
Chapter 136


After a totally normal and not the slightest bit supernatural trip back home, I arrive.


"Mum!" (K)

"Hi, Kuri." (I)

"Ah, Iori. I need to say I'm glad that you're back. I was starting to get a little worried and the kinda cryptic messages you sent me didn't help very much to soothe me." (Satomi)

"Ehm, would it help if I tell you that I was with... friends?" (I)

"First, you phrased this as a question, which concerns me a bit. Second, no, not really. Recently your friends turn out to be involved in rather problematic business. Which by no means, means I'm doubting your ability to choose your company. It's just... You know, a little bit less involvement with whatever is beyond the veil might be good for you at times." (S)


I'd like to retort, but the truth is, today I intentionally sought out a bunch of murder ghosts, dragged wannabee cultists into my schemes, and had Chiaki taking compromising pictures of me.
None of this speaks for my keen judgment or my sense of company.


"If it soothes you, I had everything mostly under control and somewhat in order." (I)


At this, Mum pulls her phone out and points the screen at me.
That little shit sent her the pic of us on the throne!!!

What's the chances that she doesn't recognize me?
Well, my hair being incredibly long and done up along with this dark purple eyeshadow and violet lips I had for the full intimidation effect should be slightly misleading.
Okay, that it's Chiaki sending this picture and that my face is somewhat recognizable even in this far, far, far more mature form might give me away, but on the other hand, I'm very sure that she couldn't even imagine me wearing a gown with such a deep neckline.


Nope, her look tells me she knows.


"I, I can explain this! I-it isn't what it looks like!" (I)

"You know, I'm a little bit past asking, but I'd like to hear your attempt at an explanation nonetheless." (S)

"I did it for a good cause! I-it was just very important that I looked like someone you should respect." (I)

"Iori, do I really have to tell you that your chest size and wearing this kind of... getup does not exactly make you more mature nor garner respect from most people?" (S)


Oh damn, I'm getting one of these talks.
Am I going to get grounded?


"I'm sorry. I think I just had this image from this one fantasy story, where the evil sorceress was a bit like this. You know how my body is! It always acts before I can think about it!" (I)


Hopefully, this defense will work.


"Sigh. I always thought that modern media is teaching you kids the wrong standards. You know nobody really looks like this usually, right? However, I suppose I can't blame you that your powers, which defy common sense, are going a bit out of bounds. Just... just make sure you're safe, okay?" (S)

"Y-yes, mum." (I)

"Good. Then get ready, I'm making dinner." (S)

"Dinner? Oh, wait a moment, mum. I prepared something." (I)

"You know, I don’t mean anything against you, but coming from your recent actions such an exclamation is slightly worrying to me." (S)


Well, yeah. I probably didn't make the best impression at handling my powers.
But I'm sure that this time it will be alright.
I move to the kitchen counter, prepare a box, and concentrate.

A moment later, a mix of flesh and dark energy gathers between my fingers.
Then, according to my intentions, something opens up and rice begins to rinse through.
Yes, I'm currently harvesting my field.
I have no idea what's the logic behind it already having grown to this state, but I can feel the plants' condition and won't question it. 

The harvest itself is kind of weird.
It feels like I'm plucking the grains individually, separating the shell, and channeling them all through some dimensional tunnel so they gather at my hands.
I'm sure I break a dozen physical laws by doing so, but according to Zika, this is basically the definition of my current state of being.
Whatever, I plan to add more variety in the future, but I hope it will help Mum if she doesn't have to worry as much about our food costs.


"See? I can do more than just flesh constructs." (I)


It's actually interesting.
Usually, my powers feel more like a flesh growth.
Like I'm spreading in the world, reshaping myself, growing to ever greater extents.
This rice is different.
It's not quite the same as myself, while still being a part of myself that I could claim.
Just like the "people" aren't just mindless puppets, but actual separate beings.
There's an important difference to this.


"Ehm, Iori, I don't mean to complain, but is this really safe to eat? You know, the way it comes into existence I'm not too sure about it." (S)


I suppose it's not a good moment to tell her that her half-demon stomach probably wouldn't be challenged even if it wasn't.
About me and Kuri, I don't even want to get started.


"Yes, it should be. This comes from my world, so it shouldn't be any different than the food we had there. If you want, I could fetch a coroka." (I)


Yet better from the forest and not from the fields.
That would mean stealing from the poor farmers.


