi took both Armelia and June to a nearby restaurant and had a proper meal.

The whole group of Orochi was satisfied with the food.

As it was the first time Armelia and June ate human-made food, they felt very satisfied.

As for Orochi, he almost cried out of happiness as he was finally able to eat tasty food.

Before he was abandoned in the Dark Forest, one of his favorite things to do was taste good food.

He has always been a foodie.

As for why tasting good is one of his favorite things?

Well, in a world of cultivation where people put most of their time in cultivating, the ways to entertain oneself are very scarce and old style.

Actually, it's not that there are fewer ways to entertain oneself, it's just that Orochi who has lived in the modern world where there are many entertainment sources like phones, video games, social media, etc., can hardly adapt to a lifestyle where things related to the modern world are absent.

In simple words- Orochi's situation is like those situations where a person is asked to spend few months in a forest or isolated place/house, without phones and internet.

In this world, the entertainment sources are playing chess, painting, poetry, bar, hunting, etc.

I mean... who the fusk or how the fusk can a modern guy spend his life in such an ancient way?

So, forced by the situation and circumstances, Orochi had to adapt to the ways of this world.

After eating, Orochi took Armelia and June to do some shopping.

Maybe it was due to Armelia spending her whole life in the Dark Forest, Orochi took her to buy clothes, jewelry, etc.

June was not interested in those things, so she didn’t buy anything except for few things which were forced by Armelia.

After exploring few parts of the city, the group finally arrived at one of the popular commerce chambers of Windy country.


Author's Announcement:

Let me establish few new goals:

For every 5 Balloon or 1 Lollipop = I will release 2 chapters

10 Balloon or 2 Lollipops or 1 Potion= 4 chapters

20 Balloon or 4 Lollipops or 2 Potions or 1 Grimoire = 5 chapters

And if I receive a Ring or Sword or Wand or Crown, then I would release 6 or 7 chapters depending on the stocked chapters.

Weekly Goals:

Mass Release on Monday:

500 Power stones = 3 Chapters

600 Power stones = 4 Chapters

700 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that ‘Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works’ for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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