
Chapter 149


- Iori -


I can't believe that Chiaki persuaded me into doing this weird cosplay performance.
I was the whole time completely on edge with how everything might fall apart at any moment.
It was already quite hard to maintain my expression once I saw that Soraja used the short time I was gone with Chiaki to cover the whole ground around the mountain with crops, decorate the path with Japanese-style wood pillars, and even plant mountain trees all the way up to the temple.

And she's telling me I overdid it by growing one tiny mountain.
Even more, it's a true miracle that we got so far without things turning violent, beyond the stuff that any present deities can actually accomplish.
Heck, not even I can do probability control!

Okay, that didn't come from me.
Or in some way it did.
You there?
This is my dream, so within it, I'm more likely to show my hidden sides.

Wait a moment?
Does this include handing out the VR Headset of Shapeshifting to Chiaki?!
In some way, yes.

Can I have a direct answer, please?
Do I not remember that I'm susceptible to any form of persuasion in my own dream? Once I hear about something that exists, I dream it up, and it comes into existence. That doesn't require greater logic.

Do I now need to worry that someone might propose a horrifically terrible idea to me?!

Am I still there?!
Damnit, my other self is on vacation again.
This means I'll have to deal with this on my own now.

So we managed to get the whole group up here.
Which was a very impressive feat, considering that I doubt that more than forty percent of the population in my hometown could make this ascent.
All that is left for them is to enter Soraja's temple, where she'll hopefully make a good show to sell herself well.
I mean, I know she has experience.
Though, on the other side that means her last gig was like a millennia ago.
Let's just hope she nails this.

The fearless leader woman steps now confidently up to the entrance.
Her entourage is not as into it, but from the looks of it, feels obliged to follow behind.

I become increasingly nervous when the knights approach the gate.
Before the woman in front reaches the entrance, light starts to shine from the inner chamber, startling everyone present.
Some are even about to lose it completely.

Oh right, those people don't know the sun, so rays of sunlight must have even more of an impact.
Damn, the first truly shining light ever must sting terribly in their eyes.
However, to her credit, the leader woman in front presses forward, against the onslaught of light.
At this, Chiaki and I decide to switch our position to the inner door.
From there, I see that the hall of Soraja's big entrance is cloudy, the fog filled with the smell of incense.

The moment the first of the group step through the doorway it begins.
Soraja not being the type to wait till everyone gives her the okay to get started.
The light intensifies, the smoke doing its best to catch the rays in its tracks, literally filling the whole room with golden light.
I also notice how some wisps dance around and at some spots the light weaves patterns as if living a life of its own.
The whole room seems to expand and move while we are lost in a world of light.
Well, those of us who aren't connected to the very essence of this world at least.

It's so overwhelming that Soraja's presence is only to be noticed once she speaks up.
Light and smoke gathering even denser around her than everywhere else.
So much that it doesn't just obstruct the view but truly becomes painful to look at her.
I don't believe anyone sees much more than a shadow of her.
At most, the occasional glimpses of her skin.


"I welcome you, explorers of the unknown, seekers of truth, guardians of your own. You overcame great obstacles to reach my sanctuary. Know that I mean you no harm. In accordance with the powers that called me into this world, I promise to play my role. So rejoice, as your journey was not for naught. I will grant you my blessing. Through my will, you will learn the true meaning of prosperity! This is my promise that all your hardships will eventually bear rewards. So live long and prosper, as this is the fate of your people. And I will ensure that it comes to fulfillment!" (So)


Soraja's shape recedes back through the door that is on the other side of the hall.
The moment she leaves, the light dims out and the room becomes still again.
The only thing that can't just cease is the remaining incense in the air that ensures that no eyes will dry anytime soon as ravaged as they are.


"This concludes your visit. I hope you had a pleasant time, you all!" (C)


Damnit, Chiaki.
They just got a religious onslaught of impressions and aren't about to leave a hotel!


"What was this?! What just happened?!" (O)

"You saw our great goddess! Truly a reason to be happy about!" (C)


Well, I'm not sure if "happy" is the right word to describe their current condition.
If anything, one can certainly say that Soraja's show had some impact on them.
This much I can gather from their inability to move again.


"What will happen now?" (D)


I may answer this.
Mostly because I don't trust Chiaki to stay on the goal if she's getting excited.


"You will return to your home now. Taking the blessing you were granted with you and telling your people about the things you witnessed. If you decide to call out to her, you will see that she will grant you her assistance. As this is the pact she made with your Lord Aureas!" (I)

"Also, see! She even gifts you some physical presents. May they help you prosper!" (C)


I take in the room and notice that there are truly gift packets in front of them.
It seems like Soraja intends to hand out temple souvenirs.
One thing in particular draws my interest.
A small stone effigy in her image.
Not entirely resembling her in detail, but held vague, depicted with long clothes as if to obfuscate her frame.
Just the thing to make a shrine with if I gauge her intention right.
Well, if this is her marketing strategy, it might truly draw more visitors.
So I should join in on praising her name to sell the message.


"May they help you prosper!" (I)


As the room is empty now and the knights have no other business here, they're not left with much of a choice but to leave.


"So we're just supposed to go now? After everything that happened?!" (O)

"You may return to the realm, but Soraja's sanctuary can only be visited with her permission." (C)

"Is this a commandment? How would she make that happen?" (O)

"She has her ways." (I)


So I say flatly.


"Seems like there is no choice. It's not like we can ram that door open." (D)

"I would advise against doing so." (C)

"I as well." (I)

"Looks like there is nothing we could do about this. We... can only return at this point." (O)

"Return?! After all we witnessed?!" (D)

"What else are you suggesting? Staying here until this door miraculously opens up again?" (O)

"I'm afraid this won't happen anytime soon. You are free to stay in these lands and take what you require to return home, but the door will remain closed." (I)

"May I ask... What are you? I never saw or heard of anything like you." (D)


That's something I'm asking myself so often with Chiaki.


"Sorry, but some mysteries have to remain. Otherwise the world would be boring." (C)

"Mystery? ... Hah! Hahahahaha! Yes. An answer that is just given is worthless! A, a challenge! Oh, Aureas, that might be it!" (D)


Damn, why is he laughing like a madman?
Well, just keep on smiling, Iori.
He's probably going to stop soon enough.

After everyone had some time to process what they just saw, the people realize that there's no point in staying here on the mountain and start their descent.
This leaves Chiaki and me to finally process as well all the crazy stuff that just happened.


"Wasn't this all totally awesome?! We just founded a religion!" (C)

"I have honestly no idea how you can just treat this like a particularly exciting event program." (I)

"Awh, you boomer. This was totally cool and everything worked out great!" (C)


I guess there's no point in ruining Chiaki's fun.
She's right.
It worked out rather well.


"Well, do you want to get back inside? I want to hear what Soraja thinks about this." (I)


Since this is still my world the door opens with a thought of mine.
We walk back in and soon reach the main hall where this light show was running just a moment ago but which is now just a wooden hall.


"Soraja! We're back! Everything alright on your side?!" (C)


Whenever she calls me like this I rather run the other way than to answer.


"Groan. I can hear you. No reason to shout." (So)


Something answers, and coming from the reply it can just be her, but the voice sounds wholly unfamiliar.
Besides the general tone, a bit more pitched and less stiffly refined.


"Where are you?!" (C)

"Here. Sigh. Let's just get this over with, please." (So)


Through the door on the other side enters some mix of fox and cat with a white-golden coat, its long, smooth hair weaving intricate patterns on the creature's body, and its little golden nose sparkling like a plump round bauble.


"What in every dimension's hell!?" (I)


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