Easy Tycoon

Chapter 984 Visit

Chapter 984 Visit
Yang Jing won't worry too much about the following things. With Zhao Meng around, Yang Jing believes that the adjustment of the Dragon Fund can be completed smoothly.

In the past few days before the arrival of these executives, Yang Jing explained the situation of Julong Fund to Zhao Meng in detail, and this kind of adjustment is not so difficult. In terms of Zhao Meng's ability, if he If he can't even do this well, then he won't be the CEO.

These core executives will also stay in Tianqu for a day or two. During this time, they will cooperate with Zhao Meng to come up with a complete adjustment plan, and finally hand it over to Yang Jing for review.

Yang Zhengyu and Chen Zesheng, who got the news, led their subordinates to have a feast for these executives respectively. Although the decision passed by the Standing Committee of the Tianqu Municipal Party Committee is still being reviewed, both Yang Zhengyu and Chen Zesheng believe that the above can definitely pass it. .

After all, this is a good thing for someone to invest in, and the main body of the investment is mainly for the basic people's livelihood of Tianqu.

And these core executives of Julong Fund are the out-and-out God of Wealth. Whether Tianqu can really take off in the future depends on these blond foreigners, so it is definitely not a big deal to make a relationship in advance at this time. wrong approach.

And the executives of these Julong Funds are all good people, and those with poor EQ and IQ can't achieve this kind of position at all.Of course, they knew that these officials were the parents' officials in the small boss's hometown, and it was a good thing to have a good relationship with these officials, so they were also willing to establish a good relationship with the officials in Tianqu.

As for Yang Jing, he accompanied Henry and David to visit the upcoming Grand Canal Museum.The Grand Canal Museum is scheduled to open on August [-], more than ten days later, and now the interior is almost cleaned up, and it is only waiting for the opening to accept public visits.

Both Henry and David are veteran core executives of the Dragon Fund. Yang Jing has changed his identity now, so even if he is the boss, he must show enough respect to these two.As for Henry and David, they are also very curious about what kind of antique art old Mike has made for the big boss over the years. They know that the treasures collected by the old Mike over the years have been transferred to the small boss, and they also know that the small boss himself One collects everyone, so the two of them also want to see the collection of the little boss.

"Oh Maiga! Boss, your collection really opened my eyes!" Before entering the Dragon Fund, Henry was already a famous figure on Wall Street, and he also had a very high appreciation for antique works of art. Ability, although he doesn't know much about oriental antique works of art, but the collections in this museum are not only oriental antique works of art.

David was not interested in this aspect before, but in the past few years since he retired, because of his rich net worth, he has gradually gained a certain understanding of antique works of art, so he, like Henry, sees These babies are also shocking, don't want to.

"Boss, isn't this really Michelangelo's original work?" In the "Western Art Hall" on the second floor of the museum, David and Henry asked this question almost in unison.

In front of the two of them, a bronze "David" about one and a half meters high was standing quietly in a bulletproof glass cabinet. The slightly dark surface of the body exuded a charming light under the light.

"That's right, this is indeed from Michelangelo's handwriting. This sculpture has been identified by carbon fourteen, and it is confirmed that it was created in 1501, that is, Michelangelo took over Agostino and began to create marble " Before "David". This bronze sculpture should be the model created by Michelangelo himself before he created the marble "David." Yang Jing explained.

Henry and David leaned over to the nameplate in front of the bronze "David" and looked down. After reading it, they asked in surprise: "Boss, is it true that you found this bronze "David" from the sunken ship?" of?"

"That's right. Michelangelo was never married and had no heirs. It is said that when the marble "David" was completed, because the marble "David" belonged to the property of the Florentine government, he had no right to own it, so he could only take the model, That is, the bronze "David" was carefully treasured. After Michelangelo's death in 1564, the model was transferred to his students. Many years later, the model was transferred to the hands of the Duke of Florence. The collector admired Michelangelo's sculpture art and works very much. After obtaining the "David" model, he hid it in an unknown place in his home. Unfortunately, a fire in 1690 swept through After entering Florence, the duke’s house was not spared, and it was burnt beyond recognition. After the fire, the model disappeared.”