"Well, if you say so. I mean, I think it looks fine. Let's see what we can do with this." (S)


I'm kinda confident.
Call it instinct or supernatural omnipotence, but something tells me this should work.
If it does, we can at least take rice from our list of necessities.
For this reason, I'm watching closely while Mum prepares the meal.
Rice with an abundance of side dishes.
It's nothing too fancy, but as usual, very decent.
Also, nothing melted into purple paste, which I consider a plus.

Eventually, we sit down at the table.


"I'm glad that we could all come together like this. I think we should talk a bit about your future, Iori." (S)


Why suddenly this topic?!
Everything was good a moment ago!
I brought rice!


"Iori, don't believe I will give in just because you turn this room into the inside of some stomach." (S)

"Oh shit!" (I)


I need to recede the flesh and tentacles!


"Wording, young lady." (S)

"Oh, s-...sorry." (I)

"Better. Now to get back to the topic. What do you plan on doing in the future? I'm rather sure by now that you won't take one of the usual occupations, like becoming a doctor or trader. At least not in the common sense. So you should maybe think about what you want." (S)

"Uh, I, I, I-" (I)

"Yes?" (S)

"Actually, I want for now that things stay as they are. I, I mean... normal." (I)

"You know, I certainly won't tell you to stop going to school. Just to be clear about this, you will be finishing! Understood? Good. However, I see issues in the long run. For example, if you want to go to high school, apply for university, or have a job. Though I guess the latter isn't too relevant anymore." (S)


Yeah, I suppose so as well.
Someone who can conjure worlds right out of nowhere, wherever that may be, has probably little need to make a living.
I'll probably go to the same high school as Chiaki.
Even if I'm only average at the moment, my powers should allow me to take any application test and Chiaki is basically already set to ace it.
Yet after that, university might be something I'd at least like to try out.
It's supposed to be one of those important life experiences, right?


"Do you really think you can go on like this? It's already a miracle that no government official knocked on our door yet."(S)

"I know. I get it. Just thinking about how the next family meeting might turn out is worrying me deeply. We don't even know how to explain Kuri to anyone." (I)

"Am I causing you trouble, mum?" (K)


I ruffle this sweet girl's hair.


"No, you're good as you are. No trouble at all." (I)

"Hm. It could be difficult to adopt her officially. Or send her to school while we're at it." (S)

"Wait! How about we try to get her into a school by using Zika? She can influence others' minds, so it should be possible for her to convince someone at the administration." (I)

"Didn't you say you don't want to play with people's minds?" (S)

"Well, yes. But it's different from really taking the decision away or forcing them. Zika just makes them overlook certain stuff. Like, for example, that we have no explanation of where Kuri comes from. I hope that's a level smaller." (I)

"We'll see. But you know, I can't just decide this alone. We still have to wait for your father to return. Which brings us to the main topic." (S)

"What do you mean? Why did you even start with this?" (I)

"Your father. He's going to return next week." (S)

"Wha- Really!?" (I)


I grow excited.
Times with Dad were always the greatest.
He would make sure that he was completely free for that time and we could spend as much time together as possible.
I mean, I was always too tired to do much, but we did the best we could.
Movie night, playing video games together, and on rare occasions, small tours.
It's been perfect holidays.


"Iori, with all the excitement plastered on your face, and other places in the room, I've got the feeling that you forget about a little issue. You know, a certain huge thing we haven't told him about yet." (S)


Urgh, yeah.
She's right.
I mean, at best he's going to freak completely out.
At worst, I might accidentally shatter his mind.
Though, I'm not sure about where exactly the limits for "the worst" lie.

Urgh, this train of thought is not leading me to nice places.
I should change my focus.



"Uh, sorry. But... he's really coming?" (I)


When Dad is out on his business trips he often won't visit for months.


"Yes. I just had him on the phone." (S)


Okay, now the anxiety catches up with me.
I mean, I'm a world-devouring monster.


"What did he say? Did you tell him anything?" (I)

"Uh, no. It's a bit difficult to even start explaining things. I guess we shouldn't confront him over the phone. He said he would like to be there on your sports day." (S)


To see me fail?
I guess no one is surprised that I with my previous condition never set any sports records.


"That's already next week! Do you really think he will come?" (I)

"At least, he said so." (S)


I'm not sure what to think about this.
I'm at the same time terrified and elated.
But more than anything there's one pressing question weighing on my mind.


"Are we going to tell him, mum?" (I)

"Well, I wouldn't know what other choice we have. I'm not going to tell him in your stead. I think this is your decision to make. But as I said before, you're not very proficient at keeping things a secret." (S)

"I, I understand." (I)


However, one thing is for sure.
Next week is going to be much more thrilling.

Did I mention, that I'm not a fan of thrilling events?


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