
Chapter 147


- Olea -


After a reasonably short travel time, we arrive at the first waypoint.
It's unknown how it happened, but at some point, strange constructs came into existence in this area.
Nobody knows what their true nature is, but the scholars say they are some kind of plant able to arrange the ground around in a preferred pattern that keeps them flooded with water.
However, since the great cataclysm, the order of the scholars never came back to their old heights.
Since then, their insights became much shallower and less concrete.
It's said their source of knowledge became riddled during that time.
So one can't be as assured in their answers anymore.

Not as certain as I can be about my god.
In the first place, how they're growing frustrated about not finding the answers they're looking for at the first attempt is going against all of Aureas' teachings.
Success without effort is worth nothing.
It is the challenge that drives us to ever greater heights.
They lost this ability to overcome obstacles.
Thus it's no wonder that their order is in decline nowadays.
That doesn't mean that having no insight about this weird area with those hip-high plants makes me comfortable.
The water in particular is a source of concern.

Everyone knows about the things that dwell in the eternal blackness of the waters Oroi created during the cataclysm.
While attacks near the shore are unlikely, everything that passes a certain border will, without doubt, get ripped apart by the deep dwellers.
As the river directly connects to it, this is reason enough to be worried about what might creep below the surface.
Since they first appeared, the field they cover has grown by a huge margin.
I don't even want to think what would happen if they were ever to reach the village.
But as of now, this place only lies in the middle of our origin and our journey's true destination.
We are lacking the elevation of the tower in our home place, where the change in our world was first spotted.
But slowly, with each step bringing us closer, there is truly something to make out in the distance.
It grows the closer we come.

At first, our group was glad about being assured that there'll be something to find at the end.
Something about which we could report so our mission would certainly be more than a huge waste of time.
I had Aureas' vision to guide me, but as strong as my faith is, I couldn't help but feel the same assurance upon reaching confirmation. 
As grateful as I am that undeniable evidence exists that the words I heard spoke the truth, the mere point that I feel assured is proof that I couldn't take the revelation as fact.
It's proof that my belief is still too shallow.

Also, soon after the relief of confirmation, this feeling turned into deep trepidation.
This was because, eventually, the landmark we found turned from a point in the distance into an ever-growing, massive wonder.
We weren't even close when we realized that we were heading to a structure that even dwarfed our castle.
A mountain of some kind, but much more unsettling were the twisting lights around it.
Something is obviously up with this place.

But there is no turning back now.
Also, my great lord proclaimed that in these "Plains of Plenty", we would find an instrument of his will.
So it should be something good, right?

The steps of our group aren't exactly eager, but there's but one way.
So eventually, we approach this place.
Up close, its first impression grows even more bewildering.
The very ground itself changes color into vibrant white-grey, reminding me of someone who wasn't granted Aureas' blessing of color yet.
The mountain is the same.
Also, it seems like there's a gigantic bubble surrounding the whole area.
I can't help but be anxious about what would happen if I were to touch it, not to speak of actually passing through it.
But for some of the men, the earlier anxiousness turns into massive fear of the unknown.
Which is a problem.


"We, we can't go there! This isn't right! We shouldn't be here!" (K)

"Kalian! Shut up and get back in formation!" (O)

"But this is just wrong! We need to leave!" (K)


I draw my sword.


"Listen! You may die if you pass through that barrier, but you will, with absolute certainty, die if you walk now just another step in the other direction and don’t cease your obnoxious splutter!" (O)


What else would you expect from a greeny?
Gratefully, he decides he fears my sword more than the uncertainty that awaits us.
It would've bothered me to slay him for real.
However, defying our god is reason enough to do so.

Eventually, we reach a passage that is leading into what I suppose are these plains, as well as the bubble.
A grand, grey structure that connects both sides.
It appears to be stable and should hold our weight without strain.
Not that the river would necessarily be a deadly threat would we fall into it, though the armor we're wearing might drag us down.
Also, who knows what lies beneath the waters?

Right after the first quarter, the realm begins.
Even I show a bit of caution and first reach out with my hand towards the outer hull of the bubble.
I prepare myself for anything, however, no sensation is emitted.
It's just something I can see, but no matter how I move my arm, I can neither feel nor interact with it in any way.
Once I decide that nothing else will come from this, I brace myself to enter.

Aureas be with me!

I breathed in before crossing the border, and am rather glad I did so, as what I see next makes me hold it for long enough to be concerning if I hadn't.
The moment I stepped through the bubble's walls, the world changed profoundly.
The air feels soothing and everything seems brighter, so much so that my eyes almost hurt.
The ground below is even more vibrant, and the sky...
The sky...
It's blue!

How can this be?!
Why isn't the sky black?!

I start doubting myself.
Unable to look any longer at this cause of distinct wrongness, I avert my gaze and let it sway over what's in front of me.
At the end of the bridge, there are two life-sized statues on each pillar, but more fascinated am I by what lies beyond.
These plains aren't merely white, no, over and over plants seem to grow till the end.
But different from the forest of horrors, I don't feel unease from them.
They don't seem to threaten me in any way.
Most aren't even large enough to do so and lack the characteristic spikes and claws I'm so used to.
How did Aureas call these?


"Plains of Plenty" (O)


Could it truly be?
Is this maybe the instrument of his will?
A new place for our people?
New plants to feed our own?
A brighter world?
I would see no reason to ask for more than this.
A gift of such magnitude is truly fitting to its title.
"Plenty" indeed.

My subordinate knights are still behind me, the cleric besting them in courage by following through the border but being equally, if not worse, struck by the sight that reveals itself to him now.
Seems like I need to convince the others to come as well.

I decide to do so by simply walking back to them.
The border is still intangible and just lets me pass.
Nothing happened to me, which should scatter all possible concerns.


"What are you waiting for?! An invitation?!" (O)


With this, I turn back right through the barrier.
This should've got them by their honor.
Naturally, I don't make a thing out of entering this world that has such a different feeling from our own.
Maybe, for this reason, every single knight needs his time to collect themselves upon entering.
Eventually, all of our group are with me.


"No time to waste! Stop your gawking and follow me!" (O)


I can't allow them to dwell in their disbelief.
We need to proceed and fulfill Aureas' will.
However, when we try to pull the gramos in, it reacts especially poorly.
Demons are already aggressive under normal circumstances, but something about this place makes it completely lose any semblance of controllability.


"Get it out again! It doesn't seem to like the air here." (O)


Could it be that something about this realm is causing this?
Maybe it's not mere aggressiveness, but some kind of hostile effect.
As if to concur, the demon almost instantly becomes calm again once he passes the wall.
I point at one of my knights.


"You there! Guard the gramos. We'll probably need the provisions." (O)


After all, I shouldn't rush anything.
But for now, we can continue.
I gather my troop and we begin to finally cross this bridge.

Once we close in on the other side of the bridge, those statues become fully visible.
They look almost like people, yet with faces I can't compare to anything I know.
Also, those ears on their heads are really weird.
So long and pointy.
What are they supposed to depict?
I can't make anything out of this.
So let's just pass them.


"Greetings, weary travelers! You are welcome in our humble realm!" (Chiaki fox girl)

"Aawaahhh!" (O)




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