Henry nodded and said: "I've heard of this rumor too. But as far as I know, Frederick Hart, a scholar at the University of Virginia who studies the European Renaissance, said that the long-lost "David" model is already in Geneva. Found. According to Hart, he found the model in Geneva in 1986. He found that it was very similar to the original "David", and there was also a sling on the back of the model figure, but the head and limbs were also incomplete Incomplete. And the industry also believes that the bronze model that Hart found is the model of "David" made by Michelangelo himself."

Yang Jing laughed, pointed to the silent bronze statue in front of him and said, "Henry, if you were to judge, do you think this bronze statue is different from the incomplete bronze statue that Hart found? , Which one is more like Michelangelo's authentic work? And you have also seen the explanation plate just now. The treasure I found in the sunken ship is very likely to be the legendary treasure of the last tsar. Only the Romanov Dynasty How can they collect a fake one?"

Henry nodded and stopped talking, but David said: "In fact, it is very simple to distinguish the authenticity. You only need to scan the three-dimensional data of this bronze "David" and expand it to see if it can be compared with the marble "David". The matching of "David" is enough to prove the authenticity of this bronze "David". The model Hart found was too incomplete to prove that it was the real model. But the bronze "David" found by BOSS David is different, this is a complete bronze David."

Yang Jing smiled and nodded. The older David was, the higher his EQ was, which was far beyond what he had in his youth.

"David is right. In fact, I have already done this, but because I cannot get the three-dimensional data of the marble "David", I haven't done the final comparison. However, when I After the opening of the museum and the news of the bronze "David" is revealed, the administrators of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence will lose their composure."

Henry smiled and said, "Yes, they will definitely come to the door on their own initiative."

Then, when Henry and David saw the other two bronze statues, even David said: "Boss, in fact, there is no need to identify the bronze "David" just now. , the true identity of the bronze "David" just now is irrefutable."

Henry looked excitedly at the bronze "Discus Thrower" in front of him, speechless for a long time.Everyone knows that the existing "Discus Thrower" is an imitation, and the real "Discus Thrower" is a bronze sculpture.The artistic value of "The Discus Thrower" is definitely not inferior to that of "David". The second, and the "Venus with a Broken Arm" was only the third!
If this bronze "Discus Thrower" is the authentic work of Master Myron, then the sensation caused will be even higher than that of the bronze "David"!
As for the bronze "Portrait of a Child Holding a Goose", it is considered by many to be a treasure enough to be listed as one of the top ten sculptures in the world!
If only one of these three bronze sculptures appeared, perhaps the authenticity of this sculpture would still be controversial.However, these three bronze sculptures appeared at the same time, and they were all discovered from the treasures of the last tsar, so the authenticity of these three bronze sculptures almost does not need to be identified.

What shocked Henry David even more was that these three bronze sculptures were not the only ones exhibited in this "Western Art Hall".

Just looking at the oil paintings hanging on the wall is enough to make the two of them speechless again.

Could it be that those two oil paintings hanging side by side behind the bulletproof glass are the authentic works of Leonardo da Vinci's "Leda and the Swan" and "Portrait of the Sculptor"?If these two paintings are really Leonardo da Vinci's, then this museum will be really amazing.

What?There are also paintings hanging side by side over there. Could it be that they are really the authentic works of Raphael's "Madonna under the Tree" and "Madonna's Smile"?Both David and Henry were almost speechless.

ah?besides?Are these two authentic works by Ingres?Are these two authentic works by Cézanne?Also, whose painting is this?Christ, that Jesus, is that the real work of Rusburn?Could this be the real work of Monet?And this, could it be an authentic Rembrandt?
Oh Maiga, in front of these famous paintings, the paintings of Picasso and Van Gogh can only be regarded as the younger generation.
There are also authentic manuscripts of those famous masters over there, those European gold coins in the Middle Ages, those Faberge eggs that I have never heard of, those golden scepters, and golden armors.
Henry and David, who walked around in this "Western Art Hall", finally lost their legs.Although they have also visited the Metropolitan Museum, the Louvre, and the British Museum, they have never seen so many superb works in one museum!
It is no exaggeration to say that the top treasures displayed in this relatively small "Hall of Western Art" are on top of the top treasures collected by the world's four major museums.

It seems that in this exhibition hall, there are no treasures with a slightly lower grade at all, all of them are top-quality top-notch treasures
PS: Bow and thank "Very Lazy Fish" for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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