
Chapter 137


Tonight was kinda weird.

Not only because I spent a good part of it tending to my fields in my dream, which in my opinion kinda counts as a regular dream activity, but also because I can't help myself from feeling anticipative and at the same time totally distressed.
I can't wait till the week is over, so I can at least have a break after having dealt with all the issues that originate from my school.

However, once school starts I realize my terrible mistake.
Because Chiaki appears in front of me in her sports outfit.
The sports day is approaching!!!




As soon as I become aware of my slip-up, I stop the quake I caused.


"What are you freaking out for? Did you forget your P.E. clothes?" (C)


Essentially, I did.
Not like that would be an issue for me.
The problem is that today we'll spend most of the time dedicated to sports, preparing for another day that is dedicated to sports!
Seriously, as if the event itself wouldn't be enough!

Yes, I know.
What is so bad about sports?
You get to move around a bit, and it's not as dull as studying.
And with my special condition, I'm not even subjected to the negative aspects like exhaustion, muscle pain, or being short of breath.
The reasons for this are that my body can't grow tired as it isn't a real body in the first place, my muscles regenerate before any damage can even manifest while my nerves don't sense pain, and I'm not even breathing because I'm a fucking monster goddess.
The issue with this is, while doing better at studying is one thing, how am I going to explain my physical abilities?
Not only that, but I have to be extremely careful about my interactions with others.

After getting changed in the restroom, we first have to assemble in the sports hall.
I can also see some other classes with their corresponding teachers, while we line up in front of our sports teacher, Ms. Otsuki, who wants to say something.


"Okay, everyone! As you know, next week is our sports day. I want each of you to give nothing but their best. For this reason, we are going to train today with the other classes! We're all gonna meet up on the outdoor field. Do I hear a 'Yay'?" (Ms. Otsuki)

"Yay!!!" (C)


That was so clear.
The others join in mostly half-heartedly, but ultimately it's Chiaki who's the focus in these kinds of activities.
Usually, Chiaki wins half of the medals for our class since she's a cheat in terms of life force energy reserves.
But now I'm there as well.
That's what I'd like to say, but my current plan is to be as unnoticeable as possible.
It's already a small miracle for most of my classmates that I got far enough over my insomnia to even partake.
If I'd now in addition become a sports ace, this would raise unwanted attention.
But there's something far more grave about this.
My personal control over my body is shitty at best.
Whenever I push past a very vague line of effort, I'm at risk of switching into my demon form, especially with the body part that is most important to the corresponding activity.
That this shouldn't happen in a big event like a public sports day goes without saying.
I'm really starting to ask myself how I'm going to make it through this session!
On our way out, Ms. Otsuki approaches me.


"Hey, Iori. Do you think you're gonna be fine? If you don't feel so well I can excuse you. We don't want anything like last year to happen, right?" (O)


Oh no.
My dark past is catching up with me.

Last year, sports day had to happen during a particularly bad week of mine.
I was extremely tired for days, which according to Zika must've meant that I died over and over with my dream avatar, like in a bad video game while trying to defeat a boss.

Anyway, the result was that on sports day I was so through that any bodily activity was practically out of the question.
However, as it was my first year and Ms. Otsuki wasn't as familiar with my problems at that time I still had to partake.
Long story short, till today, everybody insists that I fell during running practice and fainted.
In reality, I probably only had a weak moment, somewhat clumsily went to the ground, and started catching up on desperately needed sleep.
I barely had even any scratches to speak of.

But now to get back to the present situation.
I'm almost tempted to take her up on this offer, given all the issues I have with attending.
However, dodging sports day without a good excuse is a surefire way to get the whole class against you.
Also, Mum said Dad would be there as well.
So I want at least to be present.


"I think I'll be fine. Recently my condition improved quite a lot." (I)

"Are you really sure, Iori? If you want, you could, for example, work as an auxiliary assistant?" (O)


I suppose Ms. Otsuki really wants to avoid last year's events.
Back then she probably got a scolding for letting me run in my condition.
However, being an assistant is like the worst job I could think of during this kind of event.
Staying the whole time at the same place, having to maintain the lists, or carrying the equipment.
In comparison, the trackfield sounds almost appealing.


"No. I'd rather partake regularly. I really feel better this year and am sure I can do this." (I)

"Sigh. Your fervor does you honors. I suppose that's the spirit. But if you notice the slightest thing, anything that feels odd to you, then you notify me immediately, understood?" (O)


Do black tears, instant flesh growths, and spontaneous switching of dimensions count?
Thinking about it, I would probably be a very interesting medical case.
I suppose my teacher just means well, so I nod to her before joining the others outside, and we all gather on the field.
The crowd is starting to get even more enormous, as the whole school is assembled.
It seems the respective classes are doing different kinds of exercises in shifts, while others are already building up different booths with activities one can apply for.


