
Chapter 129


Okay, somehow that demon managed to win everyone over.
Even if that already, in theory, sounds like the kind of thing you should avoid at all costs.
I mean, seriously, should we truly do as he says and craft the things he wants us to craft?
Considering that his current nature is basically about giving stuff out and making you later regret that you ever received it, this sounds like a truly stupid idea.


"What exactly are your intentions here?" (I)

"There's no reason for such scrutiny. I only intend to support you in your endeavor. Crafting items with a protection spell that links to you should work very effectively to protect my disciples." (D)

"Sure. You know that I'm aware that we didn't change your rumor yet? You're giving out knowledge, yet I'm still waiting for the 'demise' part." (I)

"Do you truly believe that being involved with you, being bound to you, won't classify as a certain kind of demise?" (D)

"You really think so?" (I)


I feel like some skepticism to this offer is only appropriate.


"Oh, let's say the rules are open for interpretation at times." (D)


This answer isn't the slightest bit satisfying.
Though, I shouldn't have expected a straight one from a deceiver.
He's basically the boogeyman handing out candies.
One more reason to take nothing for granted and at best ignore everything he has said.


"So, how do you make magic stuff now?" (C)


That is, if your name isn't Chiaki.


"Uh, I'd like to know as well." (N)

"Please, could we know?" (J)

"I'm not good at handcraft, but it sounds cool!" (S)

"Whatever. As long as I can occupy my mind." (Y)


Sure, the ability to create magical items must sound quite tempting to the average otaku.
Since I have unlimited powers I probably shouldn't be all high and mighty about knowing better.
It's not like I could say "I know how you feel, but...".
This simply isn't going to work and would be totally hypocritical.


"Ah, Nanako. I see, you took an upgrade. A very interesting augmentation that was put there in your mind. I'd be worried about how it might affect your soul in the long run, but I'm sure that the one who placed it perfectly knew what they did." (D)

"Augmentation?" (N)

"Of course! It can't be that you're not aware. Your lifeforce emanates an aura like that of a hedge witch in the 300th generation. Very interesting. Not only an innate understanding of the transcendental but also something that increases the soul's intensity. If I wouldn't know better I'd say you bargained with old gods." (D)


No, but with outer gods.
Any objections?!


"Could you drop that act, please?" (I)

"This instant! But I need to say, marvelous work. This kind of enchantment is already very close to what we're going to fabricate. I'd suggest we start with the basics. You know, there are several kinds of magics which work on the same principles but can be entirely different." (D)


If that isn't the usual nonsense explanation that's going to slowly drive you insane.


"Would you care to elaborate?" (I)

"Certainly! Curious minds are the greatest treasures! Though, let's get started. In the first place, magic is about the arrangement to convey an intent and power supply. As I said before, there are similar ways to go about this. Our outer goddess here, for example, can just bruteforce her will and create whatever effects she pleases. Yet the most common practice in this realm is to inscribe an object with patterns and infuse it with lifeforce. Maybe a bit boorish, but it works. The most simple and therefore clearest example for this would be talisman creation. The patterns on them work as a language to give the infused lifeforce meaning. Guidance so to say." (D)


That's it?
This makes magic seem almost mundane.
Almost like bureaucracy.
Write everything on a piece of paper and push energy inside?
That seems quite easy.


"I'd like to ask what governs the principles of these patterns." (J)

"Ah, Jounichiro. I see you looked a bit too deep into the abyss and are still not able to completely avert your gaze. I'll answer. Naturally, there is more to this process. While there might be different accepted 'languages' for causing an effect, those are less real tools for leading a discussion and more like a chemical setup to create unique effects and prevent everything from blowing up. However, the process itself can be varied in many ways by the crafter. To give some ideas about the variety, the materials may differ. For example, in many alchemistic recipes, one can forego spellcraft patterns and merely rely on the combination of certain esoteric effects. Yet at the same time, casting a spell on a concoction may just be what it needs to truly serve its purpose. There are no set rules, and at the same time, there are. How and through which powers those universal rules are coming into existence is probably out of my league. In some realms, they may not apply, while in others all of them do, and in even different circumstances they may spread as soon as introduced. Determining this special field in its entirety is a lesson in futility. The powers that operate might just be so complex that one could as well see everything as pure entropy. But that won't prevent us from trying, am I right? However, for the sake of practicability let us keep things simple for today and concentrate on the fundamentals of inscribing." (D)

