
Chapter 46


Back on the ground, I'm waiting for Chiaki to make her plans.


"And now?" (I)

"We are in the tourist district. Let's at least stroll around." (C)


In her typical Chiaki-way, she manages to pull me along.
We walk for quite some time through the streets.
Watch the displays, smell the street food.
I regret now having no money.
Nonetheless, it's fun.
This might be my first really good day in quite a while.
Naturally, I text mum that it might become a little later.
She's fine with it.

However, it starts to get dark, and slowly I notice that more ghosts gather in all the nooks and crannies.
Especially as some very inconveniently plopping eyes point me at them.
Fortunately, no one pays attention and I'm by now somewhat proficient in quickly hiding them with more natural-looking movements.
No one but Chiaki.


"Woah, these eyes are making me shudder. If not for this I wouldn't notice anything is up with you. Well, and the lingering darkness around you but that's not as physical. Rather it's ethereal." (C)

"Please, don't dwell on this. It's hard enough." (I)

"Any idea why they have red irises?" (C)

"What did I say? Urgh. I'm not sure. Albinos have red eyes. There is some issue with a lack of this color-giving stuff in the body. So the eyes are affected too. Maybe my body just doesn't care enough to change this." (I)

"Explanation of demon physiology with Iori! Do you think we can make a show with this?" (C)

"God, please. Change of topic. Shouldn't we slowly get home? The ghosts come out." (I)

"I said before. Most of them just linger around. The dangerous ones are few. Also, most of them have to be triggered. You would need to directly speak to them. Which isn't too likely." (C)

"Yes. Haha... what kind of idiot would start a conversation on their own?" (I)

"Well, I was a child. Didn't know any better and couldn't differentiate between them." (C)

"Uhh, sorry to hear that." (I)

"Yes. Got me badly..." (C)


The mood is at rock bottom now.


"You know what would be great now?" (C)

"Nope, I don't." (I)

"If you would fetch us some crepes from the stall there." (C)

"Chiaki, I said I have no money on me." (I)

"Now come on, it's my treat." (C)

"I don't want to leach your money." (I)

"Honestly, don't be so strict about it. It's just a snack. We can do this or you're simply creating one for each of us." (C)

"Absolutely not! I'm not eating anything that's made of this stuff! Are you sane? Putting this into your mouth?" (I)

"You know, basically you're the same. Or I. But now come on. Go over there. Let's say you're paying me back by standing in the line in my stead." (C)

"Sigh, fine. But just a plain one for me." (I)

"Sure, whatever you prefer." (C)


She hands me the money and I start to wait till those in front of me are done.
I guess Chiaki overstated with calling this a line.
Just two groups of people.
Nonetheless, since the staff makes them from scratch it takes a while.
Eventually, I get our snacks and turn around.
And see that Chiaki is in trouble.


"Why don't you accompany us?" (ruffian)

"Sorry, but no." (C)


Three guys who I can only describe as delinquents are cornering her.
They grab her arms and pressure her to follow them.
An order which I wouldn't advise to follow.


"Oh, come on. Let us have some fun." (ruffian)


Honestly, it might start to get dark but we are here in public.
And while Chiaki is quite wild she looks totally decent.
Maybe her clothes are a bit short for this time of the year but there is just a white shirt and blue jeans.
And seriously, she's by far too young for them.

Yet that we are with other people is the reason why Chiaki can't just laser beam them.
Aside from the point that killing these guys might be overkill.
Anger flares up within me and I'm hard-pressed not to start some kind of apocalypse.
Especially when her pleading gaze meets mine.
Still holding the crepes I approach.

With tense voice, I say as calmly as possible,


"Could you please let go of my friend?" (I)


I earn at least their attention.


"Hey, is anyone of you interested in that gloomy one?" (ruffian)


Excuse me, but my eye rings completely disappeared by now and while my skin is still pale I at least look somewhat fine.
To say it like this, I don't see any need to make any adjustments which I surely would be absolutely capable to perform.


"She doesn't look too bad. But no, far too small." (ruffian 2)

"Nah, she isn't really my type." (ruffian 3)


At this point, Chiaki looks less like a damsel in distress but rather begins to pity those idiots.
If Kuri would be here she wouldn't hold back.
Anyway, I was at something.


"I said, I would like you to let go of my friend!" (I)


I try to sound threatening within the limits of not doing anything demonic.
Yet the fact that I carry two sweet creamy treats in both of my hands might impede this decisively.


"Don't bother us. Run back home and we'll let you off." (ruffian 2)


They laugh at this as if they made a funny joke.
I should enforce my point.


"Let my friend go!" (I)


Maybe my order was a bit demonic now.
I hope my eyes didn't change.
Yet I've got them to recognize me with this.


"W-what was that?" (ruffian 3)

"Is that bitch crazy? What was with that voice?" (ruffian 1)

"What's wrong with her?" (ruffian 2)


At least, I have now confirmed that I cannot control people.
Otherwise, this kind of order would have been executed without delay.
Well, now I have to make sure that no one gets executed in another way as I start to get a bad fit of twitchy shifts.
I can't have now eyes and tentacles sprouting out around me.
The other problem is that my hands are full.
While I don't really fear those guys after my battles with the demons and like this have no issues about getting into a brawl, I can't do anything inhuman.
This includes growing tentacles to teach them a lesson or to hold my crepes so I can use my arms.

Wait! Why am I even considering doing that?
Yes, okay I'm agitated but I really should stop even thinking about giving in to become horror's incarnate.
I'm an absolutely normal, average girl.

