
Chapter 148


I can't believe my own eyes.
What I thought were statues are living beings.
I'm not sure if they're flesh and blood, but they're undoubtedly moving.
And the right one spoke to us.
This becomes undeniable when they jump down from their platforms and move, as a pair completely in tune, toward us.
Every single one of us grabs for their weapon.


"Why are we doing it like this? Now they're wary of us." (I)

"Because it has impact. Now back into your role!" (C)


What are they whispering to each other?
More importantly, how can they even be speaking!?
I don't understand!


"What are you?! Ho-how can you be talking?!" (O)


If I didn't know better, I would say that they're demons.
But the demons I know usually favor dark colors, resembling their wretched nature.
Moreover, they do not speak.
That is a gift Lord Aureas has only provided to the People.
Although it is said that the great evil Orio as well was capable of bewitching people with her words.
These beings, on the other hand, although they are clearly nothing alike us People, are so much brighter, almost shining.
Also, they don't savagely attack us as a demon would.


"Ehm, may I answer?" (I)


The left one is now talking clearly as well.


"What is the meaning of this!? What are you?!" (O)

"Quite hostile that one." (C)

"Quite!" (I)


What are they planning?!


"Ahem, we are the divine servants of the great goddess Soraja, who decided to descend into your world to help you prosper!" (I)


An insult to our divine lord!


"There is just one great god! Our Lord Aureas!" (O)


I grasp my sword harder, ready to slay these foul creatures, these seducers, this instant.


"Oh my..." (I)

"Let me take over, please." (C)


The right one again.


"You see, we are here on behalf of your great lord. This is his will!" (C)


Now they're spouting nonsense!
Where is this leading?

Before I can answer, Darril comes forth from behind me.


"What are you stating? How could any of this be our lord's will? You just stated that you're serving another deity. As unbelievable as this mere idea by itself is, it also contradicts your claim." (D)


Clerics, scholars, no matter what you call them, they're pitiful indecisive beings with their heads stuck in their theories instead of doing anything practical!


"No, no. It isn't contradictory. Your god requested ours to join his world so she may serve your people. So she agreed to do so." (C)


They're stating this calmly as if such a thing would be in any way thinkable.


"Re-requested you say? How? This can't be!" (D)

"Please, let me continue. As far as we are aware you already know that there are incomprehensible things behind the veil. Beings that seem to come out of nowhere into your world. Our golden light, Soraja, is a benevolent being. Your great god is powerful, so she submitted to him once he came to her and agreed to his demands." (I)


Golden light?
The color gold is only found in treasures, but not with my people.
Yellow at most, which stands for many positive traits.
Might it be possible that this is truly a positive development?
After all, Aureas guided us here.
Also, they indicated that this being serves our god.


"You say she submitted to Lord Aureas. How can I interpret this?" (O)

"The way we said it. Your god saw the good she would bring if she'd work for the benefit of your people. Soraja is a purely positive influence. She brings prosperity. Food, water, shelter, and every need is fulfilled under her shining guidance. All she demands in return is your faith." (C)

"Faith?" (O)

"Yes. To do her thing... Errh, to grant her divine blessings, Soraja requires that someone believes in her as their goddess. We hope that you good people may be able to do so and accept her." (I)

"But we believe already in our great Lord Aureas! Are you truly suggesting us to abandon him?" (D)


The nerve!

This suggestion alone is blasphemy!


"This won't be necessary. As agreed with your great lord, it will suffice if you can recognize her as a deity. Not as your sole one. Next or below him, she only asks for the bit of faith you can still spare. As long as you pray to her she will answer. Your god should have told you about this agreement." (C)


Hmm, can this truly be his will?
To share his position?
But if not, why the revelation?


"This sounds very benevolent from your side." (D)

"As is our goddess. There is nothing to fear. She'll even grant you an audience in her temple. This is a great honor, as not everyone can enter willy-nilly, ahem, I mean, as they please." (C)

"Your goddess would reveal herself to us? In flesh and blood?" (D)

"She isn't of flesh, but yes, in person. A compromise to disperse all of your concerns." (I)

"Olea, we should at least accept this invitation. We can't go wrong if we get to know as much as possible." (D)


Still a scholar through and through.
The same need to know everything and all despite the absolute truth our god offers.
So much for being a cleric.

However, I can't deny that investigating what there is about this so-called goddess is making sense.


"Then lead the way! Show me the true face of your master!" (O)

"As you wish!" (I/C)


They turn around in synchronicity and walk together before us.
I need to urge my men forward, almost violently forcing them to move on.
It's just a few steps over the bridge and we have stepped into this land of wonders.
Plants all around us, of unknown nature, and unknown use.


"Here you see an example of the things our great goddess can provide. She can help grow plants, and let your buildings flourish in never known splendor. With her as your patron, you will create wonders you couldn't even imagine before!" (C)

"Of course, still under your great lord. It is he who can awaken your true potential. But it is our patron who may guide it in the right direction. A perfect symbiosis that your people will profit from." (I)


So this being is knowledgeable about Aureas' nature.
How he brings the best in us to fruition.


"These lands are a first present of our goddess. You may enjoy it as long as you respect her boundaries. As that visiting her shrine on top of the mountain requires an invitation." (C)

"Which you have in this case." (I)


As of now, they're not asking for anything unreasonable.
Even being generous.
But if this is their true nature remains to be seen.
At least the mystery behind their ability to speak is now clear.
If they serve another deity, she must have bestowed the gift upon them.
Speaking of whom…


"So will you finally show me your goddess?" (O)

"This instant. Just follow us." (C)


Next, they guide us to the first steps of a gigantic stairway that winds around the mountain.
A red wooden gate marks the entrance of this path that will lead us to its peak.

Then the two creatures surprise me greatly.
Instead of walking up normally, they jump, without any preparation, higher than any man or woman ever could, one on the wooden gate, and the other on a jutting out stone.
All of us are slightly intimidated by the way they're positioned towards us.
Nonetheless, there's just the way up.

So we begin our ascent.
The two guides always jumping in front of us.
The way is long and taxing, but there's no way we'd give up here.

With shallow breath, we reach the summit and look at the most magnificent building we have ever seen.
It's a structure that seems like pure gold that rises in front of us.
Great walls, pillars, and a giant open entryway, while an ethereal glow casts everything in a golden hue.

The two guides take position on each of its sides and gesture at it with their hands.
Then they speak in perfect unison.


"Watch and witness, as our great goddess, Soraja, will now receive you!" (I/C)


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