East Meet West

Chapter 255: Quick Battle 1

255- Quick Battle 1

Orochi kept his speed slightly slower than Armelia, as he wanted her to experience the feeling of battling a group of enemies head-on.

And she did not disappoint him.

Orochi saw that as soon as she got closer to the group of guards, she immediately her super speed and used her palm technique with both hands.

“Snake Palm.”

“Snake Palm.”





Her two palms skillfully dodged the weapons held by the two guards and accurately landed on their chests such that, their armor easily cracked and they flew a few meters away as they spew blood.

At the moment her attack landed on the two guards, Orochi also made his move by suddenly increasing his speed such that a guard felt his vision blur and the next moment, a heavy punch landed on his face and his whole skull cracked.




‘Host killed a Mid Level Evolver Stage Human.’


After killing one guard, Orochi immediately slashed at another guard with his machete, and it immediately cut the spear into two and a huge cut was formed on the guard’s chest.



The guard immediately clutched his chest in horror to stop the blood loss, but the cut was so big and deep that he was losing blood at a tremendous rate.


‘Host killed a Mid Level Evolver Stage Human.’

Another guard who was at the peak of the Evolver stage, had Orochi’s back facing him so he went for stabbing Orochi’s back, but unfortunately for him, before he took action, Orochi’s stabbed his heart with a knife.


The guard unbelievingly looked at the knife that penetrated his heart, as blood started to overflow from his heart.


The last scene he saw before his death was Orochi’s mocking smile as he took back his knife.



‘Host killed a Peak Evolver Stage Human.’


After easily solving 3 guards, Orochi turned his attention towards Armelia but suddenly his eyes flashed and immediately dashed towards her location.



Two heavy attacks, a punch, and a claw collided against each other and a strong sound was generated due to this collision.

The owner of punch was Orochi and the owner of the claw was Jack Xavier.

Because after Orochi solved the guards, he saw Jack Xavier attacking Armelia from her blind spot, so he immediately took action and prevented Jack Xavier from succeeding.

Looking at Jack Xavier’s surprised face, Orochi sneered,

“Didn’t expect that you would fall so low, to make a sneak attack. But what else can I expect from Alex Xavier’s family?”

Orochi’s words made Jack Xavier’s face darkened, as he felt humiliated because his attack was blocked by a junior not to mention, the same junior was insulting him and his family in front of his servants.

[Author: Yeah right... I don’t see many of these so called ‘Servant’ still left standing to hear this...]

“Hmph. I too did not expect that you were able to block my attack. Looks like I truly underestimated you.”

Jack snorted but inside his heart he was starting to get wary of Orochi, because just now he used almost 30% of his strength, but still the opponent was able to block his attack not to mention he was not able to follow his speed, so he immediately understood that the opponent was not simple.

Armelia also stood next to Orochi after she solved the last guard.

She also felt some fear because just now if it wasn’t for Orochi, she would have either got captured or seriously injured from Jack Xavier’s attack, not to mention she didn’t even know that an attack was heading towards her.

Previously in her fight, as she was able to solve those guards easily, she started to gain some confidence but right now she learned another valuable lesson.

‘Always pay attention to your surroundings, especially to sneak attacks and your back.’


Steward Rake who was standing close to Alex Xavier and his mother, sneakily took out a signal flare and seeing Orochi was distracted, immediately fired it.


Orochi and Jack Xavier, who was warily observing each other, got attracted by this sound and immediately looked at the sky as a ‘Willow’ tree and a Sword shaped logo appeared in the sky. And this logo kept flashing in green and red color.

Seeing this, Orochi’s eyes moved and he looked at Steward Rake with anger.

Because he immediately understood that it was the Willow sword sect’s help signal.

But Jack Xavier had a different reaction to this, he immediately cursed Steward Rake in his heart because he wanted to take all of Orochi’s belongings for himself, he was full of greed and did not want to share this with others, but now this old guy completely spoiled his plans.

And now, he will have to share all his gains with others in the sect.

But then he thought, this was also good as in this small confrontation he realized that opponent was not easy, not to mention he felt that young boy’s partner [Armelia] is also strong, and the other woman has yet to take action.

So, adding all this, he came to the conclusion that the situation was not positive for him because apart from him and his wife, all others do not stand any chance against the opponent’s people.

Thinking about this, just as Jack Xavier wanted to call his wife, Orochi moved.

As soon as the help signal was fired by Steward Rake, Orochi did not waste any time and immediately decided to solve this group and escape.

He immediately dashed towards Jack Xavier and slashed his machete,

“Mountain Cleaving- First Machete Chop”

Jack Xavier also reacted swiftly, but he was still slightly slow so he just blocked with his sword that was still sheathed.



Orochi’s attack was blocked by Jack Xavier’s sword, but Orochi knew that his attack will not bring any result.

He just used it as a distraction because the next attack swiftly followed, as a strong kick immediately landed on Jack Xavier’s chest.


But surprisingly, when Orochi’s kick landed on Jack Xavier’s chest, it felt as if he kicked a car and due to this, Jack Xavier slid a few meters back without any injury.

Orochi immediately understood that Jack Xavier was wearing inner armor. Hence, his attack did not hurt the opponent.

So, he immediately shouted,

“Armelia, take care of others and capture them.”

Hearing this, Armelia immediately dashed towards the remaining people- Alex Xavier, his mother- Eliza Rook, and Steward Rake.

Jack Xavier also shouted,

“Eliza, don’t take this girl lightly; she is not simple. Steward Rake, protect Alex.”

Hearing this, Eliza Rook also did delay and took out her sword and clashed with Armelia.



Orochi was not worried about Armelia’s fight, because just like Armelia, Eliza Rook is also at the Human stage level 1.

He did not get this information from the system, instead, he learned this from June when Orochi asked her.

Since his ‘Observation Skill’ still cannot determine what level the opponent has reached in the Human stage, he can only ask others.

And he also learned that Jack Xavier has the cultivation of Human stage Level 4.

The only problem left is to determine how strong this Jack Xavier is when compared to Ethan, who was killed by Orochi in the Dark Forest.

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