
Chapter 110


Okay, I need to assess this situation.
Chiaki is standing in the center of the elevated stage where the throne is located, close to the lord and the elder scholar.
But what I also notice is that someone behind her has his sword drawn, yet I'm sure it's not for me.
They probably haven't told her but Chiaki is obviously mistrusted.


"What are you, creature?" (A)

"Muahahaha! I am the end of your hopes! The dark abyss that looms on the horizon! I'm bringing you damnation! To every single one of you!" (I)


They seem to be taken aback.
I guess their civilization was never truly challenged.


"Milord, this creature seems to be similar to the monsters of the forest. Yet it's clearly more intelligent." (R)

"Oh please, as if I'm comparable to them. I come from beyond the veil and you all are my prey!" (I)


Okay, now I'm sure that my dark side is helping with the formulation.
Even though I subconsciously begged it to take over.
Now Chiaki speaks up.


"Demon! What did you do to my friend?!" (C)


Okay, Iori. As ridiculous as this situation is, you have to stay in your role.
I guess Chiaki wants to give me a way out to get my character back into "the game".
The thing is, I have a certain plan and it doesn't involve my return to serving as a maid.
Rather she granted me a good way to advertise it.


"This sorry little lass? Oh, that one was so pitiful that it was a mercy from my side to put her out of her misery! Muhaha! She was so comparatively useless and over and over blamed herself! It was so easy to take her over!" (I)


While Chiaki seems to be surprised about my answer, she perfectly knows what the real situation is and that I'm only playing an act.
Nothing else would make sense and so I don't think she's especially worried.
But maybe I should message her.


  • "Chiaki, play it out. They need to buy that I'm the one great evil here." (I)
  • "Tsk, you could've told me beforehand. I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with my role. Also, we didn't even have a rehearsal." (C)
  • "Goddamnit, this isn’t a game, Chiaki!" (I)


With this I cut the mental connection, that Chiaki accepted far too readily.
I notice that I'm getting emotional and it's not okay to shout in someone else's head when they can't do a thing about it.
But now she can unfortunately concentrate on her acting again.


"Y-you took over my friend?! You monster! Give her back!!" (C)


She's maybe a tiny bit overacting, but I have to deliver this properly and shock these people, so they'll truly accept me as the big end boss I'm impersonating.
Fortunately, I have the perfect way to do this.


"Oh, my dear. You don't understand. Your friend doesn't exist anymore. It's just an empty shell! And since I already absorbed so much negative energy I don't require it anymore! See my true form and despair!" (I)


And with this, I turn into my demon form.
My legs raise themselves to their beastly equivalents, my fingers turn into long claws, the horns sprout, my ears grow longer, and my tail sprouts.
What isn't all too great is that this form apparently hates clothing.
At least they're gone.

However, surprisingly I now have a thin layer of darkness over my skin.
At least it makes me look more ominous, which while concerning is advantageous in this situation.
Though I worry that it might be linked to my dark side.
Even though that one does all the work and naturally influences me on a certain level.


"It's terrible!"

"We're all going to die!"

"This can't be happening!"


Chiaki has a complicated expression.
I guess most would think that she's completely aghast yet I'm quite sure she only contemplates her next line in this play.


"M-my friend! I won't forgive you! You'll pay, no matter how cute you are!" (C)


I have to give my all to suppress this facepalm and avoid falling out of my role.


"Ahem, and now I'll make you suffer and feast upon your souls! Muahahahaha!" (I)


"Oh no! You won't harm these honest folk any further!" (C)


Honest folk?
Is she aware of the sexual harassment incident with my mother?

Yet I should be more concerned right now about the light she gathers in her palms.
It's actually of an impressive intensity.
Something tells me she got stronger, or at least better at controlling.
Maybe teaching this stuff helped her to get a better grasp on it.

However, now I need defensive measures.
As soon as I have this thought, the darkness that surrounds me gathers in my hands as well.
I have honestly no idea how this works, but it's a strange sensation.
Apparently, my offensive abilities surpass growing tentacles everywhere.
A moment later, Chiaki releases her gathered energy at me and I do the same in return.
Light and darkness clash in the middle of the hall and illuminate it in a spectacle of twilight.


"Don't waste your chance! Support the magician!" (A)


The lord commander shouts and his subjects follow.
However, I need to say that it's bad taste to interfere in such an epic exchange.


"Stop!" (I)


With a thought I let tentacles grow around me to prevent them from coming closer.
They also help as a wall against projectiles flying in my direction.
Also, my hair loosens and catches all those that got through.
Meanwhile, I maintain a standoff with Chiaki's beam.


"I won't give up here! Feel the power of goodness and love!" (C)


She couldn't sound any more cliche than this, right?
I'm even sure she took that line straight out of an anime.

The thing is, now some of her apparent pupils join the fray and are shooting their blasts at me.
This is bad, as they lack both the control and energy to back up their attacks.
Or to say it bluntly, they suck at it and are putting themselves and others at risk.
Conveniently I have still a certain countermeasure.
Or rather someone I can count on.


  • "Kuri, please intercept the blasts and make sure they don't hit anyone." (I)
  • "Sure, mum!" (K)


Yes, Kuri was still merged with my shadow.
With a mind alteration for multitasking, I might be able to pull off a defense against everything that comes at me but manga and anime taught me well enough that this is the first step to develop a split personality.
And on that front, I already have more than enough.
No need to become wackier than I already am.

Fortunately, Kuri does the job as well as I expected.
Black tendrils emerge from my shadow and either get in the way of the blasts or shove people out of the way.
It truly looks like what one would expect from the final fight against the big baddy.
Though, I'd slowly like to get this exchange of killer beams over with.


"Give up, glamour girl! You're no match for me!" (I)

"I'll fight for them with all I've got! I'll never give up and never lose as long as they believe in me!!" (C)


She's clearly overacting here.
I need to talk her out of this.


  • "Chiaki, we need to bring this to an end! This can't continue forever!" (I)
  • "But it's so much fun! It's epic! I feel like I'm in a film!" (C)


God, is this a medical condition to be like this?


  • "Oh no, Chiaki! You're not going to play this any further." (I)


"Be gone!" (I)


And with this, I swallow her.
I simply let tentacles erupt around her position and suck her down into the ground.
Or rather my body since I can still feel her.
The people are naturally all shocked at this development.
And I admit, it's not a pleasant sight.
But I'm going to use this pause.


"And with this, the last of them is gone! You're now without any blessing! Muhahahaha!" (I)


I am glad that I was finally able to get them all outta here.
Now I only need a good excuse to vanish.
What could be easier than this if you wield overwhelming power?



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