
Chapter 109


"Muahaha! Y-You don't stand a chance! I'm far t-too strong!" (I)


Please, let this work.

I wish I could alter my mind to get rid of my stage fright.
Well, obviously I could, but since I fancy my personality I won't do such a thing.
I'll be honest, my acting skills are abysmal.
There's a reason why I was never allowed to play a role in a school play and it wasn't just my tendency to always nod off.
I’m hoping that my special effects will cover for me.
An echo for my monotonous speech, miasma, and tentacles to distract them from my erratic movements, and well, my black eyes should help with my stiff expression.

If I can make them believe that I'm the sole evil responsible here then they won't bother Eryna anymore.
I only have to prove to someone important that I can manipulate others and nobody is going to suspect her again.
She has good conduct and was here long before us.
If everybody can be a victim, she can be too.
And if it works then I'll also not have to deal with any responsibility regarding godhood.
Nobody is going to blame an evil demon for not being there.


"A-a monster!" (knight)

"Do something!" (knight)


The first steps with drawn swords toward me.
I don't want to control people, but I guess to prevent anything worse it might be alright to force their bodies to obey.

I'm reaching out with my hand and then activate the thought.


"K-kneel!" (I)


It's instantaneous.
The weight of my command forces everyone in front of me to the ground.
They're trying to resist it, cramping muscles fighting against the crushing compulsion from above.

It's not like I'm attacking their minds, I only overpower them, which is something that can happen when you oppose a demon lord.
That I'm abstaining from using tentacles to achieve this effect can even be considered a favor from my side.


"What are you doing there?" (E)

"Just play along. I'm getting you out of this." (I)


Now we're getting to the important part to redeem her.


"Oh, are you again trying to resist? Muahaha! A-as if it's going to work this time. I c-c-c-control your mind, your thoughts, a-and your memories! Th-they left you for so long in my clutches that you don't have a choice anymore!" (I)


Let's hope that part is going to stick.
I turn to her and with a dramatic gesture slowly move my finger downwards.
Fortunately, she gets the hint and lowers herself to the ground.
I wouldn't have wanted to force her as well.


Wait, I hope I didn't just huff in relief for real.
This might make them suspicious.
I need to cover this up.

With slow, exaggerated steps I walk towards the entrance.
The ones in my way I simply shove to the side.
I presume that this is more of some kind of gravity-force power instead of hijacking their bodies here.

As soon as I leave the dungeon one of the knights tries to slash me.
I guess black eyes and tentacles reduce a bit of the reluctance that should be present when you're attempting to slaughter a child.
At least I hope so for his sake.

Yet before the blade can reach me, tentacles wrap around it, then his arm, followed by the rest of his body, and subsequently, he's pinned to the wall.
I need to mention here that this is more of a reaction from my automatic defense system and less of a conscious action.
Also, it takes my all not to resort to fatal violence.
I have to establish this as a standing order and constantly reinforce it that the people aren't going to get killed.

Yes, they're going to be reborn, but in which dimension would this be a justification to resort to murder?
One would have to be a total sociopath to think so.

Though, no one here can appreciate my efforts.
They're just staring horrified at me.
Well, I have to keep up my act and show those wimps their place.


"Puny mortals, get out of my way, muhahahaha!" (I)


Instead, those valiant idiots charge at me.
I don't think I need to elaborate further on how that works out for them.
I know that my dark side assists, but while it's quite ruthless, it's not going too far.
Since I need to be convincing I won't complain for now.

After I leave the pinned knights behind me, I slowly make my way to the throne hall.
I need to make a big show, prove that I'm invincible, and I'll make up an excuse and vanish.
However, I need to say that I didn't think much about that last part yet.
But I was already glad that I could come up with something in the first place.
I'm sure I'll find something when the time comes.

Promptly another guy positions in my way.
He raises his hand in my direction and I see how the green lifeforce gathers around it.


"Vanish, you monster!" (apprentice mage)


It seems like Chiaki's training already bears fruit.
But I need to say this is quite dangerous.
I can see the inner workings of that guy and from my perspective, it looks like he's wrecking his conduits with his poor control over the energy.
With a thought, I bring his life force into balance before that guy explodes.
Though, I realize a bit too late that I just helped him to shoot an energy projectile at me.
However, it was never a dangerous amount.
A normal person might get injured but on me, that thing evaporates like a shallow breeze.

But I should do some honor saving for Chiaki.
She was working so hard on training these people.


"Muhaha! Did you really think that this level would be enough? What this wretched mage taught you will never be enough to overcome my power! I'm so far above you!" (I)

"Don't insult my master!" (apprentice mage)


Oh no, he gathers another one, this time more ferocious.

I need to act.
Within the next half second, I extend a small tendril that pierces into his brain and simply switches him off for the time being.
I absorb a bit of the chaotic energy and send him to sleep.

But now I have to go to the throne room.
I'm still walking slowly so they can prepare the welcome.
Apparently, they're all gathering at that place.

Naturally, I make sure to check on every single movement in the palace.
For example, I pay extra attention to Chiaki who is at this moment approached by a group of people.
I cannot distinguish them from afar but if anyone tries something funny against my best friend they'll be skewered before they realize they're not able to move anymore.
Yet it seems they're only going to bring her to the gathering as well.

Meanwhile, I also wrap up the few knights who are trying to get in my way.
I resorted to maintaining a small death zone around me.
Well, "death zone" only in so far that nothing is able to approach me within its limit as I instructed my automatic defense system that is still set on not-deadly.
This way I hope I can downgrade my impression to someone overwhelmingly strong instead of an all-controlling goddess.
My awareness also tells me that the servants and scholars either flee, hide within isolated rooms, or move as well to the throne hall.

Finally, I arrive there.
For the gawkers, I make a show by reaching out with my hand and letting the giant door open by itself.
Then with majestic steps and the help of some more miasma I make my appearance.
The knights circle me from all sides but retreat at my approach.
No one here seems very inclined to become my next victim.

And on the far end of the hall are the lord and the head scholar.
As well as a certain great magician who throws an overly exaggerated hero speech at me.


"Leave, you wretched creature! There's no room for you in this world!" (C)


Oh great, my best friend decided to partake.
That's gonna end in a huge mess.


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