
Chapter 47


After that, we walk back to my home.
Since we eventually would go out together tomorrow she decided, Chiaki-style on her own, to accompany me back home and sleepover.
It was due time as it seems at late hours the ghosts become more active.
I'm a little bit concerned about these ghosts but Chiaki says we should be fine.
She has obviously more experience on that matter than I have.
I write mum a text to warn her in advance.


"What did you do?" (C)

"Informed mum that you're coming. Can't upset her more than I already have." (I)

"Did something happen?" (C)

"Sigh! Mum is a demon." (I)

"Wait, I know she can be quite strict at times, but don't you think that's a little rude towards her? She's usually very nice." (C)

"No, I mean she became a literal demon! Dark eyes, aura, everything." (I)

"What!?" (C)

"It was an accident! Really!" (I)

"Accident!? Okay, you gotta have to explain this!" (C)

"Just that apparently lifeforce and demonic... Miasma is what Zika called it. It's some kind of excess, they cancel each other out. And Kuri has rather much of this. So now mum works on miasma and not on lifeforce." (I)

"You mean like a car?" (C)

"I wouldn't use this example, but it seems so. It was an emergency action from Kuri, to keep her from... well, dying." (I)

"Do I need to worry? I don't intend to become a demon! Really not!" (C)

"No, no, you don't need to. You have much more lifeforce than the average person and you must be for a very long time very close to her, basically possessed." (I)

"And you?" (C)

"Me?" (I)

"You too are kinda demonic, right? But much worse in some way!" (C)

"I don't push smoke out of my body if that's what you're asking." (I)

"Well, no, but you did something with my body when you transported me!" (C)

"Something? What?" (I)

"You... Urgh, I didn't want to think about this! You... first you're getting swallowed. It becomes immediately dark. You know you are encompassed by this flesh, but can't break out. Then you feel intense touch. You think that your clothes might help, but they're not doing anything. The sensation gets worse. There are tentacles everywhere. They don't just touch your surface but go behind, yet without making it feel like an actual injury. More and more they are coming and take something. You feel less present and soon you are reduced to... Well, thoughts! Nobody, completely barren. I was scared this little rest of mine could be taken as well. But then I felt how I was reassembled. From the tentacles. They put everything back into place and I was like before. At this new place. In a new body!" (C)

"No wonder did you scream." (I)

"Right? Right?!" (C)


The quote "eating someone up" is getting completely new vibes, which I didn't want to apply to me.

For once I manage to get home without any incidents.
It might have been better to teleport us but there were always people around so I dismissed this idea.

But before we enter I stop.


"What is?" (C)

"You can see auras?" (I)

"Yes, we already settled this." (C)

"Right. Don't look too surprised at mum. I'm still at it to convince her that this demonization stuff is not too bad. With meager results. She's a bit conscious about this. So don't mention it." (I)

"How bad could it be? Let's get in!" (C)


Uh, she used the bell.
I have the keys, Chiaki.
And even if not, I could make them.
Why provoke a door confrontation?

The inevitable happens and I hear mum approaching the door, the click of the lock, and the quenching of our door opening.
And there she is.


"Hi, mum! We are back." (I)

"Ah, Iori. And Chiaki too! That's very nice that you..." (S)

"Woah!" (C)

"Ehm, hello too, Chiaki. Is something wrong?" (S)

"You said that she changed, Iori. But this?! She looks as if she's about to burst!" (C)

"Burst!? Why burst!?" (S)


Well, mum looks like she got another shove from Kuri.
While the house is mostly clean of smoke, directly out of mum it's oozing out in such extreme density that at some places you cannot see through without adjusting your vision.
Yet it doesn't leave her but sticks to mum's body.
Almost as if it's a part of her with a will of its own.

Lifeforce in general is more smoke that just drifts out of the body where it evaporates.
Chiaki is more like a brightly burning fire.
The moment it leaves her body, it's no longer linked to her, but rather the proof that she burns really well.