"Alright! Listen carefully! We'll start first with a little warm-up run to loosen your stiff muscles. Once this is done you're all going to apply to the stations you're interested in. Also, this year there won't be a class competition. You can still win personal medals for yourself, but the groups you're with will be put together at the respective booths." (O)


The last part causes a bit of an uproar.
Which isn't too surprising, as for some, the class competition is what this day is about.
Yet it seems like some of the organizers think that this creates an unhealthy environment and would rather focus on teamplay in less-rigid teams.
As we move onto the track, some of the girls begin chatting.


"To think they'd really do that."

"That was so clear after last year."

"But it's so unfair! Our class would've won!"

"Maybe, but certainly not because of you."

"Hey, that was uncalled for!"

"This all looks like all fun! The booths are so interesting!" (C)

"At least the sleeper can't drag us down."

"You're right. I really thought she'd again dodge this one."


Do I make such an easy target for my classmates?
Probably, as I didn't have the energy to bother with a response.
Especially the "cool kids" like Shiromi Hirana, or Konoe Ajano, school beauty and fitness freak respectively.


"What else would you expect from the sleeper? At least I hope she's not going to drag us down!" (Sh)

"Didn't they abandon the class points system this year?"

"Doesn't matter! She's still going to make us look bad! Others will be trying hard while she's slacking off!" (K)


The one currently running behind me, spouting this sports elitist bullshit is Konoe.
Captain of the track and field club and our class' sports ace besides Chiaki.
While Chiaki, as we've all confirmed by now, just cheats, Konoe is more of a hard worker character.
This would be an admirable trait if it wouldn't also lead to her looking down on those she considers "lazy losers".
Unsurprisingly, this meant my past lethargic self didn't get along that well with her.


"Please, I don't want you to get caught by the teacher for bullying again."


This voice of reason, on the other side, is Tora Minosuke, captain of the soccer team.
He's one of those super famous kids who make a thing of being down to earth while never engaging in any activity that might lower their reputation.
While not outright bullying those on the lower parts of the social ladder, I never saw him interact with anyone of those either.
I suppose he's going to become a politician in the future, with his knack for social engineering.
For this reason, I'm rather sure he only speaks up in my favor to look like the good guy and avoid repercussions.
Though, as I said, he's no outright bully, so it's not too much to hold against him.

In general, I wouldn't say that bullying is really a thing in my class.
Maybe some harsh words here and there, but nothing on the regular.
I'm certainly not one of those protagonists with an oh-so-difficult childhood.
Even though, some are at least closing in on the border.

Particularly with Shiromi, I'm quite sure that it was her who started this weird nickname, the sleeper.
As if insomnia would be such a fun thing!
Well, apparently it wasn't all that entertaining as they didn't get much of a reaction from my tired, unresponsive self and eventually started to ignore me.
Also, it never got much past that, so it's not like I'm holding a grudge.
However, the nickname stuck.
If they'd just know how well it applies now.


"Hey! That's not nice! Iori fainted back then! She gave her all till she couldn't anymore!" (C)


Oh please, Chiaki!
Don't raise their attention!


"What are you barging in for? You're totally biased on this, Chiaki, and as such, totally unfit to join in on this discussion." (K)

"You're just moping because you lost to me last year!" (C)


She doesn't have much to retort to this.
In my opinion, this was a kinda low blow from Chiaki, as nobody can compete with her.
The only reason why she has no sports career yet is that she doesn't join any clubs and declines all offers.
Though, I'd like to add that she cheats.
Especially now, with her apparently rediscovered powers!
I still vividly remember how she jumped three meters up in the air without any preparation.
How is anybody supposed to compete with this?
Others train to achieve results and show real effort, but superpowers make any kind of sportly comparison ridiculous.
At least that excess of lifeforce of hers is very much akin to doping.


"That's quite enough! Don't waste your breath just yet. You'll still need it later on." (O)


Well, I'm glad I didn't have to join this conversation and could just stay uninvolved.
After all, there's enough other stuff waiting for me that's going to be really bothersome.


I really had to fight with this chapter. Basically, it marks the real start of the sports day arc. However, as I had back then totally no idea how the day would exactly play out it was stupidly difficult to write the preparation days before as well. This one here I had to rewrite from scratch around three times. So you can blame this one for the hiatus back then. Here it started.
However, now I got better. The whole thing is played out in a for me satisfying way.

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