
Chapter 112


"Did something happen Iori? You took much longer now than when you brought those two. And where is Chiaki?" (S)

"Ah, right. I've adjusted the time dilation, so now I was real-time over there. Please excuse me." (I)


Okay, first things first.
I'm bringing Chiaki back out.


Unfortunately, for this to happen I have to create a big enough structure to push her out of.
And it's a bit embarrassing to do that kind of body shifting in front of all the people I know.
Makoto, who is quite alert of me, his mother, who'd like to dissect everything that forms, and my own mother, who I just want to keep seeing me as her little girl.
Or at least not as a creepy, gross, flesh abomination.
You know, the small wishes.

However, I can't help having to form a large enough bulge with my body.
The usual cocoon simply serves this purpose best.
If Chiaki is right about how my teleportation works I might also be able to form her on the fly, but I really want to avoid actively putting together her body.
No, having it custom-made out of the cocoon is still prudent.

So I separate myself from the structure and guide Chiaki through a strand into the cocoon.
When she's properly settled in there I absorb everything else inside me.
Giant flesh hulls aren't suitable as a room interior.

And there she is!
Maybe a bit wet but overall fine.


"Oh my god! What happened!?! Where the hell was I!?!" (C)


That's actually a very good question from my addled friend.
I simply had to remove her from this situation.
Things went in a far too violent direction and it was the most appropriate chance for timely removal.

And since I swallowed her within the dream she had no place there anymore.
Logically, I had to store her somewhere else.
I probably could've sent her out directly, but I never did this before and won't perform this kind of experiment with my best friend.

One could say it was some kind of empty space within me.
Yet not directly empty, rather it's an at this point, undefined expanse.
Basically, the same where I stored the occultism club if due to its nature, it wouldn't be impossible to determine, quantify or even remotely pinpoint.

Unfortunately, with those knights and everyone else there, I was in a bit of a pickle so couldn’t directly care for her.
But nobody shall say I'm not learning from my mistakes.
I'll never forget and am well aware of the effect this place can have on someone.
And I'd never do this to Chiaki.

So, as an improvement, this time I placed her in some kind of bubble within what visitors usually refer to as tentacle hell.
The membrane might be thin, but it worked wonders to keep the tentacles at bay.


"Ehm, I kinda had to store you for a moment." (I)

"A moment! It felt like I was floating for an eternity in a dark place. There was a barrier around me with some pressure and movement on the outside, and... Oh my god, did you place me inside a uterus!?! Was I just born?!" (C)

"Sounds legit." (H)

"Iori, what did you do?" (S)

"What!? No! It was just a bubble! A bubble!" (I)

"A bubble made of flesh, filled with some strange liquid where I didn't have to breathe or eat, and regular contractions around me. Oh, and did I mention that I was naked in there?" (C)

"I, I have no information about that part." (I)

"And it was so boring in there. Nothing ever happened. Oh, while I'm at it, it was totally anti-climactic how you took me out in our fight." (C)

"Sorry, Chiaki, but I had to cut your finale short. And not only because they were willing to kill you." (I)

"They wanted to kill me? How did you get that idea?" (C)

"The general distrust and the drawn weapons?" (I)

"And what other reasons were there?" (C)

"Let's say that you have that effect on people to rile them up." (I)

"Peh!" (C)


And now she's pouting.


"So, now that I more or less settled everything I guess we can agree that there was no nefarious plot coming from my side, right?" (I)


I still want to appeal to the exorcists.
While I am not much of a fan of Haruna she might at least put a good word for me in her organization.
This would make my school life much easier.


"Sure. I guess nobody here believes you planned that." (H)

"That's an understatement." (M)


Sigh. I probably deserved that.


"But on the bright side, we made it out of there and remained unchanged. That's more than everyone else who got involved with your kind can proclaim." (H)

"That's a good thing, right?" (I)

"Sure. Your personal control might be lacking but there's still hope for our world." (H)


I'll take this as a pass.


"I don’t know about all of you, but I had a nice vacation. Okay, it got a little weird part-way through, but overall it was really fun." (C)

"Not surprising that you see it that way." (M)

"Don't know what you mean. I had the time of my life. Just sad that I couldn't take any pictures." (C)

"Sure." (M)

"All in all, I had a great time. Uh, you said something about time running weirdly? Which day is it?" (C)

"I checked. It's still Saturday, midday to be precise." (H)

"Ah, great, then I still have the whole Sunday!" (C)

"I'm also very content with this trip. It was an enriching experience. If you'd excuse us. I'd like to perform a check-up at home regarding possible side effects because of our molecular rearrangement." (H)

I guess that's an eligible reason.


"Makoto, are you coming?" (H)

"Just a moment, please. Sigh. Sorry, Iori. And also sorry for my behavior. Now that I could settle down a bit I feel better. I still think that your powers are disturbing, but it's not like I'm holding them against you. I know you're trying. Though, you could be a bit more directed. Or at least you should talk to others before doing something big." (M)

"Mhm. Thanks Makoto." (I)


I'm fine with this.
I know he means well.
And maybe if I ever decide to do something big, I’ll inform the officials first.
That kind of courtesy I should afford.


"Now come, Makoto. You need a check-up as well. And after that, I'm going to set up a training schedule for you. Outer gods know you need it. I thought the old geezers at the temple could show you the basics but now I realize that's not even close to going to cut it. It's time that I take things into my own hands. Time to stop wandering around for my research. This town is much more interesting at the moment so I'm going to settle down here for the foreseeable future. Beware, you old geezers! Haruna, the realm shatterer is back!" (H)

"Groan!" (M)


Did I just witness something like the end of peace in this region as we know it?
I'm shivering with all my tendrils.
Which is a very odd sensation to me.

Now only Chiaki remains here with us.


"Should I get you back home, Chiaki?" (I)

"Oh, we told my mother that I'd be gone until tomorrow. Seems like I have to sleep here." (C)

"Sigh, sure." (I)

"Oh, and I forgot my stuff over there. I need a new toothbrush." (C)

"...Sigh." (I)


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