Easy Tycoon

Chapter 922 International Crude Oil

Chapter 922 International Crude Oil
Going home this time, Yang Jing completed the opening ceremony of the Grand Canal Leisure Park within six days, and also fulfilled his promise to his uncle. Although he did not see the final signing of the supply contract, Yang Jing knew that the four The Chinese boss will definitely sign a win-win contract with Tianmian Group in the end.

As long as these four Chinese bosses are not brain-dead, they will never be confused about this kind of thing.Although Tianmian Group can only provide each of them with about one-eighth of the supply, the price of this one-eighth supply is much lower than their previous purchase price.As long as they don't twitch their brains, there is absolutely no reason to give up Tianmian Group.

Yang Jing didn't plan to attend the signing ceremony later, it was the old uncle's stage.

Satisfied, Yang Jing returned to Yanjing.

He was about to start preparing for his final graduation thesis and defense. If it hadn't been about the opening of the Grand Canal Leisure Park this time, none of the four masters would have let him come back.

Yang Jing, who returned to school, once again entered the apartment-school-library-past space-time four-point one-line model.

The first three points are naturally for graduation thesis and defense, while the last point is for Yang Jing to speed up the progress of time and space in the past.

When she returned to Tianqu before, Gege didn't go back with her. She also had to prepare her graduation thesis and final defense, so she didn't go back to Tianqu with her.During the six days in Tianqu, Yang Jing would take time to return to the past time and space at night. Even if he only stayed for a day or two each time, it was enough to speed up the progress of the past time and space.

For example, going back this time, Yang Jing returned to the beginning of 2003.

"Boss, I have to apologize to you." In Yang Jing's office, Henry Williams, who was over [-] years old, said with a sincere apology on his face, "When the Internet bubble burst three years ago, I used to doubt Your order, now it seems that I was really wrong at the time, if you hadn't insisted on your order, the profit of KY investment fund this time would have been cut by more than half."

Yang Jing smiled and waved his hands and said, "Henry, you don't have to do this. In fact, this kind of thing is inevitable. Everyone has their own judgment on the market, and under the circumstances at that time, it is estimated that most people's judgments It's the same as you, so you don't have to blame yourself."

"No, boss, I have to apologize to you, and I hope you can accept my apology."

"Okay, Henry, I accept your apology." Yang Jing smiled and said, "But my old man, I didn't come here this time to accept your apology, I came here with a purpose. "

Hearing Yang Jing's words, Henry's eyes lit up, and he asked urgently, "Boss, what good target is there this time?"

Having cooperated with Yang Jing for more than 15 years, Henry naturally knows that the goal that the big boss who can never see the end of the dragon can personally pursue must be an incredible goal.

Just like at the beginning of three years ago, the boss came and said that the Internet bubble was about to burst. At that time, I didn't believe it, and even argued with the boss, but the fact was that I slapped myself hard.

It is estimated that many people have seen the huge Internet bubble, but it is estimated that few people can guess that the burst of the Internet bubble will come so resolutely and completely.

Among other things, how many people jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building in the past two years, especially the first year after the Internet bubble burst?At that time, if the boss hadn't insisted that the entire group implement his orders, how much would KY Investment Fund have lost in the bursting of the Internet bubble?
Knowing that it will be shattered, but not earning corresponding profits, this is a huge failure for the top management of KY Investment Fund!

Fortunately, the boss resolutely made everyone follow his orders, which allowed KY Investment Fund to make enough profits.

Facts have proved once again that the boss's vision is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Since the boss said that he has a new goal this time, the action this time will certainly not be weaker than the operation of the bursting of the Internet bubble.

Yang Jing looked at Henry, smiled and said, "Henry, the target this time is international crude oil!"

"International crude oil? Oh, buy it! This is a big deal!" Henry said excitedly.

In fact, since the establishment of Evil Dragon Fund, except for speculating in international crude oil futures once between September and October in 1990, Evil Dragon Fund has never made a move in the international crude oil market.

This time the boss suddenly aimed at the international crude oil market, obviously seeing some clues.

"Boss, how do we operate this time? Should we be short or long?" Henry asked excitedly.

Yang Jing asked with a slight smile, "Then do you think it should be short or long?"

Hearing the boss's question, Henry replied without hesitation: "Boss, according to your habits, since you said that the target this time is the international crude oil futures market, then I think we should go long!"