Yet this feels like some ghost that sticks to the body.
It doesn't leave her, even if it's out.


"Uh, how do you feel mum? Had Kuri another outburst?" (I)

"Well, yes. Why do you ask?" (S)

"You look..." (I)

"As if you went to the deepest depths of the underworld, slew its demons, ate them, and went out as if there's nothing about it!" (C)

"Chiaki!" (I)

"What?! She's completely enveloped by that stuff! Before I had my training that was exactly what I would have run from!" (C)


It's still not the nicest thing to say.


"Okay, you're saying I'm looking strange. Is that right?" (S)

"No, no! not in the slightest, mum! That's just because Chiaki can see auras too." (I)

"And ghosts, and demons! You, my lady, are a demon!" (C)

"Could you please stop insulting my mother, Chiaki?" (I)

"Didn't you say I'm at best half a demon, Iori?" (S)

"That's a big fat lie! You look as if you'd burst any moment from all that demons stuff! At best you have a human layer of skin around you!" (C)


Is it okay to feel betrayed by my best friend?


"Couldn't you at least a little bit try to help me out here, Chiaki?" (I)

"Iori. I think we need a talk later." (S)


Leaving this plane of existence suddenly sounds so much more appealing.


"And now your eyes turned black!" (C)


Why does she have to be so damn honest?


"N-no worry. You are still pretty, mum." (I)

"Chiaki?" (S)

"Yes, sure. Pretty. Terror and despair-inducing, but pretty." (C)


Mum massages her temples and looks at us.


"Fine, fine. I don't know anymore what to say. Come in. Go to Iori's room, grab some snacks, play with Kuri, whatever." (S)


With this, we head in, before mum closes the door in front of us because of everything we just said.
Or mostly Chiaki that is.

While Chiaki stays in the hallway I check if mum is okay.


"Sigh. How was your day, sweety?" (S)

"Good, I guess. It felt... partly normal? Some ghosts were around and my topics with Chiaki always drifted to weird stuff but still, relatively normal." (I)

"Well, I guess that's fine then." (S)


I get inside and naturally observe everything very carefully.
The smoke around mum is concerning so I'm a bit on edge regarding possible changes.


"How was it with Kuri?" (I)

"Well, she listens very carefully now to what I say to her and is very attentive and diligent. Maybe we should..." (S)


That's not like mum, to stop in the middle of the sentence.
She seems to be pretty unsure about whatever it is.


"Yes, what do you have on your mind?" (I)

"I'm not sure, maybe we should send her to school. It's not like we can confine her in here forever." (S)

"Are you serious? As much as I like Kuri and feel responsible for her, I don't trust her judgment enough to unleash her onto this poor and unsuspecting world. She has no common sense. Letting her close to other children sounds just irresponsible." (I)

"Isn't school the place where she would learn this?" (S)

"That aside, what would we say to the people who she is? Descendant of the demonic goddess is not really applicable." (I)

"I don't know. I would like to give her a life of her own, where she can be the child she is." (S)

"Mum, she is a demon. You know, this might just be her outer appearance." (I)

"We're talking here about Kuri. She's not the avatar of maliciousness." (S)

"Fine, I get you but I still see no way. Aside from playing with the right people's mind. And I don't want to do this." (I)

"Mhm. At least you have a good sense for morals. Maybe we can do something about this when your father is back. He has some connections." (S)

"God, I already fear to tell him anything at all." (I)

"It's not like we can hide it forever. At least Kuri's presence might raise questions." (S)

"But telling him? He will completely freak out! In the best case!" (I)

"Well, we still have quite some time till he comes back from his journey." (S)

"So it went all well here?" (I)

"Sure. I gave her some books and showed her how to use the TV. She's properly occupied." (S)


It seems like everything is still okay. Nonetheless, I should check if she's alright.


