East Meet West

Chapter 254: Ambush 2

254- Ambush 2


After destroying the rock that was about to fall on the carriage, the shadow immediately punched other falling rocks and was able to save other guards and horses.

Soon, rocks stopped falling and the shadow stopped moving.

The shadow was none other than Jack Xavier, Alex Xavier’s father.

When Jack Xavier was inside the carriage, he was always alert because of the location they were in- near a cliff.

So, as soon he heard some sound coming from the top of the cliff, he understood something was wrong and then he spotted rocks falling on his entourage, so he reacted immediately and first protected the carriage in which his family is sitting and then saved other guards.

Seeing that, no more rocks fell, he shouted at the top of his lungs,

“Who is it that dared to attack us? SHOW YOURSELF.”

His shout was like an angry beast’s roar that kept echoing for a few seconds.

All the guards took their positions and vigilantly looked at the surroundings to defend against any sneak attacks.

After Jack Xavier’s loud shouting, the whole scene became quiet and no one appeared, not even a reply was sent.

But still, everyone vigilantly looked at the surroundings.

Suddenly, a sneer rang in the ears of everyone present,

“Oh, looks like your people have received good training, as many of you are still alive from my welcome gift.”

A human shaped shadow appeared on the top of the cliff.

Everyone's eyes gathered towards the source of the sound.

They saw that the human shadow suddenly jumped from the top of the cliff, which was as high as 40 meters.

Seeing this, the group of guards got startled and Jack Xavier also frowned slightly.

And just as the group of guards held hope that the shadow gets killed or at least gets seriously injured due to this jump,


Their hopes got destroyed as they saw the shadow landing safely without any injury. And finally, the original identity of the shadow was revealed to everyone.

“It’s you.”

“It’s you.”

“It’s you.”

“It’s you.”

Looking at the figure of the shadow, few people immediately recognized the identity of the person that appeared suddenly, so they couldn’t help but shout.

The people who shouted were- Jack Xavier, Alex Xavier, Eliza Rook, and Steward Rake.

All four of them recognized the person because they directly or indirectly have enmity with the person that jumped down from the cliff, especially there is a big hatred in Alex Xavier’s heart.

It was none other than Orochi.

He looked at Alex Xavier’s family with a smile, but behind that smile, cold killing intent was openly visible to everyone.

Looking at Orochi’s smile, some guards with low strength couldn’t help but gulp down their saliva so as to quench their dry throats.

“Hehe... did you guys like my welcome gift?”

Orochi asked with a smile.

Hearing Orochi’s words, Jack Xavier replied with a sneer,

“Hahaha... kid, I must say that you truly caught us by surprise.”

Jack Xavier looked at the few human and horse corpses, as he continued,

“But did you know, you made the biggest mistake by once again appearing in front of us?”

“I don’t know how you managed to escape from that Jit Chan, but appearing in front of us instead of escaping, made me understand that you are not so smart after all.”

Jack Xavier said with a cold smile on his face.

Previously, he was worried that some strong group ambushed his entourage, but now seeing that it was Orochi, Jack Xavier secretly sighed in relief.

And when he remembered that Orochi still held all the items bought at the auction, his eyes shined with greed.

“Hahaha... I was also feeling frustrated that I was not able to kill you with my own hands. But now you delivered yourself to the death door, hahaha...”

Alex Xavier laughed happily as he continued.

“I know you are strong but looks like your brain is not so sharp. Truly, only Brauns but no brains.”

“Now, where are your two women? Show them, and I might let you have an easy death.”

Alex Xavier asked with bad intentions.

Hearing Alex Xavier’s words, Orochi started laughing as he spoke,

“Hahahaha... Alex-Alex-Alexx... I hope you had some good action with a woman yesterday because after today you will never be able to touch any single woman as your whole life will completely change because I will show you what hell looks like.”

Orochi’s tone turned cold at the end.

Then his eyes moved to Jack Xavier and Eliza Rook, as he continued

“And I will show you two, what happens when parents are unable to properly educate their children. Jie jie...”

Orochi's laugh sounded so shrill that some people felt their ears sting.

Jack Xavier snorted coldly,

“Overestimating yourself.”

Then he ordered the guards that were standing behind him.

“Capture this kid and break his limbs.”

Hearing his command, a few guards quickly straddled their horses towards Orochi and held their spears tightly.

Tak tak tak tak

Looking at the group of guards with their horses running towards him, Orochi sneered and took out his machete, and dashed towards them.

Quickly, Orochi got close to them and then he made a jump, such that the guards were not able to react to his actions and Orochi kicked the head of one guard and slashed at the neck of the other guard.


‘Host killed...’


Then without stopping, Orochi used the guard’s head as a stepping stone and attacked other guards at rapid speed.

His moves looked very light and nimble but they were quick.

And soon 6 out of 8 guards, became sacrifices under Orochi’s machete.

While the remaining two guards got injured as they were kicked by Orochi.



But they too were not spared, as Orochi turned around and solved them too.

Seeing, Orochi killing everyone so quickly, Jack Xavier got angry and ordered,

“Go, everyone, attack him together,”

Hearing this, all the remaining guards dismounted their horses and attacked Orochi.


Looking at the small squad of guards running at him with the intention to kill, Orochi shouted.

As soon as Orochi shouted, a few rocks once again started to fall from the cliff and the guards were caught unprepared and few of them immediately either got crushed under the rocks or got injured.




And as they were close to each other, the causalities reached a great number, nearly 4-5 guards got crushed, while another 4 guards got seriously injured.

The ones who escaped were those who had high cultivation and good reaction speed.



Simultaneously, Armelia and June also jumped and landed next to Orochi.

Now, only 7 guards were still left standing. And these 7 were the ones with the highest cultivation in their group. 6 Evolver stage and 1 Peak Refinement stage guards.

Of course, there is still the Low level Demi-Human stage- Steward Rake left, but that old guy is standing at the back and was trembling in fear after seeing this gruesome scene.

Looking at the remaining guards, Orochi faintly ordered Armelia,

“Armelia, let’s go and take care of the remaining guards.”


Armelia also quickly agreed without any hesitation, because after all her previous experience with Orochi and witnessing all the gruesome scenes just now, Armelia’s heart was not so weak anymore.

So, as soon as she agreed, both of them attacked the remaining guards.

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