East Meet West

Chapter 192: Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce

192- Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce

Author’s announcement:

I want to update and clarify few things to the readers. It is about “the issue why there was no release for past few days”.

The reason is, there was some issue with the server. I don’t have any proper update yet, will let you know soon.

So, what happened is, after I published the 8 chapters' mass release, I took a day off. And one day later, I uploaded the next chapter.

So, when I published the 2nd chapter, I noticed that in the app it was displaying “Last update 3 days ago.”

I was like...

“I just published 2 chapters and why is it not yet been updated?”

So, by the time I realized there was some issue and I approached the editor, it was the 4th day.

So, it took another day, and BAM, the issue was suddenly solved.

So, now you know the reason for the delay.


Orochi looked at the grand building that stood so tall that any ordinary human being will develop a sense of reverence when they come across the building. For them, this building would be like the home of an emperor.

The building’s height reached more than 50 meters but its width is what makes ordinary people feel astonished. The width of the building was almost 70 meters. And even the entry gate was 20 meters high and 8 meters wide.

And at the top of the gate, a huge plaque made of gold was fixed. [Note: Plaque = Tablet, just to make it easy for others to understand as in this language there are many synonyms for almost every word. I wonder why they have so many synonyms. Sigh...]

On the huge plaque, few words were engraved in bold font-

"Golden Cloud Chamber of Commerce"


Since, he knows that his revenge will have to be postponed until Armelia returns to the Lamia tribe, so he prepared a list of side tasks that he needs to complete in this period. And in that list, the first task is to earn money... lots of money.

And to earn huge amounts of money, there are many ideas in Orochi’s mind. And he has almost written a book with the title “Orochi’s 101 ways of becoming rich”.

[Note: This will be explained in few chapters.]

Orochi has many orthodox and unorthodox ways of earning ideas in his mind. But due to his low strength, he has kept aside the ‘Unorthodox ways of earning money’ and will come to it later after he gains a certain amount of strength.

So, the only ways of earning money available are the “Orthodox way”.

The orthodox way of earning money is nothing but a proper way of earning way; that any main character in the novels will follow.

Some of the Orthodox ways of earning money are:

By learning to make pills and become a Pill Guru,

or similarly, learn to create weapons and become a Blacksmith,

or sell treasures/ monster parts/ other things which are not useful to oneself and obtained from treasure hunting,

or work for someone and earn a salary,

and many other similar ways which are mainly based on hard work and righteousness.

And in these, becoming a Pill Guru or Blacksmith is the best way of earning huge amounts of money, but it also needs lots of investment.

To create rare and precious pills and weapons, a pill guru or blacksmith must have lots of experience. And experience is gained by practicing. So, to practice either making weapons or pills, one has to spend lots of money as in the process of practicing, many times one will face failure, so money is very important if one wants to be a Pill Guru or Blacksmith.

But for the current Orochi, who has obtained thousands of Low grade energy stones and gold coins from the mine cave, he has no such problems in wasti...spending money. Although he is a miser, he can still bear the pain as it used to earn more money.

But of course, he isn’t stupid enough to spend Low grade energy stones as he requires them for cultivation. So, he has to spend another form of currency- gold coins. And he has obtained a chest of gold coins in the cave, so he can spend them without any scruples. Also, the loot gained from Ethan’s group and other hunters who got into trouble with Orochi's group is also with him, so he has more freedom.

But there is another issue, Orochi’s strength isn’t enough for him to walk on the path of becoming a Pill Guru or Blacksmith.

And you might think that he has the system, so why is his strength not enough?

Do the Pill Gurus and Blacksmiths have 6 arms and 3 heads?

No, the issue here is Orochi’s cultivation.

As previously mentioned, when a cultivator steps into the Transformation stage, then he/she can summon spiritual qi out of the body. And this is also a necessary condition for one to become a pill Guru and blacksmith.

Or in other words: What is the main thing required for any person to become a Pill guru or Blacksmith?

It is a good fire.

And only when a human steps into the transformation realm, can one create and summon fire with his spiritual qi. So, to become a Pill Guru or Blacksmith, one has to at least reach the Transformation realm.

Of course, due to Orochi’s ‘Sorcerer’ job, he is able to cast fire spells, and also he has already created a small knife and has embarked on the path of becoming a Blacksmith. So, for him, this realm problem should not exist, but that doesn’t mean Orochi has to expose his ability to everyone.

Let's say, Orochi is making a weapon in his room and Armelia finds that. She will be simply stunned as Orochi has not yet reached the Transformation realm, but he is still able to summon fire. How astonishing is that? No... how irregular or alien is that?

But does Orochi really has to expose his ability to Armelia?

Although she is his wife, one must still keep few things hidden in his heart. And that’s what Orochi believes in.

So, until his cultivation increases, he can only earn money through other ways.

So currently he came to this place to sell a few of his items and also buy things that can aid his cultivation.

When Orochi arrived in the border city of the Windy country, he had already enquired about the specialties of this city.

So, from the people here, he has learned that the Golden Cloud is one of the most popular chambers of commerce in the Windy country.

But what Orochi is already aware of, is that the Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce is not only famous in Windy country, it is also famous in the Saurastra Kingdom.


Author's Announcement:

Let me establish few new goals:

For every 5 Balloon or 1 Lollipop = I will release 2 chapters

10 Balloon or 2 Lollipops or 1 Potion= 4 chapters

20 Balloon or 4 Lollipops or 2 Potions or 1 Grimoire = 5 chapters

And if I receive a Ring or Sword or Wand or Crown, then I would release 6 or 7 chapters depending on the stocked chapters.

Weekly Goals:

Mass Release on Monday:

500 Power stones = 3 Chapters

600 Power stones = 4 Chapters

700 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that ‘Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works’ for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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