What Henry said was very firm, because as he said just now, the current international crude oil futures market is a big market, and the daily trading volume of the three major international crude oil futures contracts is more than 50 lots. Calculated by thousands of barrels of crude oil, the four major crude oil futures markets have an average of [-] million barrels of crude oil futures delivered per day. If the smaller trading markets and other types of refined oil futures are included, the daily trading volume of international crude oil exceeds One billion barrels!
This is an out-and-out big market.

However, since 1983, the international crude oil price has been half-dead, and has always remained below 20 US dollars per barrel. From 1998 to 1999, the crude oil price even fell below 10 US dollars per barrel. Now although the price has recovered , but still did not break through the price of 20 US dollars / barrel.

The international crude oil market has been in a bear market for 20 years. Now that the boss has set his sights on the international crude oil market, it is self-evident that the boss has seen the trend of skyrocketing international crude oil.That's why Henry came to this conclusion without hesitation.

Yang Jing nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, Henry, your judgment is very correct. This time I plan to go long on international crude oil, but this time the duration will be longer. I think that in the next five to six years , the international crude oil market will usher in a big bull market, which is the main reason why I target the international crude oil market.”

"Boss, can I ask you what is the basis for judging that the international crude oil price is about to rise?" Henry asked curiously.

"It's very simple, that is the Bush administration's attitude towards terrorism!"

"You mean the 911/[-] incident? But it's been more than a year." Henry asked puzzled.

Yang Jing glanced at Henry and said, "Then, have you seen that the federal government's attitude towards Iraq and Afghanistan is changing drastically? Especially when Bush Jr., who has a strong personality, just took office, he encountered the 911 incident. Bush Jr. He will never bow his head, so, like his father, Bush Jr. will choose to use force abroad, and the target is Iraq!"

Henry smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't dare to doubt Yang Jing's judgment anymore.

Yang Jing continued: "Once the Bush administration really takes action against Iraq, international crude oil prices will inevitably rise. It's just that this rise will not be just a short-term upward breakthrough and then quickly fall back like 13 years ago. I think that once the Bush administration If the government really takes action against Iraq, the international crude oil price will usher in a period of continuous rise, and I think this period of time is enough to last for five or six years. At the same time, the international crude oil price will rise to an unbelievable level. high position."

Henry nodded and asked: "Boss, how should we operate? Is KY Investment Fund to operate this market, or let Atlantic Capital or Pacific Capital operate this market?"

Yang Jing tapped the table with his right index finger several times in a row, and then said: "Let Niam take charge of this market. David has other tasks. As for KY Investment Fund, there are also other tasks!"

This made Henry think of the Dragon Fund's plan for the next ten years that the boss said three years ago, so he hesitated and asked, "Boss, the other two tasks you mentioned are international gold and global stock markets?"

"Well, if the international crude oil price really enters a bull market, then the international gold price will inevitably rise accordingly. This is our opportunity, so I plan to let David's Pacific Capital be in charge of the international gold market. As for you, you will be mainly in charge global stock markets."

What Yang Jing said was very clear, especially regarding the operation of the international gold market, Henry knew what it meant when he heard it.

Everyone knows that fluctuations in international oil prices will directly affect the development of the world economy, especially the US economy. fall, which causes the price of gold to rise and fall.

According to estimates by the International Monetary Fund, every $5 increase in oil prices will reduce the global economic growth rate by about 0.3 percentage points, and the US economic growth rate may drop by about 0.4 percentage points.When oil prices continued to soar, the International Monetary Fund immediately lowered its forecast for future economic growth.Oil prices have become a "barometer" of the global economy, and high oil prices also mean increased uncertainty in economic growth and rising inflation expectations, which in turn push up gold prices.

Therefore, there is a positive correlation between gold and oil, which means that the price of gold and oil usually move positively.A rise in the price of oil means that the price of gold will also rise, and a fall in the price of oil means that the price of gold will also fall.

If starting from this year, the international oil price really enters a rising bull market, then the international gold price will inevitably continue to rise following the rise of the international oil price, and there has always been a close relationship between the two.

It's just that Henry is a little confused about what the boss said about the global stock market.

However, since the boss has made arrangements, all they need to do is to follow the boss's order!

(End of this chapter)

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