
Chapter 157


Okay, yesterday was fun.
Well, as fun as things can be after interdimensional beings who seemingly stretch even beyond time were meddling with your affairs.
What I'm trying to get at is that I still had a very nice time with my dad.
Even if he might be under the influence of some ridiculous, reality-warping spell, he's still my dad and I'm glad he's here.

However, the next day eventually comes, and I need to go to school.
That dad is here is even more of a reason not to slack off in front of him.
So I arrive and settle down in the classroom, only to become aware that my situation might turn untenable, as stuff I'd rather put off to deal with comes right at me.


"Hey, Iori! How was your weekend? 'Wink'." (C)


Oh god.
If the truth wouldn't be so unbelievable, we would've gotten exposed a long time ago.
Since I developed a bit of a feeling for it after Zika's last coaching, I cast that look-away magic that she's so proficient in using, to avoid the results if Chiaki becomes any more explicit about the things we did on Saturday.
I know, I said I won't use mind magic, but I think something like this isn't over the acceptable boundaries.

Basically, I'm only maintaining my privacy without bothering anyone.
Quite the opposite actually, at its core.
Though, it leaves a foul aftertaste if I think about how this might be the start of a slippery slope that's going to lead me towards turning into someone sinister.
However, for now this safety measure is simply an essential necessity if I want to deal with Chiaki.


"Are you ever going to learn that we should avoid meddling, mentioning, or even thinking about that kind of stuff at school?" (I)

"Well, I'm not the one who's showcasing their void black eyes to the class." (C)


Damn, this might have to do with my usage of magic.
Activating my powers still undoes my cover-up illusions.
I really should work more on this.


"Anyway, I really don't want us to expose ourselves because of mere incompetence. So please try to avoid doing so." (I)

"As you please! But still, this weekend was great. Not to forget this headset! It's really awesome!" (C)

"You used it again?!" (I)


Damn, I need to maintain the distraction field a bit harder or the others are going to look.
Though, in hindsight, this explains why Chiaki didn't bother me on Sunday.
Yet now I'm growing concerned.


"Please, don't tell me you went to some kind of convention as a real-life fox girl." (I)

"Okay, I won't tell you that I went to the event at the mall as a fox girl!" (C)

"Chiaki!" (I)




"Okay, okay. No reason to shake reality. I didn't." (C)


She's making it so difficult for me sometimes.


"Not as a fox girl at least." (C)




A billion eyes, scattered through the dimensions, twitch furiously.
However, I suppose scolding Chiaki won't bring the desired effect.


"Iori, that's already the second quake in the day." (Makoto)


I see Makoto entering the room.
But the first thing that draws my attention isn't his exasperated look, but rather that I feel like there's something off with his aura.
It's still the same color and general shape, but it's as if the way the inner patterns swirl has changed.
Or rather, instead of swirling like a cloud they now rather seem to stream like water currents.

Should I mention that?
The state and especially any changes to one's soul seem pretty important, but at the same time awfully private.


"Also, what do you even want to accomplish with that mindfield? It's stretching all the way down the corridor!" (M)


Huh, did I forget to adjust the range?

Also, he's aware of it?
It's not like anyone is acting strange.


"Ehm, how do you know? Or rather, how come you're not affected?" (I)


As bad as it sounds, it's not like I made a list of people to exclude from this kind of thing beforehand.


"Seriously, the moment I came close I felt the tug at my perception. It's not even very subtle." (M)

"Sorry. I just didn't want Chiaki to blurt out everything we were up to this weekend for others to hear." (I)

"So that's what you did? You're getting good at this outer god business!" (C)

"God, Chiaki, please, don't make her get any ideas." (M)

"Like having Iori create a magical avatar creator for me? That thing is awesome, by the way!" (C)

"Yes... that's kinda what I had in mind." (M)

"But now you have to tell us where you were! And no excuses! I'm rather sure you weren't even sick when you missed classes!" (C)


Now that she says it, Makoto was always a prime example of physical health.
That is quite the reason for jealousy on my part.


"Sigh. My mum puts me through special training. She says that you two left me already so far behind that it would be irresponsible to leave me as I am, only waiting till things will eventually blow up." (M)

"Oh, can I join? I'm sure that would be fun! How about you, Iori?" (C)


With a deadpan face, Makoto looks back at her.


"No, it isn't. Also, what we're doing there wouldn't work on you. Mum said something about your internal lifeforce generators being too stacked, or... woven." (M)


So his training is about improving his lifeforce?
Like some kind of mana increase training?
Does that explain the difference in his aura?
I'm pretty sure that this is nothing you influence by doing sit-ups or squats.
Rather, this mad sorceress either had Makoto do something to himself that messed with the inner workings of his aura or did it to him directly.
Whichever of these two it is, I'm rather sure it would be a case for childcare institutions if it came out.
Soul alterations are nothing to be trifled with.


"Oh, too bad. I thought we found our new group activity. On that line, what did you do yesterday, Iori?" (C)

"Uh, well, my dad came back." (I)

"Is something the matter, Iori? I thought you would be totally elated. You always sound so positive when you mention him." (C)


I suppose that's true.
But after yesterday, I don't really know what to think.


"Well, do you know how it is when stuff happens that is just too much and you can't really process it?" (I)


Uh, why is Makoto staring so blankly at me?
And why is even Chiaki scratching her head as if she doesn't know what to answer to this?


"Iori, are you messing with us?" (M)

"Ehm, no? Yesterday was really a bit too much." (I)

"Never mind what would put an actual outer goddess off track, but the mere idea that we were not once at a loss when we got caught up in your shenanigans is speaking of pure obliviousness!" (M)


In hindsight, I might've worded this poorly.


"Sorry. But it was really a bit overwhelming." (I)

"Okay, now I'm concerned. Care to elaborate on what I assume might be the preamble to the downfall of reality?" (M)

"Oh, yeah! I wanna hear too!" (C)



Alright, why not?
It's not like anything bad can come from this.

So I tell them about the events that transpired yesterday.

The reactions are... mixed.


"Damn, that is a big thing!" (C)

"So to summarize: A supposed future 'you' just showed up in your bedroom, put a spell on your dad, and inflicted upon you a form of existential dread that given what you are may burst the boundaries of what our human sanity may be able to process." (M)

"I guess so?" (I)

"I don't even know what to think anymore. It seems like anytime I dare to speak to you it's revealed that something of even greater magnitude happened. Seriously, we are beyond any imaginable scope!" (M)


I kinda feel exposed.

However, before I can retort in any way, our homeroom teacher enters, which effectively ends our discussion.
While I probably could simply maintain the field for our talk to continue without him even getting the idea to disturb us, this appears incredibly asocial to me.


"Okay, students! I hereby inform you that in sight of the sports day on Wednesday, you'll all have practice during the last two units of the day to prepare. Club activities will be suspended for that time and participation is mandatory. Now with that being said, take out your books!" (Mr. Reko)




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