"I'll look for her." (I)

"Don't forget that we eat in an hour." (S)

"Yes, sure." (I)


On one side it appears kinda pointless to me.
Like a waste of food.
On the other, this sense of normalcy is kinda helping to soothe my mind.
I guess I should be glad.
Since Kuri is in my room I should prepare Chiaki before we enter.
The two had barely any contact yet.


"Chiaki, how are you with Kuri?" (I)

"Oh, your daughter?" (C)

"Don't call her like this. It's weird. I barely know anything about this, or her." (I)

"Pfft, I was just teasing you. Kuri seems to be nice. Well, I probably might think differently if she would hunt me down in the dark, but for now I'm good." (C)

"Good. Ehm, but don't hug her too intensely. Mum might have been a special case but your lifeforce is on a whole different level. This demon essence is apparently directly opposed to lifeforce. It wouldn't be healthy to inhale too much. (I)


Or we get some kind of violent chain reaction if two powerful opposing forces meet.


"You mean like cigarette smoke?" (C)

"Yes, Chiaki. It's exactly like cigarettes. If cigarettes would be demonical powers who may destroy the world and kill countless people." (I)

"You know, some say that's exactly what cigarettes do." (C)

"Can we please stop talking about cigarettes and look after the demon child in my room?" (I)

"Sure, can't have you neglecting your daughter." (C)


While asking myself why I'm still friends with Chiaki, I open the door to my room.


"Hello, Kuri. Are you here?" (I)


An eye opens in the direction but distracted by the fact that again an eye grew on me I fail to react in time, to dodge the jumping mini-demon.


"Mum!!!" (K)

"Ugh. Hello Kuri." (I)

"I still say you two look like family." (C)

"We are!" (K)

"Sure you are!" (C)


Now I'd wish I could retort in some way but since I can't without hurting Kuri's feelings I leave it at that.


Looking around in my room I find that the TV is on and some kids channel is running.
I am not too sure if this is the right way to educate her.


"Mum!" (K)


She's still hugging me.


"Did you have a nice day?" (I)

"Yes! There were so many interesting things in this box! Yet I couldn't catch them. Also, grandma stopped being angry!" (K)

"Uh, I guess we need to talk about the first. More importantly, don't call her grandma! Or her mood will right away go down again." (I)

"But what else should I call her?" (K)

"Why not mum?" (I)

"But you're mum!" (K)


Yes, sure.
Would've been too easy.
I really should do something about this family confusion.


"It would still be better. You can simply call me Iori." (I)

"Iori? That doesn't feel right, mum." (K)

"Sigh." (I)

"Is something wrong, mum?" (K)

"No, no. Just a little exhausted." (I)

"How?" (K)


I guess she means because my body can't tire out.


"Mentally. If many things happen and you have problems to handle them it's hard on you." (I)

"Oh! Can I do something to help you?" (K)

"That's sweet, but no. I just try to bring my life and this body into balance. All this demon stuff is really throwing everything into chaos. For example, I have still no idea how to explain to anyone who you are." (I)

"Am I causing trouble to you, mum?" (K)

"Oh, no! Please, don't misunderstand! You're really nice. I like you. It's just a bit difficult. But you're not at fault." (I)


Now she seems to be lost in thought.


"Maybe we can find a way. It's just complicated. I can't for example take you with me to school." (I)

"Don't I have to stay with grandma to protect her?" (K)

"Well, maybe. Regarding this. How is mum?" (I)

"What do you mean?" (K)

"She asks what is with her transformation." (C)

"Chiaki, not so loud. It's a hot topic." (I)

"But you have seen her! How can anyone ignore this?" (C)

"Normal folk can, because they won't even see it." (I)

"Still. She should be aware." (C)

"What are you talking about, mum?" (K)

"Just how normal my mother might look to other people right now. You know since you did this demon thing to her." (I)

"I'm sorry." (K)

"It's... not entirely your fault. I as well made mistakes." (I)

"However, do you think she will be fine on her own?" (C)

"That's no problem! She has enough energy for reeeeaally long!" (K)


Oh great, mum won't run low on demonic powers.
How assuring.


