
Chapter 113


After we discovered that it was still early enough we spent the remainder of the day talking about our experiences.
I was especially concerned about Chiaki who was another three days on her own in my world.
Yet it seems that she could easily keep up her cosplay during that time.
She taught some of her "students", as she calls them, the early basics of her magical manipulation and used the rest of the time to improve her own abilities.
And going to the beach, much to the dismay of her guards.

While it sounds fairly innocent coming from her to me it seems like her followers got almost fanatic about their 'master'.
It might explain why nobody approached her with less-than-pure thoughts if they were as protective as it seems.

But all in all, it seems she fared better than Makoto.
Maybe her power is isolating her against dimensional crossing sickness or something like this.
She also had much time to explore my world in detail.
Mum's report on the other side is much more mundane.
I'm feeling a little guilty that I left her alone with all those strangers for so long, but apparently, she was mostly doing her accounting job.
They treated her well during that time and she had enough free time to squander through the castle.

Well, until that little incident happened.
Who would've thought that she would be targeted by the younger knights?
I simply didn't see my mum this way!

At least nothing worse happened.
So much for the recollection of the events.

As usual, mum prepares dinner for all of us, yet I notice that it got a bit sparser.
Probably because of all the heavy eaters hitting our fridge.
Yes, I'm not one to talk with my tendency to swallow... well, worlds.
However, I try not to put a burden on mum.

During the meal, Chiaki suddenly speaks up.


"Iori, we told you what we did. Now what happened after you swallowed me in front of everyone?" (C)

"Ahem, Iori, what exactly happened after I left?" (S)

"Uh, do you want the full version?" (I)

"If you'd please." (S)

"Sigh. So after I got you out I discovered that I forgot to make time run normally, which essentially means that the others were there for three more days. And because I freed you from prison it got a bit uncomfortable there. The main issue is that they imprisoned that one maid who I kinda traumatized. And because I thought I owe her I tried to help her out in some way. My, in hindsight, maybe suboptimal solution was to make everyone believe I'm some evil extradimensional demon who mind-controlled the poor maid. Which I naturally didn't. Then things got a little out of hand." (I)

"And I helped!" (C)

"Sure, by super-dramatically exclaiming the situation as a final stand of good vs. evil. Well, then I swallowed her to bring her out, gave them a good fight, and lost convincingly before teleporting back to our living room." (I)


Mum didn't say a thing during my whole narration.
And this is apparently because she's simply too stunned to speak.

So we all wait till she has regained her bearing.


"So let me get this straight. Rather than coming out and revealing to the people that you are basically their goddess, for the fear that you might get hated for doing a poor job, you rather made them believe that you're the absolute evil they have to fight because you felt better with this image than the alternative." (S)


Said like this it almost sounds as if I made a mistake.


"B-but I also told them that they should be nice to each other if they want to prevent my return. I think this was pretty smart." (I)

"Okay, but do you understand that one can see what you did as an easy way out instead of having to bear any real responsibility?" (S)




"I'm with your mum here! I'm sure that we could've explained everything. Some of them were really open to my teachings." (C)


I really don't want to know what "Chiaki's teachings" entail.


"I don't have to hear that from you Miss ‘Great Magician’!” (I)

"Alright, you got me there." (C)

"What's done is done. I guess none of us really knows what would be the best course of action in this kind of situation. We can only wait for what the future brings." (S)


Mum resumes eating and I do the same.
Chiaki picks at her plate for a while seemingly lost in thought.


"So, the thing we should do now is discuss what we're going to do about your world, Iori!" (C)

"Ehm, how about forgetting it exists and leaving them to their own devices?" (I)

"Aren't they connected to you in a way that one thought of yours causes massive disruptions?" (C)


If she says it like this...


"Iori, I think we should discuss this topic. They're dependent on you and it doesn't sound good to ignore everything while you can't stop influencing their lives. It would be better to guide this place in the right direction." (S)


Well, she's right so far that even my emotional turmoil causes quakes on the other side.
I might cause a disaster and not notice it because I don't want to interfere.
This would be bad, right?


