East Meet West

Chapter 280: Jaraal's People Arrive

280- Jaraal's people arrive

Except for the remaining 100 billion, Sikka left in his account, Orochi spent all 1.2 trillion Sikka to buy a huge number of MP potions.

And the result? He received a total of more than 700,000 Free stat points and now his total Free Stat points have crossed 900,000 points and he is very close to the 1 million points goal.

Actually, he still wanted to buy more MP potions and as soon as possible collect 1 Million Free stat points, but he was mentally tired and wanted to sleep.

Consuming 120,000 MP potions in a single day is not a small feat.

He feels that his stomach might get upset or he may even throw up if he consumes more MP potions. So, he decided to have some sleep and continue tomorrow.

Of course, to be on the safe side, he gave certain tasks to the system that needs to be executed while he is sleeping.

Such as:

Exchanging MP that is still being generated and converting it into Free stat points.

Adding a small number of Free stat points to stats like Strength, Agility, Defense, Resistance, and Stamina.

[To avoid any mishap or situation where Orochi cannot increase all the stats in one single day. Or something like this, so slowly increasing his stats and letting his body adapt.]


Orochi woke up in the morning and saw that during the time he was sleeping, he still earned another batch of Free stat points that too about 3000 points.

So, after having a good breakfast made by Armelia; Orochi went back to his room and lay on his bed.

He did not buy any potions because, he estimated that with the speed he is recovering MP, within 4-5 days he can collect 1 million Free stat points.

So, during this time, he wanted to relax and also add Free Stat points to his stats and let his body adapt to such changes.

As he doesn’t want to get backlashed or face some issue when he tries to add them at a single time.

But things don’t go as planned.

Orochi wanted to rest, but someone came to look for Orochi.

When Orochi went to see who the comer was, he was surprised to see 3 guards standing at the door of his house.

The 3 guards were each dressed in clothes similar to the guards that protect the Border City. And they were armed.

Orochi looked at them and asked,

“What is it?”

One of the guards opened his mouth and said,

“Sir, our young master wants to meet you. So, please come with us.”

Orochi frowned as he asked,

“Young master? Who is your young master?”

This time another guard answered but with somewhat rude tone,

“Of course, our young master is the eldest son of the City Lord. Rusk, don’t waste words with this boy. Since the young master has asked us to bring this boy to him, then simply take him, and if he doesn’t agree then drag him back.”

Hearing this, Orochi smiled coldly as he looked at the guard who just spoke,

“Since, your young master wants to meet me, then ask him to come here. As for whether you can drag me back with you, why don’t you try?”

Hearing this, the guard’s eyebrows rose, as he coldly looked at Orochi.


But just as he opened his mouth, his voice was drowned by the sounds of flares that were shot into the sky.





The place from which the flares were fired was from the direction of the city gates.

And all the flares were red colored.

Looking at the color of the signal, the expressions of the three guards changed suddenly.

“Damn, the signal was fired from the direction of the city gates.”

“Yes, the city gates that are faced in the direction of Dark Forest.”

“Damn, according to the number of flares, it seems like a beast tide has appeared.”

“What... beast tide? Damn it...”

Orochi was just 2 meters away from the guards, so he heard everything.

Listening to them complain, Orochi understood what happened.

Beast tide, as its name suggests is an event where all the monsters and beasts inside a certain place get agitated due to some unknown reason and they run out of the forests in huge numbers, like a tide and then they attack the nearby regions.

Since the reproductive ability of beasts is much higher than that of humans, their numbers are also scary. So, whenever a beast tide occurs, the numbers are usually in 10,000’s to 100,000’s or even more.

No wonder, the expressions of the three guards are ugly.

Well, it's not like they looked any better even in normal times.

They are still ugly in normal times.

Suddenly, one of the guards who spoke rudely a few seconds ago woke from the shock and whispered in the ears of his companion.

“Hey, according to the rules, we should either be going to city gates to defend against the beast tide or maintain order in the city. But both of these tasks are worthless or risky. So, instead, let’s grab this boy to the young master and complete our task. I am sure that if we get recognized by the young master, we won’t have to be stuck in the same position as a waste guard.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the other two guards shined and they immediately agreed with this proposal.

So, they immediately turned around to catch Orochi.

But when they saw Orochi’s face, they couldn’t help but stop their actions.

Because Orochi’s face had a smile but the eyes were emitting cold feelings that were enough to make these 3 guards shiver in fear for a moment.

“Heh... things that don’t know what is good or bad.”

Orochi snorted and immediately grabbed the necks of two guards and bumped their heads against each other.


Such that, they immediately lost consciousness due to the force of impact, as the power used by Orochi was so great.

Orochi dropped the two guards on the ground as he immediately grabbed the neck of the remaining rude guard and lifted him in the air. Orochi asked,

“Tell me why does your young master, wants to meet me?”

All these actions took place in 2-3 seconds and the last guard wasn’t even able to register this properly.

He woke up from the shock when he felt his neck being tightly held by Orochi as his body was being lifted up like a rag doll.

He was shocked by the strength shown by Orochi.

When he heard Orochi ask him a question, he tried to answer it but no sound came out of his mouth,

“Ack..ka Ack kaaa..”

Seeing this, Orochi loosened the grip and the guard landed on his ass.

He took a few deep breaths as he hurriedly answered,

“I don’t know... I vaguely heard that some guest from the Kingdom wants to capture you and get things from you.”

‘Guest from the kingdom? Capture me and get things? Who is th.... wait, is it?”

Orochi’s mind spun rapidly as he finally understood something.


He smirked slightly as a knife appeared in his hands. Orochi threw the knife towards the guard and it stabbed straight into the guard’s thighs as he screamed in agony.


Then without paying any attention to him, Orochi got back to his home.

Since many people saw the appearance of flares, the streets were filled with people as panic was brewing among them.. So, when the people nearby saw Orochi’s actions, people started to run away from the place and some even screamed.

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