Easy Tycoon

Chapter 985 Resounding Throughout the Country

Chapter 985 Resounding Throughout the Country
On August [-]th, there are three days before the opening of the Grand Canal Museum.

At [-] o'clock in the evening on this day, in the "National News" program broadcast by the national TV station, almost all the people in China saw a piece of shocking news.

"Mr. Yang Jing, a famous collector in my country, recently donated four sets of top-level treasures to the country. Among them, the Jade Seal, which has been missing for more than 1000 years, is the most precious of the four sets of treasures."

Following the narrator's sound explanation, the Fang Chuan Guo Yuxi immediately appeared on the TV screens of thousands of households.The jade seal lay quietly on a small platform covered with red flannel, and the lights coming from all directions made the jade seal exude an inexplicable brilliance.

Because the jade seal is placed horizontally, the eight inscriptions carved with insect and bird seal characters, "Ordered by the heavens, live forever", are clearly displayed in front of all audiences.Even if the audience who saw the news today couldn't understand what those words were, it didn't stop them from being excited.

It can be broadcast on "National News", which is enough to prove the authenticity of this Fang Yuxi.This is the Chuanguo Jade Seal, the Chuanguo Jade Seal that has been missing for thousands of years!For a full 1000 years from modern times, the common people, princes and generals of China, as well as the emperors of various dynasties, have never seen this symbol of China's power again.

And now, the Chuanguo Yuxi, which has been missing for thousands of years, has been found!This is simply a big news for the common people in Huaxia!

"It is reported that Mr. Yang Jing found this Fang Chuanguo Yuxi according to a clue he got by accident."

Following the commentary, the picture changed again, and a calm young man appeared on the TV screen, "... I was the other half of the Luban box I found at an auction, and I opened the Luban box after photographing it, and the result was in I found clues to the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom in it. Finally, when I entered the tomb, I not only found the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, but also found that this tomb was built by Empress Wu Zetian for herself. Although this tomb was not It was not used, but inside we found Wu Zetian’s imitation of Dayu Jiuding and Qin Twelve Golden Men.”

Almost every time they saw this young man talking on the TV camera, they would subconsciously praise: "This young man is so young!"

The TV screen turned again, and the Xiaolangdi Reservoir appeared, and the voice of the commentator sounded at the right time: "This Mausoleum of Wu Zetian goes deep into the sixteen peaks of Daimei in Xin'an County, Luoyang, and the entrance is more than 100 meters below the water surface of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. .In view of the fact that the mountain is too thick, and there are some precious tomb murals in Wu Zetian's tomb, it will take some time for the tomb to be excavated after discussion by experts. Therefore, the Dayu Jiuding and Qin Shi The Erjin man cannot be transported out temporarily because it is too heavy. But the relevant state departments have arranged special personnel to guard the tomb."

"Although Wu Zetian's imitation of Dayu Jiuding and Qin Twelve Golden People cannot be transported out to meet the people of the whole country for the time being, Mr. Yang also presented another important treasure to the country, which is the BJ/human skull fossil lost in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War."

As the picture changed, four slightly ferocious skulls appeared in the picture, "After expert identification, these four BJ/human skull fossils are indeed the five BJ/human skull fossils lost in Yanjing at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War Four of the fossils, let's listen again to how Mr. Yang found these four BJ/human skull fossils."

As soon as the screen changed, the young man just now appeared on the TV screen again. "These four BJ/human skull fossils were also discovered by me in a sunken ship, which not only contained these four BJ/human skull fossils, but also some that were looted by the Japanese devils from China. Gold, silver, and stuff. Too bad, other than these four BJ/human skull fossils and the gold and silver, everything else has long since rotted in the sea"

If the disappearance of Chuan Guo Yuxi is a great regret for modern Chinese people, then the disappearance of BJ/human skull fossils is a scar that will never be erased in the hearts of modern Chinese people.

Chuan Guo Yuxi is too long ago, but the disappearance of BJ/human skull fossils happened 80 years ago, very close to now.Who wouldn't be heartbroken that such a precious thing disappeared so silently?

But now, not only the Chuan Guo Yuxi was recovered by this young man, but even the missing BJ/human skull fossil was also recovered by this young man. This is simply a miracle!
In almost one night, Yang Jing's name had spread throughout China.

Moreover, in the "National News" broadcast this time, not only did it introduce the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and the BJ/Human Skull Fossil, but it also added an additional piece of information.

"It is reported that in order to commend Mr. Yang Jing for discovering the Chuanguo jade seal and BJ/human skull fossil, the state has decided to put the Chuanguo jade seal and BJ/human skull fossil on display in Mr. Yang's private museum for one month. Yang Jing Mr. is from Tianqu City, Shandong Province, and his Grand Canal Museum will also open to the public on the [-]th of this month. On that day, tourists who come to appreciate it will definitely be able to see Chuanguo Yuxi and BJ/human skull fossils.”

"National News" is the most famous TV program in all of China. Its ratings are so high and its influence is so great that it is unrivaled in all of China.

Therefore, the news that can be published on "National News" is the most important news in China.But even for the most important news in China, except for current political news, every other news in "National News" can only occupy 30 seconds to 1 minute, and the news that can reach 2 minutes, That's absolutely big news.

And the news about Chuanguo Yuxi and BJ/human skull fossils that was broadcast tonight took up a full 3 minutes, which is enough to prove that the national TV station attaches great importance to this news.

The most important thing is, no one knows why, "National News" unexpectedly named Yang Jing's private museum for the first time, which is equivalent to making a super advertisement for this Grand Canal Museum for free.

People who don't know of course don't know why, but those who know the inside story will immediately pay attention to it.Because if there is no high-level intention, "National News" will never broadcast it like this.

That is to say, besides Chuanguo Yuxi and BJ/Human skull fossils, this young man is also highly valued.

Especially in the major national newspapers and periodicals published on the second day, including the most important "National Daily", they published information about the Chuanguo Yuxi and BJ/human skull fossils and the discoverer Yang Jing in the first place on the second page. information.

In just one night, the names of Yang Jing and the Grand Canal Museum resounded throughout China, and even many overseas Chinese knew about this young man.Even the news that Yang Jing's Grand Canal Museum will soon display the Chuanguo Yuxi and BJ/human skull fossils has attracted the attention of many people.

Of course, more people hope to see these two national treasures with their own eyes during the exhibition of Chuanguo Yuxi and BJ/human skull fossils.

Especially now that it is still summer, many parents are more willing to take their children to see the legendary Chuan Guoxie and the BJ/human skull fossil that has made Chinese people sad for 80 years, so that children can see the ancient civilization of China .

In this way, with the broadcast of "National News" and the publication of many national heavyweight newspapers, the whole of China became lively almost overnight.And the train tickets to Tianqu City from all over the country and the air tickets to cities with airports around Tianqu City became popular in just one or two days.

No one knows how many people from all over China will come to this small city on the day the Grand Canal Museum opens, and how many overseas Chinese will come to this city.
(End of this chapter)

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