Easy Tycoon

Chapter 923 4 Quotations

Chapter 923 Four Quotations
Others don't know the rising trend of international crude oil prices in the next ten years, but Yang Jing knows it clearly.

After entering the new century, the international crude oil market, which had been silent for 20 years, finally ushered in a huge bull market. Because of the impact of the Bush administration’s attack on Iraq, international crude oil prices have soared since the beginning of 2003.

At the beginning of this year, the international crude oil price once again broke through 30 US dollars / barrel, and then, in the next five or six years, there will be no turning back!

In September 2004, affected by the Iraq war, the international crude oil price once again broke through $9/barrel, then continued to rise, and broke through $40/barrel for the first time.

In June 2005, the international crude oil price broke through 6 USD/barrel for the first time, and accelerated.

In August 2005, Mexico was hit by Hurricane Katrina, and the international crude oil price exceeded 8 US dollars per barrel for the first time.

On September 2007, 9, the international crude oil price broke through 12 US dollars per barrel for the first time, and then continued to accelerate its entry into the market.

International crude oil prices soared sharply in 2008. On July 7 of this year, the price of crude oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange hit a record high of 14 US dollars per barrel.

This is the period when international crude oil skyrocketed during the six-plus-year period from 2003 to 2008. During these six-plus years, the international crude oil price rose almost fivefold!
However, after the international crude oil price experienced the highest point, because the US subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global financial crisis, the high-energy bearishness in the international crude oil market was completely detonated, and the international crude oil price came to a gorgeous level in just half a year. high diving.

On January 2009, 1, the price of crude oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell to $21!

This is a drastic change in international crude oil prices in the past six to seven years after entering the first decade of the new century.

In fact, judging from the changes in international oil prices at this stage, the six-plus-year high has gone through two stages, which can be summed up as a steady rise in the early stage and a "crazy roller coaster" in the later stage.

From the perspective of time changes and oil price changes, the price of 80 US dollars / barrel is actually a relatively reasonable price, and the oil price of 50-80 US dollars / barrel is the rational range of international oil prices.

However, since November 2007, due to the impact of OPEC's decision to cut production, coupled with the rapid growth of the global economy at that time, the demand for crude oil in China was strong, which led to the prosperity of international crude oil bulls.Especially at that time, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates sharply and the dollar depreciated, which led to a significant rise in speculation among speculators.

The sharp increase in demand in China and OPEC's decision to cut production have led to huge benefits on both sides of the supply and demand. Coupled with the Fed's sharp interest rate cuts and the depreciation of the US dollar, the huge international hot money naturally targets the international crude oil market, resulting in The price of oil soared to an incredible $147!

However, prosperity must decline. In terms of the world economy at that time, it was simply impossible to afford such a high crude oil price. Especially in October 2008, the global financial crisis triggered by the US subprime mortgage crisis swept Europe and the United States, and finally detonated a huge high-energy Due to the negative power, the oil price fell to 10 US dollars per barrel in just half a year in a high-diving posture.

Of course, during this period, countless high-rise buildings and famous bridges in Europe and America also rained gorgeous "human dumplings".
However, the lowest point of oil price is not the final result. After this wave of violent ups and downs, because the Federal Reserve’s QE1-QE3 firepower is fully fired, the dollar exchange rate is obviously trending lower, and the support for oil prices has begun to become strong.At the same time, worries about tightening supply emerged. For example, OPEC continued to limit production for profit, the Libyan war in 2011, and the Iranian oil embargo in 2012. International oil prices returned to the road of rising again.

Especially since the second quarter of 2009, the global economy gradually got rid of the haze of the financial crisis, and oil prices began to rise again, and stabilized at a high range of US$2011-2014 per barrel from 90 to the first half of 120.

However, as the Federal Reserve is about to end QE in October 2014, and the QE in the euro zone is about to start in 10, coupled with Saudi Arabia and OPEC's insistence on not cutting production, resulting in abundant supply and weak demand.So starting in July 2015, the bulls fled in panic, and the bearish sentiment of traders continued to increase.

Under such circumstances, the international oil price once again took a magnificent high dive. From July 2014 to January 7, the asking price once again fell below the mark of 2015 US dollars per barrel within half a year.
In other words, the 12-year oil market can actually be operated in four stages.

The first stage is the six and a half years from the beginning of 2003 to July 2008. Atlantic Capital controlled by Niam can go all out to do more, although the middle oil price also fluctuates, especially from the end of 7 to 2006. At the beginning of the month, the price of oil once plummeted by US$2007, but as long as it is under control, this stage can be avoided.

But generally speaking, during this period of crazy rise in international oil prices, as long as the operation is done well, the Dragon Fund will gain huge profit margins.

Yang Jing admits that the Dragon Fund under his name is not a good bird. Strictly speaking, Soros' Quantum Fund and Robertson's Tiger Fund are as pure as virgins in front of the Dragon Fund.
Compared with the Dragon Fund, which has been speculating for more than 20 years, the notorious Quantum Fund and Tiger Fund are really nothing.It’s just that we covered it up well. Everything that the Dragon Fund has done over the years has been completely covered up by an “international hot money”.

The same is true this time!
Therefore, since the Dragon Fund is targeting international crude oil, it must not let go of the opportunity of the two sharp rises and falls of international oil prices in the past ten years.And Yang Jing is also very clear that after passing this village, there will be no such store—in the original time and space, the international oil price has been completely silent for several years after this wave of market prices has passed.
Therefore, the Evil Dragon Fund must seize this rare opportunity, which is also the last chance before Yang Jing takes over the Evil Dragon Fund completely!
Dragon Fund will start to do long in this wave of market, and after the international oil price reaches a high point, it will inevitably start to backhand short!Then wait until the international oil price plummets to a low point, and then backhand to go long, the last time must be to go short again.

Between such two positives and negatives, the evil dragon fund will obtain huge profits in the international crude oil futures market.

This is how the Dragon Fund has been operating since its inception.When speculating on London gold back then, it was this method of one hand long and one hand short, which made the dragon fund completely rich in just a few months.Now that this kind of market is encountered again, the evil dragon fund naturally cannot let go!

All of this is transparent in Yang Jing's eyes.He comes from the future, so he knows these market conditions clearly.

As for the life and death of other speculators and international hot money, it's none of my business!Laozi's evil dragon fund is the biggest speculator and international hot money!

I have a huge golden finger in my hand. If I don't make good use of these four waves of market prices, wouldn't I be sorry for Bush Jr. and Ao Heitan?Although you were all supported by Lao Tzu, friendship is friendship, money is money, and it is undeniable that in this day and age, most of the time, friendship is far less important than the temptation of money powerful!
PS: Bow and thank "Very Lazy Fish" for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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