East Meet West

Chapter 193: Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce 2

193- Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce 2

After looking at the huge building of the Golden cloud chamber of commerce for few seconds, Orochi’s group entered the building through the gate.

As soon as they entered, they were greeted with a huge hall. Even the ceiling was as high as 15 meters.

The walls and floor tiles were made with some kind of special marble, in which one can see his or her 30% reflection.

And the light emitting pearls embedded in the walls illuminated the whole hall.

The scene was extremely spectacular.

As this was the first time Armelia came across such a situation, she was simply mesmerized by this.

While Armelia was lost in admiring the scene, a woman’s voice attracted the group’s attention,

“Hello, Sir and the two madams. Welcome to the Golden Cloud Chamber of Commerce. I am here to assist you.”

“If you don’t mind, may I ask, if are you here to buy or sell things?”

The speaker was a young girl about 16-17 years old.

Orochi replied,

“I want to sell things as well as buy things.”

Then he continued,

“Do you have Fighting techniques and formation-related things?”

Listening to Orochi’s words, the girl smiled and replied,

“Yes sir, we certainly have those. Please follow me.”

The girl led Orochi’s group to a counter and asked,

“Sir, could you please state what are your requirements? I mean what level of fighting techniques and formations-related material would you like to see?”

Orochi answered,

“Show me all the available fighting techniques that are suitable for Demi-Human stage and above cultivators. As for formations, show me all the books available.”

Hearing this, the girl replied in a soft tone,

“Guest, please wait for few minutes, I will quickly bring the things you have ordered.”

Then she pointed to a nearby room and continued,

“Meanwhile, please be seated in this room, I will quickly send a servant to bring you our Golden cloud’s special tea.”

Orochi nodded and the group followed him into the room.

After entering the room, everyone took a seat.

The room wasn’t big, just a few meters in size.

In the room, there was a medium-sized table and few chairs.

After they took seats, Armelia asked,

“Husband, we already own powerful fighting techniques, so why are you here to buy such low level fighting techniques? And what do you need formation books for?”

Orochi chuckled and answered,

“Hey, I think you are forgetting something. Although, your husband is strong, but you should still remember that I am still at the peak of the Evolver stage. And I cannot yet practice or use the Red grade Fighting techniques we own, so until I step into the Transformation realm, I have to depend on these [Low level] fighting techniques.”

“And the fist technique that I am most proficient in is only suitable for the Evolver stage cultivators.”

“As for the formations, absorbing spiritual qi from the Low-grade energy stones is a very slow process, so we humans use formations like [Qi compressing formation] to speed up our cultivation.”

“But the Qi compressing formation that I am aware of is the lowest and the most basic formation that every cultivator knows about. And it has many limitations, so I want to use advanced formation that can aid me in increasing my cultivation speed.”

Hearing this, Armelia finally understood and thoughtfully nodded.

After few seconds, a servant entered the room and served teas to the group.

After sipping the tea, Armelia exclaimed in delight,

“Wahh!!! This tea has such an amazing aroma and the taste doesn’t lose to it one bit.”

Hearing Armelia’s praise, both June and Orochi nodded.

It's not like Armelia has never tasted tea before or not that her family is so poor that they cannot afford tea.

It's just that the difference between the culture and hobbies of both humans and monsters is quite big.

It is a fact that cultivation is a time and effort taking process. And similarly, the results obtained from the time and effort invested in cultivation, are equally worthy.

But why is everyone cultivating?

To enjoy life.

To increase one’s life span.

To gain wealth and power.

To fly in the air and shatter a hole in the sky, exit this world, and explore the universe.

And many other things.

So, many people like to cultivate to fulfill their dreams.

But as mentioned earlier, cultivation is a time and effort-consuming process, so humans have developed various ways of entertaining themselves to get rid of boredom. Similarly, the monster race also copies human ways of living. Like wearing clothes, drinking teas, etc.

And developing an interest in the field of tea is one such way.

Tea leaves are naturally grown, but as creative and innovative as humans are, and the experts of tea are able to grow mixed varieties of teas through different processes.

And the monster race lacks this knowledge, so other than drinking tea that is made from naturally grown tea plants in their areas, they are unable to taste different varieties of teas.

But of course, Orochi who had a good position and status in the Leon clan had tasted many varieties of teas. And they were much better than this.

So, other than the taste, he doesn’t have much reaction.


After waiting in the room for 4-5 minutes, the girl returned with a middle-aged guy and few servants who were carrying few books.

The girl spoke,

“Thank you for waiting.”

Then she pointed at the middle aged guy and continued

“Guests, this is one of the members of senior-level management of our Golden Cloud chamber of commerce.”

“It’s ok. I can introduce myself. You can go back.”

The middle aged guy interrupted the girl and sent her back.

“Yes sir, then I’ll take my leave.”

The girl obediently backed off and exited the room.

Then middle aged looked at Orochi’s group with a smile and spoke,

“Hello my name is Chand Roj, from now I will be assisting you.”


Quick Recap:

Formations have different grades and the grade division is similar to the weapons grade divisions.

Red grade, Orange grade, Yellow grade, Green grade, Blue grade, Indigo grade, and Violet grade.

The Red grade is the lowest grade formation available and the Violet grade formations are the best formations that can be made. There is no Normal grade.

Unlike 12 levels of weapon grades, formation grades have only 8 levels.

1st level is the lowest level formation in each grade, while the 8th level is the highest level formation in each grade.

There is a higher level to ‘Formations’, that is Arrays.

Arrays are the combination of 2 or more formations and are more complex to learn and make.

Arrays are also divided into different grades like Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet grades. And instead of 8 levels, each grade is divided into 5 levels.


Author's Announcement:

Let me establish few new goals:

For every 5 Balloon or 1 Lollipop = I will release 2 chapters

10 Balloon or 2 Lollipops or 1 Potion= 4 chapters

20 Balloon or 4 Lollipops or 2 Potions or 1 Grimoire = 5 chapters

And if I receive a Ring or Sword or Wand or Crown, then I would release 6 or 7 chapters depending on the stocked chapters.

Weekly Goals:

Mass Release on Monday:

500 Power stones = 3 Chapters

600 Power stones = 4 Chapters

700 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that ‘Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works’ for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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