
Chapter 158


Sports day!
Why does it have to be sports day?

Maybe it's only learned behavior, because most of my complexes with it, which originated from my weak condition, don't apply anymore.
But still, I hate sports days with a fervor.
All this forced comradery, the exertion, the competitiveness.
Though, the latter I apparently can blame a great deal on the supernatural influences around me.
What bothers me most at the moment would be how much I need to look out to keep my body in check.
From "don't transform into a beast demon" to "don't jump further than eight meters" it's basically all a big minefield for me.

And this while others I'm associated with and whose actions therefore might fall back onto me just waltz through said field.
Seriously, this Sora-boy seems to have no environmental awareness.
We're currently assigned to do general fitness exercises that come along with the special stuff we were forced to sign up for, and the way he's honestly trying his very best is quite problematic if you consider that I enhanced his physical capabilities via a kind of innate body strengthening.
I wish he'd just notice that others are already talking to each other about the feats he displays.
Seriously, he has to know this!

Suddenly, Sora stops in his tracks as if he suddenly remembered something extremely important.
Then he confusedly looks around until he lays eyes on me and then questioningly points his finger at himself.
Why would he...

Wait, did I just talk to his mind?
I somehow think so.
I can do telepathy?
Huh, I know I can influence others, so it isn't too far of a stretch, but until now that never happened.
Otherwise, I would already be in far bigger trouble if any of my classmates could've heard my internal ramblings.


The badges!
I still remember how they carved into their flesh!
So does that mean this connection can also serve as some kind of telephone line to their minds?
Okay, enough about this.
I just need to prevent that he's drawing too much attention.


  • Try not to show off so much. I don't want the news here because you set a new world record in something. Also, I'm pretty sure that magical enhancements can be considered a form of doping.


Next, Sora grabs shortly for his head, then looks at me, and, although slightly insecure, raises his thumb.
Okay, coming from this reaction it should be confirmed that I can indeed telepathically talk to those who are connected to me.
While the way he's now actively avoiding moving too well isn't inconspicuous at all, it hopefully should work out.

With this, I can again concentrate on my own tasks.
Yet then an eye of mine points me at Makoto and I notice how he's moving somewhat similar to Sora, just in a far more practiced way.
Huh, could it be that he's really holding back right now?
He did say something about doing special training, but I probably didn't pay it enough mind.
I can't exactly tell, solely coming from how hard he's trying not to give it his all, but my instinct (aka my eldritch knowledge) tells me that it's not only a little above what normal humans are capable of.
I find this concerning, as he wasn't this fit not so long ago.
Just what did his mother do to him?
Or maybe made him do it?
I hope it's at least nothing morally problematic.
Yeah, I know, glass house.
Whatever it is, he doesn't even break out into a sweat while basically doing long-distance sprinting.


"Iori, try not to slack off!" (Ms. Otsuki)


While I admit that I was distracted by the paranormal findings around me, I can't help but feel slightly bothered.
At least, I fully get why Nanako apparently used mind manipulation to dodge practice.


"Yeah, no slacking off, sleeper!" (Sh)

"If she'd at least try to show some effort!" (K)


Do Shiromi and Konoe seriously have nothing else to do but to bother me?
Like spending their breath on running?
And right on cue, there's Chiaki.


"Not nice, Konoe! Iori is trying so hard!" (C)


I didn't ask to be hugged from behind by you, Chiaki!
Especially not while I'm running!
Or rather striding at a comfortable pace.
How does it even happen that all of you are here with me and deliberately matching my pace?!


"You're always taking her side and thus enable her, Chiaki!" (K)

"But she is trying! Really hard even!" (C)

"Then she has to try harder! It's pathetic how slow she is! It's clear she doesn't give it her all! Does she even remotely look like she's about to break a sweat?!" (K)


Oh girl, you certainly don't want to know what I would sweat out.
However, I'm currently thinking hard about increasing my speed solely to get away from this group.
But wouldn't that kinda prove them?
On the other side, running slower may as well aggravate things.

I'm sure Zika would now just use her mind magic to get out of this unpleasant conversation, but I won't.
For me, this is basically the prime example of when controlling others' minds is not justified.
In the end, just continuing as I am does the trick, as Konoe quickly has enough of deliberately slowing down to match me and the others follow.
Well, all except...


"Don't take it so hard. She doesn't know about your extraordinary exercises! Like that one time you were jumping from tree to tree as a cat." (C)

"Why are we even doing this? Isn't the sports day itself supposed to advance physical exercises? Why do we have to work out in advance for a day that is dedicated to working out?!" (I)

"Well, maybe so we can give it our best when it matters? Like you practice before a stage play, right?" (C)


Don't come here with logic, I want to rant!


"Iori! Chiaki! Stop dawdling there!" (Ms. Otsuki)


Damn, seems like that was too much.
Even if I need to say that this was mostly Chiaki's fault.


"Yeah, slowpoke! Try to actually partake for once!" (K)


She already did another round!?

I continue running, yet have to listen to an ill comment from Konoe each time she laps me.
I would even say that she's extra motivated to run even faster, so she can more often show up.
Kinda stupid if you ask me.
She even grows exhausted by the fourth time, but still doesn't intend on slowing down.
Can this be healthy?

There's this foreboding feeling I get that makes me look after her.
This is when I see the running boy behind her.
The ghost looks almost mundane in the way he runs among the crowd.
However, his specter-like glow gives him away.
While I'm still asking myself what he even wants there, I notice him approaching Konoe.
He's closing in...
And pushes!

Instantly, my mind goes into overdrive and the world slows down.
I should've known that this is what the boy does.
He causes incidents to exhausted athletes, which makes these look like accidents.

The way Konoe is falling now it might have severe consequences if she impacts the ground as she threatens to do right now.
She might be insufferable, yet it's not like I wish her to break her legs.
Especially, if I see the whole thing happen in slow motion.
But what can I do?
It's not like I can just grow some kind of flesh mat out of the ground.
I might be able to divert attention, but that has its limits.
How would anybody be able to ignore this?!

She'll get hurt and I can't think of a single good way to do something about this.
But still, I need to do something!


At this moment, I feel my senses spread through the ground below me.
Tiny veins becoming active, transferring a minor part of my consciousness, sucked along this path, directly below Konoe.
Oh shit, I'm going to do something!

I can't be seen!

I can't be seen!

I can't be seen!

Then I feel how I'm erupting out.
From my perspective on the sidelines, I see how translucent tendrils emerge, for the tiniest fraction of time grasp hold of Konoe, set her back on her legs, and retract.
Konoe looks perplexed, but nobody seems to react.
Did they truly not see this?

No, more importantly:
I can do invisible tentacles!?!
Never mind it being handy, this is utterly distressing!
I'm pretty sure not a single adaptation of this idea in media is a decent one!


"Hey, I had her!" (running boy)


Is he now seriously going to complain to me?!


"What exactly about holding back didn't you understand?!" (I)


He shrinks back but still wants to retort.


"Wasn't she mean to you? She's like one of those assholes who made me run! I had to! I can't ignore her!" (running boy)


As far as I was informed, the running boy was a kid who died from overexertion.
The details are a bit muddy, but the gist is that he wasn't the fittest overall, but was for reasons driven beyond the edge.
While his main targets are sports aces in an exhausted state, he also goes for others, as long as they show enough drive.
Yet for the latter, the consequences are usually less severe.
This tells me that it's a bit of a personal grudge.


"Just saying, I just want to get this over with. Can you hold back for the time being?" (I)

"No! I have to! This is my day! I need to make it matter!" (running boy)


And with this, he runs off.
Damnit, I'm going to be busy, aren't I?


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