East Meet West

Chapter 267: Making Room

267- Making Room

Mass Release: 5 out of 5



When Orochi reached the cave, he found that the entrance was about half the size of an adult human.

And from the looks of it, the cave must have been used by some bird type monster, but currently, it was empty many spider webs, dust, and dried up grass & leaves could be seen inside the cave. And the cave was barely 3 meters deep. Which isn’t enough for him to use as a practice area.

So, Orochi thought for a moment and then finally decided to make enough space that could allow him to enter the cave and walk freely within it.

With that idea in mind, Orochi lifted his palm and a small white ball of energy appeared on the top of his palm.

Since the walls of the mountain are too hard and if Orochi uses his physical strength to dig and expand the internal space of the cave, then he will have to waste a lot of time.

So, he decided to use the strongest attack in his arsenal- Magic Ball.

The white ball of energy was initially about the size of a peanut, soon it grew to the size of an egg and it continued to expand.

Finally, the size of the white ball of energy reached the size of a football.

Then Orochi threw it towards the entrance of the cave.


As soon as the football sized Magic Ball hit the wall of the cave, it exploded like a TNT bomb.

And many rocks of different sizes exploded in every direction.

Some headed towards Orochi, but he dodged them easily.

Hearing the sound of such a loud explosion surrounding living beings got startled and looked in the direction from which the explosion sound came.

Lots of dust, that was produced due to the explosion, got mixed with the air and created brown smoke, and filled the cave’s entrance.

Looking at so much dust, Orochi had to use a wind magic- Wind Gust.


Orochi flicked with his arm and a strong gust of wind flew towards the cave’s entrance and the dusty air dissipated within a few seconds.

After the whole dust was blown away, the cave’s entrance finally revealed its new look.

The original size of the cave’s entrance, which was about 1 meter in diameter, had grown to almost 2 meters. And it is now perfectly big enough for Orochi to enter.

But only the entrance has been widened, the cave path is still yet to be expanded.

So, Orochi threw a few more football sized Magic Ball inside the cave.





A series of explosions rang continuously and a large group of dust rose into the air and that completely covered a few meters area around the cave’s entrance.



Orochi threw a few more Wind Gusts and all the dust dissipated.

Finally, the cave path was now wide enough to accommodate an adult body and the cave was as deep as 4 meters. But it was still not enough for Orochi.

But currently, Orochi’s MP was almost depleted as the amount of MP used to make a football sized Magic Ball, required at least 90,000 MP.

And he used almost 5 Magic Balls to change the size of the cave, not to mention few thousand MP was used up to in using Wind Gust magic.

But he can’t waste his time and wait to recover his MP. So, he bought 10 - Lvl 6 MP potions from the System shop for 100 million Sikka.

Because time is currently very important to him.

So, he consumed 4 of them to recover 400,000 MP.

After recovering his MP, Orochi threw another 4 football sized Magic Balls inside the cave.





After a few seconds, Orochi looked at the depth of the cave, which was now about 9 meters deep.

‘Barely enough’

Orochi thought in his heart as he entered the cave and stopped after walking about 4 meters inside.

Then he consumed another 3- Lvl 6 MP potions and threw another few Magic Balls to make a small room inside the cave.







A small room of about 20 square meters was built inside the cave’s deep end, that too within a few minutes.

Then Orochi nailed the 3 corpses of Purple Hide Crocodiles into the wall.




Looking at the 3 targets Purple Hide Crocodile corpses, that have been nailed to the wall, Orochi raised his hand, as he muttered,


A fist sized ball of fire was formed and shot out from Orochi’s palm and it hit the tough hide of one of the Evolver Stage crocodiles.


As soon as the fireball hit the hide, One-fifth part of it caught on fire and burned for several seconds.

And when the fire disappeared, a purple hide without any damage or any traces of burning was revealed to Orochi’s eyes.

Seeing this, Orochi smiled wryly as he understood that the earlier ‘Fireball’ attack wasn’t even enough to damage or injure a Refinement Stage monster, not to mention how could it do anything to the hide of a Peak Evolver stage monster, that is known for its tough skin/hide.

Forgetting about the disappointment, Orochi condensed another ‘Fireball’, but this time he used about 500 MP, unlike the previous time when he used 100 MP.

And unlike the previous fist sized ball of fire, its size was almost tripled.


This time when the fireball hit the Evolver stage crocodile, half of the body caught fire and it burned for a dozen seconds and finally, got extinguished.

But this attack still failed to inflict any kind of damage on the hard armor-like-hide of the crocodile.

This time Orochi used about 500 MP and a table tennis ball sized, white ball of energy appeared in his palm and he threw it towards the Evolver stage crocodile.

Magic Ball


This time the area where the Magic ball hit, a fist sized dent appeared on the hide of the dead crocodile and it was almost 2-3 inches deep. Not to mention, surrounding the fist sized dent, lots of cracks formed, which showed the power of Magic Ball’s blast.

Looking at this, Orochi helplessly muttered,

‘Looks like no other magic could compare with the [Magic Ball]’s power.’

‘And if I want to increase the power of my fire type magic attacks, I need to get something similar to special fires that Pill Guru’s and Blacksmith’s use.’

‘The fire I can make with MP can only compare to the normal fire used in the kitchen.’

Shaking his head, Orochi once again lifted his hand and fired another ‘Fireball’ at another Evolver stage Crocodile corpse.


This time, Orochi used 1000 MP to make this fireball and its size was almost 4 times bigger than a fist.


This time, there was some power behind the fireball made by Orochi and about three-fourth part of the crocodile caught fire and burned for more than 15 seconds.

After the fire was extinguished, a slight depression could be seen on the tough hide of the crocodile. But there were still no traces of any burning.

Like this, Orochi kept on casting the ‘Fireball’ magic attack several times and every time he would increase the MP input.

Orochi used the ‘Fireball’ magic because it was easier to cast as it was basic level magic and required less concentration.

So, finally, after an hour of continuous casting, the system notification rang and it also brought a big surprise with it.

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