"How comes that she absorbs it like this? She barely has to be close to the smoke." (I)


Why is Kuri guiltily looking on the ground?


"Kuri, what have you done?" (I)

"I'm sorry." (K)

"Please tell me what you're sorry for." (I)

"I didn't want to have her at risk. I made it pull. It was easier. So she doesn't need me as much to stay healthy." (K)

"What did you make pull?" (I)

"Her being. That inside her. So it can get all the energy around her on its own and she won't run out." (K)

"Isn't this dangerous? What if she's full?" (I)

"Then she's full." (K)

"No. I mean, won't she feel bad from too much? Isn't there something like pressure?" (I)

"No. There's a limit." (K)


Good. At least something positive.


"At most, she will change her body to adjust." (K)


Why can't things just stay unproblematic?!


"Okay Kuri, I can't have my mother transforming because of your essence. And Chiaki is here as well. You need to keep it inside. Please." (I)

"Y-yes mum. Everything." (K)


Uh, it's this obedience.
I don't want to exercise control over her like this, but having her acting rogue would surely end up bad.
For me as well as for the world.

A little later it's time to eat.
All the food is already prepared and so we place everything on the table.
But when we're done, mum isn't there yet.
So I leave the room and search for her.
I find her in the bathroom, where she intensively inspects her face in the mirror.


"Is there really something?" (S)


I wait until mum seems to be done and address her.


"Hey, mum." (I)

"Whaahh! Iori!" (S)

"Ehm, I just wanted to tell you that we're all ready for dinner." (I)

"Oh, yes. Great. I'm coming." (S)


It might be better not to address her about this.


The dinner goes surprisingly well.
Especially concerning all the present characters.
Kuri has even developed, for her standards, decent table manners, and Chiaki can be very well-behaved in certain situations.
It's nice and the atmosphere is friendly.

After that, we go back to my room and do the typical sleepover stuff.
Reading mangas, watching shows, playing games.
Yet nothing violent because of Kuri.
I guess she had fun with that one driving game.
But she wasn't very good.
Well, me neither.
At next, we should go to sleep.


"Iori, I didn't bring a toothbrush. Do you have one?" (C)

"Uh, sorry. No." (I)

"No biggie. Just make one?" (C)

"You would put that in your mouth?" (I)

"I already said, my whole body might be worse in that regard." (C)


Uh, a very disturbing image.
I better just do her the favor and stop thinking about this.
I concentrate on my hand and the image of a toothbrush.
Immediately some kind of growth sets in.
For a moment it looks like this will become the center of some ground zero but then it grows back and I have something that feels like a common plastic toothbrush in my hand.
With a very questionable background.
I turn to Chiaki.


"Here, but don't complain if it tastes like coming from the deepest depths of the abyss. Cause that's probably the case." (I)

"You know, with this origin, it could be a legendary item in an RPG." (C)

"Yes, sure. The residues on your teeth won't stand a chance." (I)

"And if not you're making me new ones." (C)


She grins at me but this idea made me invested.
She wouldn't be wrong all things considered.
As far as I know, my own body is made from scratch.
And if what Chiaki told me is right hers as well.
This would mean that I could probably heal any kind of damage.
I just need her... soul, right?
I could prevent deaths.
Maybe even revive people?
This is quite much to process.


"Is everything alright, Iori?" (C)


Yep, it's too much at once.
The best course of action would be, just to stay with my current policy and ignore anything demonic that happens around you.


After that, she makes herself ready for bed.
Mum brought another futon out so that we have space for the three of us.
Chiaki doesn't know about my sleeping problem and for the sake of normalcy, I would like to keep this sleepover free from my issues.


"Fine, let's go to sleep then. I believe tomorrow will be an intense day." (I)

"As you say, my goddess." (C)

"This joke is not funny. Sleep now!" (I)


"Snore!" (C)


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