Fine, how do we do this?
At first, I need to get a hand free.
While holding my portion with my mouth isn't possible at this size and with the cream, I can just squeeze both in one hand.
Hope they won't get too damaged.
With my now free hand, I approach them with a death glare which I hope doesn't reveal my real, not existing eye color.


"What do you want? Looking for trouble?" (ruffian)


Careful boy or your hand might get pierced when you shove me.
At least there is this feeling inside me which heavily supports this idea.


"Iori, please be careful." (C)


This was less a warning about the risk and more an advice to keep them in one piece.
No, this wasn't an idea to mold them together!
Stop the disturbing pictures, mind!
Okay, first freeing Chiaki.
In a blink, I reach to the hand holding her arm and rip it away while avoiding to snap anything within the fingers.
It's surprisingly easy.
While this should still be a normal body the capabilities are at their limits since every kind of damage which might be caused due to overextension is basically negated.


"Argh!" (ruffian 1)


This should have hurt but nothing worse.
I'm still no violent person and avoid hurting people no matter how much they have deserved it.
Others can play the punisher, I'm fine with getting rid of them.


"You gonna pay, slut!" (ruffian 1)


He throws a punch and since I am currently holding stuff and deliberately avoid making adjustments to my mind regarding my perception of the world I cannot dodge it.
He hits me full force in the face directly below my right eye.
At least, I can avoid toppling down.
The point is, it didn't hurt.
Ever since I've changed my sense of pain became totally off.
In some way, I feel it, but it just doesn't appear as anything severe to me and is dulled.

Something tells me at this thought that if I want it I could make adjustments to again experience pain without restrictions.
However, I've got the feeling if I'd do this my next body shift might make me go crazy.
In fact, this is some kind of body destruction that would surely feel that way.

But back to the issue.
Since the punch had no effect on me, as any possible damage got undone before it was even recognized and I don't react in the slightest to this, I might look pretty badass.
Yet internally I'm begging my mind that these boys are so insignificant that this doesn't warrant any repercussions like piercing them with thousand needles and dissolving them into flesh sauce.
It's honestly a bit off-putting that I have to defend them like this.

However, I should do something.
I use my free hand and shove the guy who punched me backward.
It seems I applied a tiny bit too much force so that he's actually sent flying, landing first on his butt and then the back.


"Uff!" (ruffian 1)


I never said I would go easy on them.


"Die, bitch!" (ruffian 2)


It seems number two wants to avenge his "fallen" comrade.
This time I am ready for the attack so I simply intercept his strike with my hand and grab his fist.
The moment I clamp down it becomes impossible for my adversary to dislodge it.


"Let go!" (ruffian 2)


I don't really intend to as they certainly haven't learned their lesson, yet.
Instead, I squeeze.


"Ahhhh!" (ruffian 2)




Some not healthy sounds escape from the pressured area.
I don't believe that it's broken or I inflicted any different lasting damage but I should stop before this changes.
I throw his fist in his direction and the force is enough to propel him to the ground.
For sure he won't think about using this hand anytime soon.
I still maintain my death glare.


"Wha-wha..." (ruffian 3)


Number three seems to realize that following the other's example won't do him any good.


"H-how can this small girl be so strong?" (ruffian 1)


Hey! I'm not even this small!
At most average!
Everyone else here is just too tall!
Which makes it even worse that they targeted Chiaki who is exceeding my height and looks a little older than her age.
But this is just because of her abundance of energy.
Maybe I should have broken something?
However, I don't get the chance as with no will to fight they decide for the only other course of action and make a run for it.


"Assholes!" (C)


I agree yet one shouldn't shout like this in public.


"Hah, glad this is over." (I)

"Thank you, Iori!" (C)


And I get hugged.


"I said I would protect you." (I)

"But I am rather sure that was about demons and not thugs." (C)

"Not too much difference if you ask me. At least demons can't be held responsible for following up on their instincts." (I)

"I like neither. But fortunately I have my shining knight here." (C)


Someone seriously has twisted notions.
If I'm one thing not then shining.


"Shining knight? Any idea how close I was to eating them?" (I)

"Uhh, that would be gross. You might get a stomach ache. Why don't you rather take a bite from this?" (C)


She takes her crepe from my hand.


"Mhm. It's still not filling. But it's sweet so I won't complain." (I)

"Only more of a reason to eat slowly and enjoy!" (C)


We sit down on a bench close by and do as Chiaki said.
Even if her mouth is stuffed, I need to say that Chiaki is unusually quiet.
I know her, a full-mouth can't keep her from talking.
But then she does.


"You know, I've decided." (C)

"You decided what? Coming from you I fear about the implications." (I)

"Ah, come on! I mean, I was totally helpless just now. All my training was completely useless!" (C)


You mean that single day you spent on it?


"What would you have done? Please, don't tell me you wanted to laser them?" (I)

"Ehk? No! I couldn't even remember how to do this. But that is not the point. I need to be able to do something even if I'm pinned. I don't think demons play fair in that regard. I have to show more effort!" (C)

"What are you intending to do?" (I)

"I would like to go tomorrow into the forest and train. Maybe I could even try this body strengthening your demon friend mentioned." (C)


I'm getting tired of telling people we aren't directly friends.


"Okay, if you want." (I)

"But..." (C)


Oh no, I can see where this is going.


"What is it?" (I)

"Zika said that this might draw demons to me. Also, I wouldn't want to be completely alone the whole time." (C)

"So you want me to tag along while you're doing your cultivation exercises?" (I)

"It would really help me!" (C)

"Sigh, fine. For you. And for the crepe." (I)

"Thank you!" (C)


Today seems to be hugging day.


"And don't worry. I won't tell anyone that one can buy the great dark goddess with sweet treats!" (C)


What I've gotten myself into?




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