"You make this sound awfully easy." (Y)

"Ah, Yoko. As snarky as ever. Or not? Not entirely at least. And never again. But no reason to fret. Being different doesn't equal to being whole. Though, it depends on who you're asking, doesn't it?" (D)


I don't like this guy.
Maybe he didn't do anything bad enough to warrant punishment, but the way he points out what I did to them as if it was their mistake makes him appear unfavorable to me.
While they possibly were partly at fault there's no reason to openly share one's opinion about someone's sore spots.


"I'd suggest you keep the personal things out of this." (I)


For a moment he looks at me as if he wants to say something about me, yet he swallows it down and just smiles at me in a most unsettling way.


"Of course, wake dreamer. To start answering your question, Yoko, inscribing in itself has so many little trickeries one has to keep in mind that I'm unsure where to begin. Maybe with the act itself. Why not? Especially what is used to inscribe the patterns should allow for a certain level of, let us call it 'magical conductibility'. Otherwise, it may not withstand the surge for the intended purpose and the lifeforce may either dissipate or, as mentioned before, blow up. And one shouldn't forget that the inscribed object itself should also be able to withstand a certain level of energy. Simple ink usually won't suffice for such delicate things. An easily available option might be blood, as it has a natural connection to carrying life force. However, also certain plants, some prepared alloys of metal, earthen resources of naturally occurring places with a strong spiritual connection, or even the powder from a once strong magical artifact may allow to be used for a decent spell pattern. Basically, everything that in one way or another offers a natural affinity as a conductor. One might draw at this point similarities to how magnetism works. Or not, as the debate is as aforementioned pointless." (D)


My head hurts.
Not really, but I feel like some capillaries burst and are getting renewed while my mind processes all this information in greater detail than I just heard it, drawing conclusions that far surpass the foundation I was given.


"So we need a conductor to get started?" (J)

"Uh, do we have to cut ourselves?" (S)

"Are you really going to chicken out here because of a bit of blood?" (N)

"No, it's just the act that's a bit... distressing." (S)


Yeah, at least one should probably avoid cutting too much.
Like in those films when they for some reason always have to draw the knife through their whole palm, probably damaging several tendons.


"Fortunately, for you, we have something even better. As our purpose is to create something that will link you to our dearest outer goddess here, it should be something coming from her." (D)

"You want my blood!?!" (I)




Was that just me?
At least the others seem to think so, judging from their disturbed looks in my direction.


"Naturally only with your permission, my lady." (D)


That curtsy was totally honest and not the slightest bit overacted.


"Does that mean you won't bleed for our cause, Iori?" (C)


That sounds like quite the demand to be honest.


"To be precise, any kind of essence would suffice. Of course, it's not like I have any experience with such materials, yet I can be quite sure about the effectiveness, considering the source." (D)

"Come on, it's not like you will even hurt, right?" (C)

"That's not the point. Do you have any idea what my blood can cause? My own experience leads me to believe along the lines of something like a terrifying nightmare monster." (I)

"Not in a controlled environment. The trick is to guide the power into the right direction before it runs rogue." (D)


There's nothing "controlled" about me.
On the other hand, I was the one asking them for their help, and I don't really want to go personally to all of the remaining five wonders.


