East Meet West

Chapter 266: Back to the Dark Forest

266- Back to the Dark Forest

Mass Release: 4 out of 5




‘Sense Stat has increased by 6000 points.’

And finally, the message that Orochi was waiting for appeared.


‘Sense Stat has reached 25,000 points.’


‘Sense Stat hidden ability has been upgraded.’

‘Now, the host can recover 50 MP per second.’


‘Due to the Sorcerer Job ability, which increases the MP recovery rate by 300%. Host’s MP recovery rate has increased to 150 MP per second.’

Seeing this, Orochi smiled happily and walked out of his room.

It is still early in the morning, and Armelia has already started preparing breakfast for everyone.

Orochi told her that he was going out to the Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce and will come in the evening.

So, after eating breakfast, Orochi walked out of the house.

After walking out of the city gates, Orochi did not take any carriage or horses as they are slow when compared to his own speed.

And if he goes on a carriage, it will waste half of his day. But if he uses his full speed, then he can reach the outskirts of Dark forest in 1 hour.

So, after deactivating the ‘Stat Locking function’ on the ‘Agility Stat’, Orochi sprinted in the direction of Dark Forest.


After some 50 minutes, Orochi’s figure appeared near the entrance of the Dark forest.

Looking at the familiar trees, Orochi sighed with some emotion but did not delay anymore and immediately entered the forest with a map in his hand.

This map was obtained from a group of people who wanted to rob Orochi’s group when they were walking out of the Dark forest.

The map had detailed markings of the Outer area of the Dark Forest, which included the habitats of different groups of monsters with their strengths.

But Orochi’s goal was to increase his Sorcerer Job’s level. So, he found a place that would let him practice without much disturbance.

Orochi soon found an area that was marked on the map that was ideal for his practice.

The place he chose was on a small mountain, with a river close by.

But the specialty of such a place was that the area was occupied by a group of Purple Hide Crocodiles.

Since Orochi was inside the Dark Forest, he also wanted to level up and collect monster corpses to sell them for money.

And this group of Purple Hide Crocodiles has a good demand in the market. So, he chose them as his prey.

Not to mention, he also needs some practice targets for his magic spells. So, that’s another reason for choosing them.

After 20 minutes, Orochi finally appeared at the foot of a small mountain, which was around 100 meters tall.

Next to the mountain, he found the river which was the habitat of those Purple Hide Crocodiles.

But currently, only 2 to 3 Purple Hide crocodiles could be seen.

‘The remaining crocodile must be in their nest.’

Orochi thought in his heart.

The nest of Purple Hide Crocodile is at the foot of the mountain, inside a cave that is at the bottom of the mountain.

But Orochi did not plan to charge directly into the cave of those crocodiles. As he wanted to develop some powerful attacking methods. So, he plans to practice his magic spells for now.

Looking at the 3 Purple Hide Crocodiles swimming lazily in the river, Orochi’s eyes flickered, as he thought of making these 3 purple crocodiles his practice targets.

So, he put a mask on his face and stealthily walked closer to this small group of crocodiles.

In these 3 Purple Hide Crocodiles, two of them were at the Peak Evolver stage, and the remaining one was at Mid Level Demi-Monster stage.

The crocodiles looked similar to those in his previous life, except for their whole body which was purple colored.

The Mid Level Demi-Monster crocodile was 5 meters long and 2 meters wide, while the remaining two were 3 meters long.

When Orochi was only a few meters away from them, he picked up a stone nearby and threw it towards the Demi-Monster Stage crocodile.


When the stone hit the crocodile’s head, a metal clinking sound was produced.


And the Demi-Monster Stage crocodile, immediately roared in anger as he was disturbed while he enjoying his peaceful time.



When the Demi-Monster stage crocodile roared, the remaining two crocodiles also roared as they started to search for the intruder hiding in the surroundings.




Quickly they found the figure of Orochi standing a few meters away from them, so they swam towards him.

Looking at the three Purple Hide Crocodiles swimming towards him, Orochi turned around and lead them away from the river.

The three Purple Hide Crocodiles saw Orochi running away, so they hurried towards the shore and started chasing after him.



Orochi led the three crocodiles a few hundred meters away from the river, and when he found the distance was good, he stopped running and faced the chasing crocodiles with a smile.




Seeing that Orochi stopped, the three Crocodiles were overjoyed and without stopping, they charged at Orochi as if they wanted to bite off their target and chew him into mincemeat.


Suddenly, Orochi’s figure disappeared and in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the crocodiles and grabbed the tail of the biggest one, and slammed it in reverse.


The Demi-Monster Stage crocodile was confused when it saw that the human disappeared suddenly and before it could react, it felt someone hold its tail and lift it. And before it could process what was happening, its back was slammed against the ground.

Orochi slammed the crocodile's body in such a way that its soft area which was the underside of his body was visible to him.

So, as soon as he slammed the crocodile’s body, he immediately jumped high into the air and aimed his knee near the throat area of the crocodile.




And when Orochi’s knee slammed into the crocodile’s neck area, the attack power immediately broke its neck and the Demi-Monster stage Crocodile immediately lost its breath.


‘Host has killed a Mid Level Demi-Monster stage monster’


The other two crocodiles couldn’t even react, because the moment when Orochi disappeared and when he finally killed the Demi-Monster stage crocodile, all this happened within a few seconds.

And when they reacted, it was already late and their fates too did not differ.

Soon, they too were killed by Orochi and he gained another pool of Exp.

Orochi stored the corpses of 3 Purple Hide Crocodiles in his ‘Storage Box’ and climbed the small mountain, that he originally decided to use as his temporary place for practice.

Climbing the mountain is quite a new thing to Orochi, but with his strength, he was easily able to climb the mountain.

When he was at the foot of the mountain, he spotted a small cave, located in the upper area of the mountain. So, he decided to use it as his room for practicing.

Because if he stayed at the bottom, then he would be constantly attacked by the monsters. So, to prevent all that hassle, he simply found a private place solely for himself.

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