
Chapter 130


We all need a while to gather ourselves after what just happened.
I could probably find this guy again and punish him for this number he pulled on us, yet what would that change?
Just like this guy said, deceiving people with knowledge is his thing and he basically did just what we asked him to do.
And he is correct in that, when I turn my attention to the name tags, I can exactly determine their position and what they’re doing.
If I’m understanding this right, should any demons decide to annihilate the members of the occultism club, I can respawn them.
Not only that, but there's something like a connection now that tells me their position and, considering my former experiences, might be used to enact my will from them as a foothold.
With the problematic part being that apparently their souls are now bound to me.
God, that sounds so cult-like.


It seems I've got once more caught up in something very irritating.
While I should probably figure out how to disconnect this soul link, for now, I should keep it while they're doing dangerous stuff for me.
That bit of a safety net is the least I can grant them.


"Before anyone decides to take it out on me, I just want to clarify that I didn't tell you to do as the creepy demon cloaked in ominous shadows said." (I)

"Are you serious?!" (Y)

"Calm down, Yoko. At second glance, this needn‘t be bad. Now our dark lady is going to protect us. Isn't this right?" (N)



Well, I can't really say I wouldn't.


"Yes, I don't plan to let any of you end up dead. But could you please drop the title?" (I)

"Do you prefer something else? Doreo called you 'wake dreamer'." (N)


While that might be technically right, I kinda prefer not to be called anything that indicates that I'm more than Iori, their classmate.
Sure, a bit late for that, but I can at least feign normalcy, right?


"If I understood this right, this ritual allows us to avoid any kind of critical harm, or?" (J)

"For real?" (S)

"Please, don't go jumping from buildings only because I can theoretically patch you back together." (I)


It seems like this is an actual concern with this boy.


"I don't have a problem with this. If we go for 'the devil you know', I'd rather have her govern my soul than whatever else would happen to it." (N)

"Do I have to repeat myself?! This is only temporary till I can be sure the favor I asked from you isn't going to get you killed. You all have family, right? I'm certainly not going to tell them you died because of me and that's all there is to it!" (I)


That had to be said.


"See? It's better than with someone who has plans for our souls." (N)

"Heck, did you ever think we'd get to this real occult stuff? Our club feels real for the first time!" (S)

"Sure, nice for you that you're happy with the current state of things." (Y)

"Isn't your condition already getting better?" (N)

"The mood switches aren't as extreme anymore, but more frequent." (Y)

"Uh, that might be because it's oscillating towards the middle." (I)

"Damn, so in order to determine my future personality I have to guess from between my current extremes? Just great!" (Y)


I’d rather stay quiet here than tell her she doesn't have to.
Next, Nanako raises her arm.


"May I ask another question?" (N)


Well, it's not like they're uninvolved.
It makes sense to tell them stuff they need to know.


"What's the matter?" (I)

"I understand the issue, but it's not exactly a simple matter to make the whole campus believe in something so specific as a rumor on a permanent basis." (N)


Before I can answer Jounichiro chimes in.


"Darkdepictionsthrilledthoughtsraisingwhispersbeforethey'recaught!" (J)


Now glasses boy looks embarrassed.


"Uh... I wanted to say Naomi is right. We shouldn't forget about the students in this equation. If the rumors stop resolving about looming death they might lose their appeal. After all, it's often the challenge, the daring to say, that makes the students tell them." (J)


Hm, that sounds logical.
Seems like we have to think about a solution for this.


"Well, isn't this simple? We only have to make up something that still sounds thrilling. Something someone would like to look deeper into." (C)

"Oh, like with Doreo!" (S)

"I'm going to tell you this now and hopefully won't have to repeat myself. You are all aware that this guy's goal is to orchestrate your ruin, right? That's his rumor. He's giving out knowledge with the intention that it leads to your doom." (I)


They certainly should stop idolizing the evil demon.
That never leads to good stuff.


"Anyway, we should get started!" (C)


Did Chiaki just gloss over me?


"You're totally right! Then let's go talk to them!" (S)


God, two kindred souls found each other there.


"First, I want you to understand that you're only kindly asking for their consent for the upcoming rumor change. You're just going to ask them unobtrusively if and with what kind of rumor they'd be content with. They'll need to act up on those if this is supposed to work. Don't forget, the purpose is only that they don't murder, or permanently harm people, nothing more. If anyone of them is against this you're going to refer them to me. Don't try solving anything by yourself and urge, or worse force, them into anything." (I)


Just because I can restore them doesn't mean getting killed by a horror ghost is a pleasant experience.


"You heard her! Let us do as our mistress says!" (N)


That was uncalled for.
Yet I'm about to resign regarding this point.
Especially, as I'm still asking them for a favor.


"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." (I)

"Uh, I don't mean to appear brazen, but where would we have to go? We got some prior research done, but it would be better to get it confirmed and in more detail." (J)


Right, I should probably tell them the absolute basics they need to know for their tasks.
I was kinda reluctant to tell them until now as I'm quite unsure if they could really be trusted with being responsible for such knowledge.
Thanks to a likely very unnatural memorizing ability of mine I still know what Zika said back then about places linked to the wonders.


"Fine, now listen carefully. I'm going to assign you to your respective missions. With Doreo and number seven already being covered, there are five wonders we have to take care of, and I'm going to have you handle four of them. Sora, I want you to handle the track field boy, as you two are kinda alike. It should be at the old hut on the sports ground." (I)

"Alright!" (S)


It's a little concerning that he's so okay with it.


"Just remember, even if something happens you'll be safe. Just don't provoke anything, okay? No threats, no insisting. If it gets dangerous I want you to bail out." (I)

"Sure!" (S)


Fine, must be good enough, even if I'm not the slightest bit assured that he'll follow my instructions.


"Jounichiro and Yoko, please go to the toilet on the third floor and speak with Hanako. She's not too scary, so you should be able to handle her." (I)

"I'll do so." (J)

"Whatever." (Y)


Should I regret not having better subjects?


"Now you, Chiaki. You might talk to Kyumi again. You know each other, somewhat, and she already got a warning not to harm you." (I)

"Yay! I get to play with the mermaid!" (C)


I'm honestly more concerned about Kyumi in this pairing.


"This leaves the faceless nurse for Nanako. That one actually concerns me the most, as I believe she's number two in the hierarchy and correspondingly powerful. So please, be diplomatic. At the slightest hint of danger, you call me. Understood?" (I)

"Sure. That shouldn’t be very difficult. Anyone else got any questions?" (N)

"No, I'm good." (S)

"Thanks for including me!" (C)

"Two for one, I think we got the easy task." (Y)

"Probably because we can't do magic and are at a disadvantage." (J)

"You see, my lady, everyone is fine." (N)

"And where are you going, Iori?" (C)




"I'm going to deal with the charred man." (I)


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