"Let's say I'm willing to provide... your ingredient. Do you have a container?" (I)

"How about this ancient blood pot?" (J)


Sure, the things you find simply lying around, right?
I shouldn't be too surprised about what kind of stuff those "enthusiasts" gathered.
To my relief, I don't even need to injure myself to pool a small stream of my blood from my finger into this black ceramic vessel.
A thought is enough to open and close again.


"And now?" (I)


I want to finally be done with this.


"As you wish. Next, we need an object to enchant. Either a good conductor that can withstand the forces it connects with or something of esoteric alignment. Yet it should possess a certain supernatural durability if it isn't intended to be for one-time usage. For our purpose, something small that can be easily carried." (D)


Now everyone looks around, checking the room for anything that might qualify.
Jonichiro is the first to speak again.


"What about our name tags?" (J)


He points at one of those plastic tags one wears at conferences.
Is he serious about those things?


"Yes, that should work." (D)




"Seriously?!" (I)

"Yes. As the spell is supposed to create a link between them and you it's good if there's some personal connection. Names are strong bindings and something that holds it for so long is particularly intense. If they wore them for a while, even better." (D)

"So you're saying all we need now is that magical language and it's going to work as we want?" (C)

"Now, they still have to be supplied with energy. About this last topic, I want you to note that the lifeforce itself can also influence how well it might serve a purpose. Nanako's for example, is more inclined to manipulation, while Miss Sato's should work very well for healing or purification spells." (D)

"Uh, you mean I can craft spells to control people?" (N)

"Not just mind magic. All kinds of exotic effects. From causing certain impressions, over illusions to physical effects. Though, I'd dare to say there's a slight inclination to negative effects. Yet medicine and poison are so close together, aren't they? But naturally, this limitation can be overcome. It's all a question of the materials. In this case, this isn't even necessary to prepare further adjustments as a goddess's blood and one's own lifeforce make for a perfect link." (D)

"This is just so much at once." (N)

"I'm sure about this, but I think now we can finally get to practice." (D)


He writes something we are supposed to write with my blood on the name tags.


"Hey, how do I know this isn't some trick?" (I)

"I'm pretty sure your innate knowledge will tell you about what the pattern means and there's no reason to mistrust me." (D)


He's right.
From what I'm gathering from my weird instinctual understanding it means something like "protection".
Which is what I want.
But that surely won't change my feelings towards him.
However, we can finally get to the writing.
Surprisingly my blood doesn't do a thing while it's getting applied.


"Good. Now put them on and guide your lifeforce into them. It won't be difficult. You need to concentrate and at best imagine a flow from you into the pattern." (D)


They do so, and then, almost simultaneously their life force seems to be swallowed by the cards.
It's like gas drifting into liquid.
But then the unexpected happens.
Tiny tentacles erupt from the lines of the inscriptions on the name tags.
They writhe, stretch, and plunge into the chest of their respective wearer.


"Argh, that stings." (S)


Immediately I turn to Doreo.


"What did you do?!!" (I)


I'm pretty sure threatening darkness gathers around me.


"There's no reason for animosity. The created badges work perfectly. Just as intended." (D)

"As intended?! Those name tags are currently at it to grow into them!" (I)

"Wh-what is going on?!" (J)

"You don't need to be concerned. After all, it was a protective charm that now links you to an outer goddess. Now if anything happens the waking dreamer will be able to channel her powers through your bodies and in case of harm act with your souls as she pleases." (D)


I'm getting agitated.
He clearly withheld information here!


"You didn't say anything about how they'd be bound to me!" (I)

"It's working just as planned. If you didn't notice, I'm still operating on the basis of my old rumor. What did you believe would happen? That no consequences would originate from a pact-like this? An eternal oath on the lifeblood of an eldritch being. Things happened exactly as they had to. If you don't like my way of doing things, change it. I'll now take my leave. Goodbye and farewell. I'm very interested to see the end to this." (D)


And so, with a sudden black whirlwind, he's gone.
And we learn: Don't trust a deceiver demon!
Is now the appropriate time to say "I told you so"?


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