East Meet West

Chapter 256: Quick Battle 2

256- Quick Battle 2

It took some time for Jack Xavier to react to this series of events.

He looked at his chest and then looked at Orochi with some surprise, dread, confusion, anger, etc.

He touched his chest and confirmed that he was not hallucinating, and then looked at his sword that was still sheathed.

He could still feel the aftereffect of the kick that landed on his chest, and he knew that the power behind that kick was enough to injure him seriously if it wasn’t for his inner armor’s protection.

But then he looked at the sword he held in his hand because the attack performed by the opponent with the machete lacked the same amount of power that landed on his chest.

He was confused by this difference in power.

Hence, he wanted to confirm if he was hallucinating or not.

Since his cultivation has reached the Human stage level 4, he is well aware of his strength. And he can execute attacks that have the power of 3000 to 4000 kilograms, easily.

And according to his estimation, the kick that landed on his chest had at least 3000 kilograms of power behind it. Which is more than enough to make him solemn.

But then he thought about the machete attack that landed on his sword’s sheath. He estimates that the power behind that attack was only in the range of 200 to 300 kilograms. Which was barely enough to put a scratch on his sheath, as it was made up of high quality material.

Seeing this huge difference between two attacks from the same person makes him confused,

Not to mention, the attack with the lowest power was made after using a fighting technique and the other attack had brute force in it.

This makes him wonder if his eyes and brain are playing tricks with him.

But Orochi did not give him much time to think all this, as he saw Orochi once again coming at him with full speed and then attacking with his machete,

“Mountain Cleaving- First Machete Chop”

But this time, Jack Xavier reacted swiftly as he took out his sword from the sheath and blocked Orochi’s attack.



Surprisingly, this time Orochi was blown away a few meters as his attack power was very low compared to Jack Xavier’s attack.

Looking at Orochi’s figure that was blown away, Jack Xavier realized something- the kid has not mastered the fighting technique properly. And using himself as a Wheatstone for practice.

Realizing this, some disdain and anger appeared in his heart.

Disdain because in a fight with enemies, where life and death can be determined within a second, one should give his 100% to be the last man standing. But this kid took this fight as a joke and wants to master his fighting technique in a life and death battle.

What does he think of himself? Some genius?

Angry because since he using himself as a sparring partner then that means the kid does not put himself in the eyes.

So how can he not be angry?

So, this time he decided to take action.

He slightly lifted the sword as Spiritual Qi gathered around his arm and began to revolve around his sword.

“Swift wind sword arts”

As soon as his voice fell, his figure moved like the wind as he swiftly approached Orochi attacked with his sword.

Orochi did not bother to use any martial art, so he simply used his machete to block Jack Xavier’s attacks.




Jack Xavier’s attacks were fast which was difficult for Orochi to defend. Not to mention, whenever his machete collided with Jack Xavier’s sword, his machete would be repulsed before it could even touch Jack Xavier’s sword.

Orochi concluded that it must be due to the spiritual qi revolving around his sword, which is acting as a wind barrier and repulsing his machete.

And Orochi's analysis was not wrong about it.

‘Swift Wind Sword arts’ as its name suggests, is a Wind element attributed to sword technique.

In this sword technique, the user gathers spiritual qi around the sword and has the ability to repulse attacks to some extent.

And the word ‘swift’ also has some significance, since it is Wind Element attributed sword technique, the sword attacks are much faster as it does not encounter any wind resistance when executed.

Hence, Orochi is facing some problems when fighting Jack Xavier.




Seeing that, he was at a disadvantage, Orochi immediately deactivated the ‘Stat Locking function’.

And as soon as he did that, a huge pressure radiated from Orochi’s body and it caught Jack Xavier completely unprepared.


Orochi did not bother to play anymore as he swung his machete and sent Jack Xavier’s body flying more than 10 meters away.


Orochi felt some distress as he looked at his machete which was filled with many marks and dents, as the difference in quality between his machete and opponent's sword is quite huge.

When Orochi used the ‘Observation’ skill on Jack Xavier’s sword, he understood that the opponent had a Red Grade Level 5 sword.

So, no wonder his machete got damaged to such an extent within this small confrontation.

Meanwhile, Jack Xavier was simply shocked by these sudden changes that occurred in Orochi.

And the huge strength that sent him flying made him understand that the situation has gotten worse for him.

But he knew that he cannot back down now because his family is with him and if he runs away then his family too would die.

Orochi did not waste much time, he immediately dashed at Jack Xavier and started attacking him with his full strength.





Although his strength is in full display, unfortunately, his weapon is not able to handle this huge strength.

Soon, cracks started to appear on his machete and the damage increased.

Seeing this, Orochi created some gap between himself and Jack Xavier and placed his machete back into the storage ring.

He then took out the sword that was obtained from Ethan in the Dark Forest.

The sword was a Red Grade Level 6 weapon, a grade higher than Jack Xavier’s sword.

The blade was 1 and a half meters big, and 3 inches wide.

It weighed quite heavy, about 80 kilograms, but it was not a problem for Orochi.

Looking at the sword that Orochi took out, Jack Xavier took a step back as he spoke,

“Who are you boy? Which faction do you belong to?”

Jack Xavier started to feel that the situation is very bad for him and his family.

He just hopes that the sect reinforcements arrive as soon as possible because he understood that he is not the opponent of Orochi.

So, he wants to keep on dragging as much as possible, so that he and his family can escape this difficult situation.

Right now, he is begging the god that the opponent falls in his trick and starts to waste some time as they get into some conversation, and finally, his sect reinforcements arrive.

But more than anything, in his heart, he is cursing his idiot son for starting all this.

He swears that if he can get out of this situation, he will surely punish his son and make sure that he doesn’t create problems for him.

And if his wife still dares to interfere, she will also face his wrath.

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