"Then, what is the alternative?" (I)

"Glad you asked, I already made a list!" (C)


A list?
She actually hands over a piece of paper.
Point number one on the list: More stuff.

I point at it.


"What exactly is the meaning of this?" (I)

"Oh, yes. I thought that it still seems to be pretty bland over there. The forest and ocean are nice additions, but some more points of interest in the vicinity would make it more worthwhile. You know, sprouting nature, hills, other maybe not monstrous forests, lakes. You know, parks and recreation. So that people can go somewhere and enjoy themselves." (C)

"Chiaki, do I have to remind you about what my real nature is like? Why don't we skip those steps and just start the demon invasion?" (I)

"Please, I don't mean anything uncontrolled. Just some properly designed landscapes. Parks and recreation, you know?" (C)


I shouldn't just tell her off.
She has a point.
Every little bit helps.
It's already a wonder that they survived for so long in total isolation without starting to kill each other.


"Fine, I'll think about it. What's the next point?" (I)

"Well, I thought that we should do something about the... Ahem, sexual guidelines. Something that prevents stuff like what happened to Mrs. Nomia." (C)

"I support this notion." (S)


Are we now a council debating the fate of my world?


"What exactly do you want me to do?" (I)

"I don't know. Can't you just send them a revelation? If something comes from a higher power they should be sufficiently impressed." (C)


I can support their point.
Preventing any sexual crimes from happening sounds like the right thing to do.
Yet this kind of law tends to get fucked up by the recipients.
Even in this world some people simply won't get "no killing" down.
If there would just be a way to prevent any misuse.


Sigh, there's no way to help it then.


Urgh, once more I'm having messed up thought processes.
The telltale sign of my supposedly dormant other self's interfering.


Which wouldn't be necessary if I would learn more about my very own nature, or at least remotely try to dabble into it.


Yes, yes, I'm an irresponsible existence.


If self-reflection would just show results.


Promptly I feel a shift.
From my side emerges a small tendril, grows, and a moment later my other me stays there, still connected to my body.


"Fine, seems like I have to partake." (I2)


This time she has slightly darker eyepatches, so others can distinguish us.


"Oh, it's you! Long time no see!" (C)

"Sigh, it's always such a hassle to clean the floor afterward." (S)

"Sorry, but I had to relay some information that I don't know." (I2)

"Don't you think as well that her manner of speech is confusing?" (C)

"One shouldn't judge something like this, Chiaki. It will only make the other party uncomfortable." (S)

"Right... To get straight to the point, so I can be on my way, there's no need for divine revelations or the kind. All we need is to establish new rules for my world. The rest will simply happen." (I2)

"Wait! You're saying I only need to order 'no rape' and people won't do it?" (I)

"Quite simplified, but essentially the answer is 'yes'. You're still not aware of the implications that this is our world. We make the rules. If one rule is 'gravity' then people won't detach from the ground and drift off into the endless void. And if you're saying 'no sex without consent' nobody will get 'ready for the act' so to say. The same can be applied to minors. And my personal favorite, automatic contraception if both parties don't wish for it." (I2)

"Contraception? You decide if people can get pregnant?" (I)

"That's the gist of it. It's what this power can do. Total control. Shouldn't be new to me, but apparently it is." (I2)

"As long as it's inoffensive. Preventing crimes from happening is nothing one can argue as something bad." (S)


It might be that my mum is still chewing on that experience.


"I get what I'm saying, but what about contraception? Should we really influence such a fundamental thing?" (I)

"We are what's fundamental! Our law makes reality! I can't understand how this is so hard to get. Just think about it, there are already so many, this is probably the most inoffensive population limiter we could think up. And it's also best for the children if it's ascertained they're wanted." (I2)


Why do I feel like my dark side is talking me into something here?


"Because it's the right thing to do! I'm only trying to get myself to do the smart thing." (I2)

"No idea what you talked about telepathically, but if you can make some rules that won't have bad repercussions then there's nothing bad about this." (C)

"If you say so. I'll hold you responsible if it ever comes down on us." (I)

"Aww, you worrywart!" (C)


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