East Meet West

Chapter 279: Burning Money For Future

279- Burning Money for Future

After Orochi got back to his home, he converted all the 10,000 low grade energy stones and the gold notes worth 100 million gold coins into the System currency. And received a total of 110 billion Sikka for this exchange.


1 Lower grade energy stone = 1000 gold coins = 1,000,000 Sikka

1 gold coin = 100 silver coin= 1000 Sikka

1 silver coin = 100 bronze coin= 10 Sikka

1 Sikka = 10 Bronze coins


And with 110 billion Sikka, he was able to buy about 11,000- Lvl 6 MP potions, worth 10 million Sikka each.

So, a repetitive cycle of a process was formed during this period- Orochi would consume Lvl 6 MP potions, and exchange MP for Free stat points. And repeat.

Like this, Orochi exchanged more than 1.1 billion units of MP and received about 63,211 Free stat points.

Orochi looked at his status window,


System Status Window

Name: Orochi

Race: Human

Rank: G

Stage: Mortal Realm- High Level Demi-Human stage

Level: 82/100

Exp: 5870/8200

Title: Chef (Apprentice)

Condition: Bound by ‘Wishwa Saakshi’ Oath, Bound by ‘Blood Extinguishing Contract’.

Stats: (Available Free Stats Points: 167,122)

HP: 4,714,600/4,714,600

MP: 29,233/512,170

Strength: 10000 [13750]

Agility: 10000 [13800]

Defense: 10000 [14700]

Resistance: 10000 [14950]

Sense: 53000 [7146]

Stamina: 10000 [14650] ------ Fatigue: 513/2,165,460

Intelligence: 2672 [3060]

Charm: 1900 (can be increased with Free Stats Points, but won’t increase when leveling up)

Vitality: 9 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)

Luck: 8 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)


Skills: Observation Level 11, Physical Enhancement and Modification (Level 5), Axe Slash, knife handling (Level 5), Self Heal (Level 4)


Passive abilities: Poison Resistance (Level 13), Physical Resistance (Level 3), Mana Manipulation, Mana manifestation, Fire Resistance (Level 2), Cold Resistance (Level 2)


Jobs: Thief, Blacksmith (Level 1), Swordsmanship (Level 7), Spearman (Level 5), Martial Artist (Level 7), Archer (Level 5), Sorcerer (Level 15)


Hidden Abilities:

Defense + Hp = For every increase of Defense stat by 1 point, HP Limit will increase by 100.

Resistance + HP = Recovers 20 HP per second and this Ability is in sync with the [Self Heal] ability, so recovery rate is doubled, so 40 HP per second.

Sense + MP = Recovers 100 MP per second; [Sorcerer Job] has increased the recovery rate by 1500% = 1500 Mp per second.

Stamina + HP = For every increase of Stamina stat by 1 point, HP and Fatigue Limit will increase by 100.

Intelligence + MP = For every increase of Intelligence stat by 1 point, MP Limit will increase by 100.

Charm = Perception & Intuition, Hypnosis, Recording Eye, Thermal Vision



Looking at the number ‘167,122’, which is the total number of free stat points in storage, Orochi felt that even going against Jaraal and his teacher, is worth it.

When it comes to the matter of choosing between benefitting one-self or benefitting others, Orochi would immediately choose himself.

Why should he think about others, especially those with whom he doesn’t even have a bit of a relationship?

Not to mention, arrogant people like Jaraal, Orochi would simply kick their as*es.

In the last few days, as his free stat points kept increasing, Orochi also increased all his stats except the ‘Sense’ and ‘Intelligence’ stat. Hence, all his stats have increased to such a height.

But there was still some pain in his heart for using up 110 billion Sikka/ 110 million gold coins, to which Orochi can only console himself by saying,

‘It’s ok... it’s ok... I can earn back all this very soon. I just have to step into the Transformation realm.’


After Jaraal walked out of the Golden Chamber of Commerce with a gloomy expression, he went straight to the City Lord’s mansion.

Since his teacher is a renowned Pill Guru in the Saurastra Kingdom, as a disciple he is also respected a lot and wherever he goes, people fawn over him and try to earn his favor or help them build a relationship with his teacher.

So, when he arrived in the Border City, people from City Lord’s mansion quickly received him and tried to curry favor with him.

Jaraal, although he is arrogant, he is not stupid. And he has seen many such people who try to impress him. So, he remained indifferent to all this and never paid attention to this.

But today, after someone like Orochi dared to reject his offer, he felt humiliated as no one did so. Not to mention, Orochi did not even step into the Transformation realm, this gave him the feel of a mouse trying to challenge the lion’s authority.

So, now he wants to go to the City Lord’s mansion and let the other people do his dirty work.


It was after 6 days that finally, Chand Roj sent a message to Orochi regarding money withdrawal.

So, when Orochi received the message, he immediately went to the Golden Chamber of Commerce and used his Red VIP card to withdraw gold notes worth 1.2 billion gold coins and another 100,000 low grade energy stones. And now in his Red VIP card, less than 100 million gold coins were left.

While he was returning back to his house, he felt that his storage ring and ‘Storage Box’ were quite heavy, even though they weren’t.

After he returned, he went straight to his room and converted all the 1.2 billion gold coins into the System currency and received about 1.2 trillion Sikka.

Looking at this huge number of Sikka in his account, Orochi was not happy instead he felt a huge pain, so he can only recite the cooling mantra to relieve his pain,

‘It’s ok... it’s ok... I can earn back all this very soon. I just have to step into the Transformation realm.’

After he converted such a huge amount into the system currency, he received a system message.


‘Host has more than 1 trillion Sikka in his account.’

‘New currency has been unlocked- Paisa'

‘1 Paisa = 1 Trillion Sikka’

‘Host can now convert and toggle between any system currency and use accordingly.’


‘Congratulations to the host for unlocking a new currency.’

‘Reward of 100 billion Sikka has been added to the host’s account.’


Looking at this, Orochi got ecstatic and hurriedly looked at the balance of system currency.

‘Balance = 1,300,000,203,120 Sikka’

Seeing this, Orochi praised the system in his heart,

‘The system is still a good thing, helped me in my tough times.’

After having one last good look at the ‘Balance = 1,300,000,203,120 Sikka’, Orochi closed his eyes and used 1 trillion Sikka to buy MP potions.

And for that amount of system money, Orochi received 100,000- Lvl 6 MP potions.

Once again started the cycle of: Consuming MP potions – Recovering MP – Exchanging for Free stat Points – And repeat.

Repeating this cycle and continuously performing it is not an easy task. It took Orochi, almost half a day to consume all the 100,000- Lvl 6 MP potions.

And for his hard work, he received an equivalent reward of almost 600,000 Free Stat points.

And now, his total ‘Free Stat points’ have crossed the ‘800,000’ points mark.

Actually, he doesn’t know what the upper limit of his stats is, and even the system does not answer about this.

But he still estimated that it should be around 100,000 points.

So, to increase all the stats that can be increased with ‘Free Stat points’ he needs about 800,000 Free stat points. Because ‘Luck’ and ‘Vitality’ cannot be increased with points.

And now he has collected such a huge amount of 800,000 Free stat points, it should be enough to increase his stats, but just in case of some miscalculation or an unforeseen event Orochi wanted to collect 1 million Free stat points, like a backup.

So, once again he used up 200 billion Sikka and got another batch of MP potions.

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